CFFI + asdf bundles

Faré fahree at
Fri Oct 2 22:44:37 UTC 2015

> For cross-reference purposes, the pull request I'm talking about is at:
I've worked at it some more, as you can see in the pull request.

I understand you're busy. If you have time, please tell me at least
whether I'm on the right track, or if I'm wasting my time on something
you're never going to merge.

In the mean time, I've got a proof of concept of making static linking
work not just on sbcl, but also on clisp
(though sbcl requires a patch that isn't upstream yet, and the clisp
support is not expected to be portable as is).

—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics•
The most urgent, is not that Government should teach, but that it should let
teach. All monopolies are despicable, but the worst of them all, is the
monopoly on education. — F. Bastiat

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