[hunchentoot-devel] 'max-threads' behavior for Hunchentoot

Scott McKay swm at itasoftware.com
Tue Jun 1 14:15:49 UTC 2010

On Jun 1, 2010, at 9:28 AM, Hans Hübner wrote:

> Scott,
> as we have chosen to implement Hunchentoot as object oriented program,
> using generic functions is the proper way to extend the functionality.
> I do agree that this is not the only way how to structure Lisp
> programs and it may also not be the best way according to taste and
> preference.  Please use generic functions in order not to make the
> next guy wonder why part of Hunchentoot is this way, and part of it is
> another.

Well, hang on... that's one of the reasons I *didn't*
use generic functions.  Take a look at 'access-logger'
and 'message-logger' in the 'acceptor' class; this is
exactly the model I followed.  If I do the new feature
using generic functions, I will be doing exactly what
you are warning about: making the next guy wonder why
one part is one way and another part is another way.

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