[cells-devel] A shocking proposal

Nikodemus Siivola nikodemus at random-state.net
Tue Nov 11 18:57:49 UTC 2003

On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 10:42:59PM -0800, Thomas F. Burdick wrote:

> DocoSketch is a little package I have that's meant as a way of
> section like in the HyperSpec.  If other people think it's a good
> idea, I could massage it into a Wiki, so we could all work on
> documenting it.

I say yay! I have my own 20-liner ad-hoc-doc for making READMEs, but
DocoSketch seems quite a bit more capable.

Albert is getting quite sophisticated as well, but something that
works on the image as opposed to sources smells sweeter to me.


 -- Nikodemus
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