[Cffi-devel] Bugtracker

Luís Oliveira luismbo at gmail.com
Wed Nov 26 22:13:51 UTC 2014

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 10:09 PM, Stelian Ionescu <sionescu at cddr.org> wrote:
> Github has a faster interface (it's a single-page application), one less
> site to use.

OK, sure. I agree this is a advantage, although I makes me a bit
uneasy to depend too much on a single provider whose software is
proprietary. (They do have decent APIs to pull our data out, though.)

That said, there's value in the historical data in the current
bugtracker, so a move to GitHub Issues implies a full migration from
Launchpad, IMHO. (A coworker of mine has a script that does part of
such migration. I've pinged him.)

Luís Oliveira

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