[cl-ncurses-devel] Question about installation

Day, Julian jcd748 at mail.usask.ca
Thu Jul 5 11:50:44 UTC 2012


I'm a total CL newbie, so my apologies: there's probably something very obvious I'm missing.  I'm hoping you can help me see it.

I've installed SBCL, Slime, and Emacs successfully.  When I follow the instructions on the project page on how to install cl-ncurses, I get some errors.

The (require :asdf-install) is successful (I think):

CL-USER> (require :asdf-install)

Next, I select a system-wide install:

CL-USER> (asdf-install:install :cl-ncurses)
Install where?
1) System-wide install:
   System in C:/Program Files (x86)/Steel Bank Common Lisp/1.0.55/site-systems/
   Files in C:/Program Files (x86)/Steel Bank Common Lisp/1.0.55/site/
2) Personal installation:
   System in c:/emacs/emacs-22.3/Julian/.sbcl/systems/
   Files in c:/emacs/emacs-22.3/Julian/.sbcl/site/
 --> 1

Next, it tries verifying gpg signature, and fails:

could not open a temporary file: No such file or directory
   [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]

 0: [SKIP-GPG-CHECK] Don't check GPG signature for this package

I select "0":

Downloading 23603 bytes from http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-ncurses/files/cl-ncurses_0.1.4.tar.gz ...
Installing c:/emacs/emacs-22.3/Julian/.sbcl/systems/CL-NCURSES.asdf-install-tmp in C:/Program Files (x86)/Steel Bank Common Lisp/1.0.55/site/,C:/Program Files (x86)/Steel Bank Common Lisp/1.0.55/site-systems/

However, when I check the two directories above, there's nothing there.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?  What's the manual installation process?  Please forgive any ignorance on my part; I'm a complete newbie to Lisp.

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