[cells-devel] Celtk: Button as kid of a canvas ...

Frank Goenninger frgo at mac.com
Sun Dec 31 15:19:59 UTC 2006

Am 31.12.2006 um 15:58 schrieb Ken Tilton:

> I saw that capability (widget in canvas) mentioned, just never had  
> occasion to use it so it never got Celtk-ized. And at this point  
> you may really have to fork Celtk to take it forward in re use of  
> Tk widgets since I am concentrating on Cello for widgets. Maybe  
> pick a new name and start a c-l.net project?

No. I thought about a Celtk-AddOn package which provides just that.  
Or I go the No Canvas route and keep it simple. I am only building a  
simple GUI as a front-end to a TIBCO Rendezvous middleware bus as a  
simple test tool.

>> ACL 8.0 - on Mac. Sh*t - this is a case where Slime really sucks.  
>> And  Franz, too: I've been asking for the full IDE on OS X for  
>> years now!
> <g> Given the number of Powerbooks I see at Lisp conferences, they  
> might be missing an opportunity. But, hey, stop whining, how hard  
> would it be to whip up a find-definitions dialog using Celtk?

Not that hard. I simply had the impression that I might be able to  
get the same tools as on Windows from Franz.

> I once did a killer inspector using Cello.

Yes, I remember that one.

> Do the classic incremental thing, just get ACL to pop up a list of  
> definitions using as much standard mop as possible. Costanza has  
> done some work on a portable MOP, maybe contrib to that as you go  
> (since moppery will be needed to replicate the ACL IDE).

No, no. Too much work going into something I don't want to invest  
time in. Work list too long  with other stuff.

> Needless to say, a Slime-killer is something I would love to do  
> just to piss off the Yobbos, and if I end up switching to LW for  
> enough work it might just happen. Not yet, tho.

Hehe.  I'll leave that one to you, then ;-) Too much fun to see you / 
fighting/ all the new kids on the Lisp block... c.l.l. was a bit  
boring while you have been on Snowboarding. Utah, again?


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