Boston Lisp Meeting 2013-08-08T18:00

Alex Plotnick shrike at
Fri Aug 2 18:18:12 UTC 2013

I'm pleased to announce that Alexey Radul will present his work on
the "DysVunctional Language" and its compiler at the next Boston Lisp
meeting. The meeting will take place on Thursday, 8 August at 6:00 PM,
in the Star Conference room at MIT's Stata Center (MIT 32-D463;

The "Sufficiently Clever Compiler" has become something of a trope in
the Lisp community: the mythical beast that promises language and
interface designers near-unlimited freedom, and leaves their output in
a performance lurch by its non-appearance.  A few years ago, I was
young enough to join a research project to build one of these things.
Neglecting a raft of asterisks, footnotes, and caveats, we ended up
making something whose essence is pretty impressive: you pay for
abstraction boundaries in compile-time resources, but they end up free
at runtime.  The prototype was just open-sourced recently, so that
makes a good occasion to talk about it.

Alexey Radul earned his PhD in computer science from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology in 2009.  His research interests focus on
programming languages, compilers, high-performance computing, and how
advances in the design and implementation of programming languages can
enable novel applications by expanding the complexity horizon.

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