CFFI + asdf bundles

Faré fahree at
Thu Sep 17 03:29:48 UTC 2015

Here is a patch that will make CFFI play better with ASDF bundles.
This allows delivery with a single .so and/or .a file for all the
wrappers in a system, which can be automatically linked into ECL (and
in the future, in SBCL or other implementations, for application

Also, report for a bug, not fixed in the attached patch: compiling,
linking, etc., should be atomic, by using temporary pathnames;
otherwise, there is a race condition when multiple processes try to
execute a script that depends on a CFFI library. Recent-enough ASDF
3.1.2 provides with-temporary-file to help, and 3.1.5 uses it
internally for its own targets, but some implementations still lag
behind with ASDF 3.0.x, and ASDF can't backwards-compatibly use
with-temporary-file for you, so you must use it yourself.

This patch also drops support for ASDF 2 or earlier, because backwards
compatibility is hard, and not necessary: today, all implementations
provide ASDF 3.

—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics•
The least deviation from truth will be multiplied later.
        — Aristotle
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