[cl-gd-devel] :do-not-draw of draw-freetype-string

Edi Weitz edi at agharta.de
Fri Mar 30 07:39:36 UTC 2007

On Fri, 30 Mar 2007 07:15:09 +0900, Jong-won Choi <jc at itsec.co.kr> wrote:

> When draw-freetype-string is called with ':do-not-draw t', I get:
> ----------------<START>---------------------
>  Condition: 0.05521739130434778 cannot be converted to foreign type
>  Call to CL-GD::GD-IMAGE-STRING-FT (offset 521)
>   CL-GD::IM       : #<Pointer to type (:STRUCT CL-GD::GD-IMAGE) =
>   #x00000000>
>   CL-GD::BRECT    : #<Pointer to type :INT = #x081E2778>
>   CL-GD::FG       : 0
>   CL-GD::FONTNAME : "/opt/Korean/fonts/UnBatangBold.ttf"
>   CL-GD::PTSIZE   : 10.0
>   CL-GD::ANGLE    : 1.5707963267948966
>   CL-GD::X        : 0.05521739130434778
>   CL-GD::Y        : 0.058695652173913
>   STRING          : "Number of Outcome"
> ----------------<END>---------------------

Could you please send a self-contained example that I can use to
reproduce your problem?  Also, it's generally a good idea to tell us
which Lisp you are using, which OS you are on, and so on.

> I think there was no transformer for x and y coordinates, and
> finally gd-image-string-ft was called with the exactly same x and y
> arguments of draw-freetype-string.
> I do not have this problem with old cl-gd (0.4.8).  Here is a diff
> output between 0.4.8 and 0.5.3(draw-freetype-string only):

I don't see anything in the diff that would affect transformations.


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