[cells-gtk-devel] first steps

Ramarren ramarren at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 17:23:12 UTC 2011

On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 6:55 PM, Haris Bogdanovich <fbogdanovic at xnet.hr> wrote:
> System "cl-cairo2-win32" not found

As it tuns out, quicklisp does not fully support loading cl-cairo2
specific extensions on Windows. Additionally, I have no Windows-Lisp
system and hence have not tested cells-gtk on Windows at all.

You can disable the subsystem requiring cl-cairo2 by editing the file
which can be located with:

(asdf:system-relative-pathname (asdf:find-system :cells-gtk) "features.lisp")

and commenting out line which contains :cells-gtk-cairo . Then loading
the system with

(asdf:load-system :test-gtk)

might work, if the system is able to locate the libraries. I do not
know how CFFI locates libraries on a Windows system. Some adjustment
to gtk-ffi/glibraries.lisp (relative to a directory where
features.lisp is located) might be necessary.

Jakub Higersberger

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