[the-feebs-war-cvs] r10 -

gmilare at common-lisp.net gmilare at common-lisp.net
Mon Dec 31 00:21:19 UTC 2007

Author: gmilare
Date: Sun Dec 30 19:21:19 2007
New Revision: 10

Functions make-template, generate-maze added and tested.

Modified: main.lisp
--- main.lisp	(original)
+++ main.lisp	Sun Dec 30 19:21:19 2007
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
     (setf *feebs* nil)
     (dolist (feeb-spec *feebs-to-be*)
       (let ((pos (pop entries))))
-	(apply 'create-feeb (car pos) (cdr pos) feeb-spec))))
+	(apply 'create-feeb (car pos) (cdr pos) feeb-spec)))))
@@ -231,16 +231,19 @@
 	      (push carc ncarcasses)
 	      (incf (first carc)))))
     ;; Move some fireballs:
-  (dolist (fireball *fireballs-flying*)
-    (move-object fireball (make-move-choice fireball)))
-  (progn
-    ;; Starve the feeb:
-    (when (<= (decf (feeb-energy-reserve feeb)) 0)
-      (destroy-object feeb :starve))
-    ;; Compute vision for the feeb:
-    (compute-vision feeb)
-    ;; Collect the feeb's move
-    (setf (feeb-peeking feeb) nil)
-    (move-object feeb (setf (feeb-last-move feeb)
-			    (make-move-choice feeb)))))))
+    (dolist (fireball *fireballs-flying*)
+      (move-object fireball (make-move-choice fireball)))
+    (dolist (feeb *feebs*)
+      (unless (feeb-dead-p feeb)
+	;; Starve the feeb:
+	(when (<= (decf (feeb-energy-reserve feeb)) 0)
+	  (destroy-object feeb :starve))
+	;; Compute vision for the feeb:
+	(compute-vision feeb)))
+    (dolist (feeb *feebs*)
+      (unless (feeb *feebs*)
+	;; Collect the feeb's move
+	(setf (feeb-peeking feeb) nil)
+	(move-object feeb (setf (feeb-last-move feeb)
+				(make-move-choice feeb))))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: mazes.lisp
--- mazes.lisp	(original)
+++ mazes.lisp	Sun Dec 30 19:21:19 2007
@@ -236,21 +236,32 @@
-(defun density (maze)
-  (loop for line in maze summing
-	(float (/ (loop for elt across line counting
-			(char/= #\X elt))
-		  (length line) (length maze)))))
-(defun bound-random (min avg max)
-  (let ((sort (random 2.0)))
-    (round
-     (if (< sort 1.0)
-	 (+ min (* sort (- avg min)))
-       (+ avg (* (1- sort) (- max avg)))))))
+(defun density (maze xs ys)
+  (let ((sum 0))
+    (dotimes (x xs)
+      (dotimes (y ys)
+	(if (not (aref maze x y))
+	    (incf sum))))
+    (float (/ sum (* xs ys)))))
+(defun bound-random (start min avg max)
+  (+ start
+     (* (expt -1 (random 2))
+	(let ((sort (random 2.0)))
+	  (round
+	   (if (< sort 1.0)
+	       (+ min (* sort (- avg min)))
+	     (+ avg (* (1- sort) (- max avg)))))))))
+(defun random-elt (seq)
+  (if seq
+      (elt seq (random (length seq)))))
 (defmacro ensure-bound (elt min max)
-  `(setf ,elt (max ,min (min ,max ,elt))))
+  `(setf ,elt (bound ,elt ,min ,max)))
+(defun bound (elt min max)
+  (max min (min max elt)))
 (defun horiz-corridor (map y x1 x2)
   (do ((x x1 (if (< x1 x2) (1+ x) (1- x))))
@@ -270,11 +281,11 @@
 		  (not (aref map (1- x) y)))) ; blank square to the left
 	 (return)) ; can't make a blank square here, stop
     (and (not (aref map x (1+ y))) ; blank square down
-	 (if (or (and (not (aref map (1+ x) y)) ; blank square to the right
-		      (not (aref map (1+ x) (1+ y)))) ; blank square down-right
-		 (and (not (aref map (1- x) (1+ y))) ; blank square down-left
-		      (not (aref map (1- x) y)))) ; blank square to the left
-	     (return))) ; can't make a blank square here, stop
+	 (or (and (not (aref map (1+ x) y)) ; blank square to the right
+		  (not (aref map (1+ x) (1+ y)))) ; blank square down-right
+	     (and (not (aref map (1- x) (1+ y))) ; blank square down-left
+		  (not (aref map (1- x) y)))) ; blank square to the left
+	 (return)) ; can't make a blank square here, stop
     (setf (aref map x y) nil))
@@ -296,38 +307,77 @@
     (setf (aref map x y) nil))
+(defun translate (map xs ys)
+  (loop for y from (1- ys) downto 0 collect
+	(let ((str (make-string xs)))
+	  (dotimes (x xs str)
+	    (setf (aref str x)
+		  (if (aref map x y)
+		      #\X
+		    #\Space))))))
+;;; This one generates a almost ready-to-use map
 (defun generate-maze (x-size y-size
 		      &key (density 0.4)
 		      (corridor-x-min 1)
 		      (corridor-x-max (- x-size 2))
-		      (corridor-x-avg (floor x-size 2))
+		      (corridor-x-avg (floor x-size 4))
 		      (corridor-y-min 1)
 		      (corridor-y-max (- y-size 2))
-		      (corridor-y-avg (floor y-size 2)))
+		      (corridor-y-avg (floor y-size 4)))
   "Generates a maze of size X-SIZE x Y-SIZE (at least 10x10)
 with no entry points and no mushroom sites.
 DENSITY decides aproximatelly the ratio
  (blank squares) / (total squares)
 recomended to be between 0.25 and 0.45.
-The horizontal corridors will be between
-similarly for vertical corridors."
-  (if (or (< x 10) (< y 10))
+The horizontal corridors will be between CORRIDOR-X-MIN
+possible; similarly for vertical corridors."
+  (if (or (< x-size 10) (< y-size 10))
       (error "Too small - should be at least 10x10."))
   ;; Certifying the values to be acceptable
-  (ensure-bound density 0.1 0.5)
-  (ensure-bound corridor-x-min 1 (- x-size 2))
-  (ensure-bound corridor-x-avg 2 (- x-size 2))
-  (ensure-bound corridor-x-max 3 (- x-size 2))
-  (ensure-bound corridor-y-min 1 (- y-size 2))
-  (ensure-bound corridor-y-avg 2 (- y-size 2))
-  (ensure-bound corridor-y-max 3 (- y-size 2))
+  (ensure-bound corridor-x-avg
+		(ensure-bound corridor-x-min 1 (- x-size 2))
+		(ensure-bound corridor-x-max 3 (- x-size 2)))
+  (ensure-bound corridor-y-avg
+		(ensure-bound corridor-y-min 1 (- y-size 2))
+		(ensure-bound corridor-y-max 3 (- y-size 2)))
   ;; Beginning with an array of walls
   (let ((map (make-array (list x-size y-size)
 			 :initial-element t
 			 :element-type 'boolean)))
-    (do* ((y 1 (1+ (random (- y-size 1)))) ; position of horizontal corridor
-	  (x 1 (1+ (random (- x-size 1)))) ; position of vertical corridor
-	  (x1 
-    (setf map (horiz-corridor
-	       map 1 (1+ (random (- x-size 1)))
\ No newline at end of file
+    (do* ((i 1 (1+ i))
+	  (y 1 y*) ; position of horizontal corridor
+	  (y* (- y-size 2) (1+ (random (- y-size 2))))
+	  (x1 (1+ (random (- x-size 2))) ; start position of horiz corridor
+	      x1*)
+	  (x1* (1+ (random (- x-size 2)))
+	       (random-elt
+		(loop for x from 1 to (- x-size 2) ; any blank space
+		      if (not (aref map x y)) collect x))) ; in line
+	  (x2 (if x1 (bound-random x1 corridor-x-min
+				   corridor-x-avg corridor-x-max))
+	      (if x1 (bound-random x1 corridor-x-min
+				   corridor-x-avg corridor-x-max)))
+	  (x 1 x*) ; position of vertical corridor
+	  (x* (- x-size 2) (1+ (random (- x-size 2))))
+	  (y1 (1+ (random (- y-size 2)))
+	      y1*)
+	  (y1* (1+ (random (- y-size 2)))
+	       (random-elt
+		(loop for y from 1 to (- y-size 2)
+		      if (not (aref map x y)) collect y)))
+	  (y2 (if y1 (bound-random y1 corridor-y-min
+				   corridor-y-avg corridor-y-max))
+	      (if y1 (bound-random y1 corridor-y-min
+				   corridor-y-avg corridor-y-max))))
+	((or (>= (density map x-size y-size) density)
+	     (> i (* density x-size y-size))) ; quits after trying TOO MUCH
+	 (translate map x-size y-size))
+      (if x1
+	  (setf map (horiz-corridor map y x1
+				    (bound x2 1 (- x-size 2)))))
+      (if y1
+	  (setf map (vert-corridor map x y1
+				    (bound y2 1 (- x-size 2))))))))

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