[cdr-discuss] file-local variables

Didier Verna didier at lrde.epita.fr
Tue Apr 26 09:55:24 UTC 2011

Nikodemus Siivola wrote:

> While ASDF can do this trivially, in order for vendor support to be
> nice for everyone involved, a two things need to be addressed:
> 1. Should *FEATURES* identify support for this? Maybe :FILE-LOCAL-VARIABLES?
> 2. What package does MAKE-VARIABLE-FILE-LOCAL reside in? I have a
> controversial suggestion. COMMON-LISP-EXTENSIONS, aka CL-EXT. CDR-EXT
> or CDR-11 are less controversial alternatives.

I wouldn't have any problem with every vendor using her own, already
existing, extension package (e.g. sb-ext in your case). CDR packages is
a nice idea but I'm wondering about a couple of things:

- having a single CDR package sounds weird. How is "CDR" a relevant
criterion for classification? Why would it be better than just using

- CDR-<num> sounds better although it might lead to package
proliferation: every time a CDR is updated, it gets a new number.

- However, we can also have CDR-11 imported in CDR, imported in SB-EXT :-)

As for *FEATURES*, I'm all in favor of having :CDR-<num> listed in there
when appropriate. This could also be the topic for a new CDR ;-)

Resistance is futile. You will be jazzimilated.

Scientific site:   http://www.lrde.epita.fr/~didier
Music (Jazz) site: http://www.didierverna.com

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