[cffi-devel] Re: how to build gsl dll

Reini Urban rurban at x-ray.at
Tue Feb 19 14:51:11 UTC 2008

2008/2/18, Luís Oliveira <luismbo at gmail.com>:
> On 18/02/2008, Reini Urban <rurban at x-ray.at> wrote:
> > Luís, cannot this be a bit simplified for :cygwin?
> > I've always have to do this.
> > "libsndfile.so.1" can be automatically translated to "cygsndfile-1.dll".
> > Unfortunately :cygwin is no define-foreign-library target, just :unix.
> Maybe. Do all cygwin Lisps push :CYGWIN onto their *FEATURES* like CLISP?

So far there is only clisp on the horizon.
cygwin packages exist, but not supported by cffi and so such feature symbols:
  scsh, bigloo, ecl, guile

gcl should theoretically work also, but I never tried that.

> Regarding the naming convention, I suppose we could add a library
> designator (or change :DEFAULT) that handles that. E.g.: (:lib "foo"
> 2) would translate to "libfoo.so.2", "libfoo.2.dylib", "cygfoo-2.dll",
> etc.

Reini Urban
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