[hunchentoot-devel] 'max-threads' behavior for Hunchentoot

Scott McKay swm at itasoftware.com
Tue Jun 1 13:23:32 UTC 2010

I'll address all these issues, then send the next set
of changes back according to the referenced file.

BTW, I chose not to use a generic function for the thread
creation function and the too-many-threads handler for what
I have to assume is the same reason that the various logger
functions are also done as slots: so that you aren't forced
to subclass just to provide a couple of functions.  If this
were Java, I'd say subclassing is the right approach, but
since it's Lisp, I think supplying a function is better.
After all, that's what first-class functions are for!  :-)


On May 30, 2010, at 5:56 AM, Hans Hübner wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> first off, thank you for taking the time to improve Hunchentoot and
> for sending a proposed patch.  Please have a look at
> http://weitz.de/patches.html before submitting your next patch for
> review.  In particular, it makes reviews much easier if there is
> documentation about what the patch means to do.
> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 16:57, Scott McKay <swm at itasoftware.com> wrote:
>> A few notes:
>>  - The function conditionalized out with #+++potentially-faster-way
>>   is meant to be a hint as to how we might refuse the connection
>>   without invoking the overhead of accepting the over-the-limit
>>   connection.  It might be slightly faster, but I don't know if
>>   I like the idea of constantly closing and reopening the listener.
> I don't like the idea, as it opens up a race condition which will
> result in connections being rejected under high load.
>>  - 'handle-incoming-connection' on 'one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster'
>>    should really try to generate an HTTP 503 error, instead of just
>>    closing the connection.  I tried several things to make this happen,
>>    but nothing seemed to work properly.  It seems a shame to have to
>>    open the client connection, suck in the whole request, etc etc,
>>    just to do this.  Is there a better way?  Is there some sort of
>>    "connection refused" we can do at the socket level?
> I don't see a need to read the request in order to reply with a 503
> error.  If the server can't dispatch the request because a resource
> limit has been hit, there is nothing wrong with just sending a 503
> reply without looking at the request at all.  Berkeley sockets do not
> provide a means to reject individual pending connections.
> Further comments inline:
>> --Scott
>> Modified: trunk/qres/lisp/libs/hunchentoot/packages.lisp
>> ==============================================================================
>> --- trunk/qres/lisp/libs/hunchentoot/packages.lisp      (original)
>> +++ trunk/qres/lisp/libs/hunchentoot/packages.lisp      Thu May 27 10:31:21 2010
>> @@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
>>           "MIME-TYPE"
>>           "NEXT-SESSION-ID"
>>           "NO-CACHE"
>>           "PARAMETER"
>>           "PARAMETER-ERROR"
>>           "POST-PARAMETER"
>> @@ -250,7 +249,6 @@
>>           "SET-COOKIE"
>>           "SET-COOKIE*"
>>           "SHUTDOWN"
>>           #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl "SSL-ACCEPTOR"
>>           "SSL-P"
>>           "START"
>> @@ -259,7 +257,12 @@
>>           "STOP"
>>           "TASKMASTER"
>> -           "URL-DECODE"
>> +          "URL-DECODE"
>>           "URL-ENCODE"
>>           "USER-AGENT"))
>> Modified: trunk/qres/lisp/libs/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp
>> ==============================================================================
>> --- trunk/qres/lisp/libs/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp      (original)
>> +++ trunk/qres/lisp/libs/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp      Thu May 27 10:31:21 2010
>> @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
>> reason to change this to NIL.")
>>   (input-chunking-p :initarg :input-chunking-p
>>                     :accessor acceptor-input-chunking-p
>> -                      :documentation "A generalized boolean denoting
>> +                    :documentation "A generalized boolean denoting
>> whether the acceptor may use chunked encoding for input, i.e. when
>> accepting request bodies from the client.  The default is T and
>> there's usually no reason to change this to NIL.")
>> @@ -117,8 +117,7 @@
>> process different from the one where START was called.")
>>   #-:lispworks
>>   (listen-socket :accessor acceptor-listen-socket
>> -                  :documentation "The socket listening for incoming
>> -connections.")
>> +                  :documentation "The socket listening for incoming connections.")
>>   (acceptor-shutdown-p :initform nil
>>                        :accessor acceptor-shutdown-p
>>                        :documentation "A flag that makes the acceptor
>> @@ -349,9 +348,12 @@
>>  ;; the default is to always answer "no"
>>  nil)
>> -;; usocket implementation
>> +
>> +;;; usocket implementation
>> #-:lispworks
>> +(progn
> What is this progn needed for?
>> +
>> (defmethod start-listening ((acceptor acceptor))
>>  (setf (acceptor-listen-socket acceptor)
>>        (usocket:socket-listen (or (acceptor-address acceptor)
>> @@ -361,26 +363,61 @@
>>                               :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
>>  (values))
>> -#-:lispworks
>> (defmethod accept-connections ((acceptor acceptor))
>>  (usocket:with-server-socket (listener (acceptor-listen-socket acceptor))
>>    (loop
>> -     (when (acceptor-shutdown-p acceptor)
>> -       (return))
>> -     (when (usocket:wait-for-input listener :timeout +new-connection-wait-time+)
>> -       (handler-case
>> -           (when-let (client-connection (usocket:socket-accept listener))
>> -             (set-timeouts client-connection
>> -                           (acceptor-read-timeout acceptor)
>> -                           (acceptor-write-timeout acceptor))
>> -             (handle-incoming-connection (acceptor-taskmaster acceptor)
>> -                                         client-connection))
>> -         ;; ignore condition
>> -         (usocket:connection-aborted-error ()))))))
>> +      (when (acceptor-shutdown-p acceptor)
>> +       (return))
>> +      (when (usocket:wait-for-input listener :timeout +new-connection-wait-time+)
>> +       (handler-case
>> +           (let ((taskmaster (acceptor-taskmaster acceptor)))
>> +             (when-let (client-connection (usocket:socket-accept listener))
>> +               (set-timeouts client-connection
>> +                             (acceptor-read-timeout acceptor)
>> +                             (acceptor-write-timeout acceptor))
>> +               ;; This will bail if the taskmaster has reached its thread limit
>> +               (handle-incoming-connection taskmaster client-connection)))
>> +         ;; Ignore the error
>> +         (usocket:connection-aborted-error ()))))))
>> +
>> +#+++potentially-faster-way
>> +(defmethod accept-connections ((acceptor acceptor))
>> +  (loop
>> +    (usocket:with-server-socket (listener (acceptor-listen-socket acceptor))
>> +      (loop named waiter doing
>> +       (when (acceptor-shutdown-p acceptor)
>> +         (return-from accept-connections))
>> +       (when (usocket:wait-for-input listener :timeout +new-connection-wait-time+)
>> +         (handler-case
>> +             (let ((taskmaster (acceptor-taskmaster acceptor)))
>> +               ;; Optimization to avoid creating the client connection:
>> +               ;; if the taskmaster has reached its thread limit, just close
>> +               ;; and reopen the listener socket, and don't even call 'accept'
>> +               (when (and (taskmaster-max-threads taskmaster)
>> +                          (> (taskmaster-thread-count taskmaster) (taskmaster-max-threads taskmaster)))
>> +                 (when-let (handler (taskmaster-too-many-threads-handler taskmaster))
>> +                   (funcall handler taskmaster listener))
>> +                 (usocket:socket-close listener)       ;close the listener
>> +                 (setq listener nil)
>> +                 (start-listening acceptor)            ;and start up a new one
>> +                 (return-from waiter))
>> +               (when-let (client-connection (usocket:socket-accept listener))
>> +                 (set-timeouts client-connection
>> +                               (acceptor-read-timeout acceptor)
>> +                               (acceptor-write-timeout acceptor))
>> +                 ;; This will bail if the taskmaster has reached its thread limit
>> +                 (handle-incoming-connection taskmaster client-connection)))
>> +           ;; Ignore the error
>> +           (usocket:connection-aborted-error ())))))))
>> +
>> +)      ;#-:lispworks
>> -;; LispWorks implementation
>> +
>> +;;; LispWorks implementation
>> #+:lispworks
>> +(progn
>> +
> Don't use progn here.  Conditionalize the individual top-level forms.
> Otherwise, automatic reindentation will screw up the source file.
>> (defmethod start-listening ((acceptor acceptor))
>>  (multiple-value-bind (listener-process startup-condition)
>>      (comm:start-up-server :service (acceptor-port acceptor)
>> @@ -398,8 +435,8 @@
>>                            ;; is made
>>                            :function (lambda (handle)
>>                                        (unless (acceptor-shutdown-p acceptor)
>> -                                          (handle-incoming-connection
>> -                                           (acceptor-taskmaster acceptor) handle)))
>> +                                          (let ((taskmaster (acceptor-taskmaster acceptor)))
>> +                                           (handle-incoming-connection taskmaster client-connection))))
>>                            ;; wait until the acceptor was successfully started
>>                            ;; or an error condition is returned
>>                            :wait t)
>> @@ -409,11 +446,13 @@
>>    (setf (acceptor-process acceptor) listener-process)
>>    (values)))
>> -#+:lispworks
>> (defmethod accept-connections ((acceptor acceptor))
>>  (mp:process-unstop (acceptor-process acceptor))
>>  nil)
>> +)      ;#+:lispworks
>> +
>> +
>> (defun list-request-dispatcher (request)
>>  "The default request dispatcher which selects a request handler
>> based on a list of individual request dispatchers all of which can
>> Modified: trunk/qres/lisp/libs/hunchentoot/taskmaster.lisp
>> ==============================================================================
>> --- trunk/qres/lisp/libs/hunchentoot/taskmaster.lisp    (original)
>> +++ trunk/qres/lisp/libs/hunchentoot/taskmaster.lisp    Thu May 27 10:31:21 2010
>> @@ -62,6 +62,21 @@
>> might terminate all threads that are currently associated with it.
>> This function is called by the acceptor's STOP method."))
>> +;; Default method
>> +(defmethod taskmaster-max-threads ((taskmaster taskmaster))
>> +  nil)
>> +
>> +;; Default method
>> +(defmethod taskmaster-thread-count ((taskmaster taskmaster))
>> +  0)
>> +
>> +(defmethod increment-taskmaster-thread-count ((taskmaster taskmaster))
>> +  nil)
>> +
>> +(defmethod decrement-taskmaster-thread-count ((taskmaster taskmaster))
>> +  nil)
>> +
>> +
>> (defclass single-threaded-taskmaster (taskmaster)
>>  ()
>>  (:documentation "A taskmaster that runs synchronously in the thread
>> @@ -80,25 +95,95 @@
>>  ;; in a single-threaded environment we just call PROCESS-CONNECTION
>>  (process-connection (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster) socket))
>> +
>> (defclass one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster (taskmaster)
>>  (#-:lispworks
>> -   (acceptor-process :accessor acceptor-process
>> -                     :documentation "A process that accepts incoming
>> -connections and hands them off to new processes for request
>> -handling."))
>> +   (acceptor-process
>> +    :accessor acceptor-process
>> +    :documentation
>> +    "A process that accepts incoming connections and hands them off to new processes
>> +     for request handling.")
>> +   (create-thread-function
>> +    :initarg :create-thread-function
>> +    :initform 'create-taskmaster-thread
>> +    :accessor taskmaster-create-thread-function
>> +    :documentation
>> +    "Function called to create the handler thread;
>> +     takes two arguments, the taskmaster and the socket")
>> +   ;; Support for bounding the number of threads we'll create
>> +   (max-threads
>> +    :type (or integer null)
>> +    :initarg :max-threads
>> +    :initform nil
>> +    :accessor taskmaster-max-threads)
>> +   (thread-count
>> +    :type integer
>> +    :initform 0
>> +    :accessor taskmaster-thread-count)
>> +   (thread-count-lock
>> +    :initform (bt:make-lock "taskmaster-thread-count")
>> +    :accessor taskmaster-thread-count-lock)
>> +   (worker-thread-name-format
>> +    :type (or string null)
>> +    :initarg :worker-thread-name-format
>> +    :initform "hunchentoot-worker-~A"
>> +    :accessor taskmaster-worker-thread-name-format)
>> +   (too-many-threads-handler
>> +    :initarg :too-many-threads-handler
>> +    :initform nil
>> +    :accessor taskmaster-too-many-threads-handler
>> +    :documentation
>> +    "Function called with two arguments, the taskmaster and the socket,
>> +     when too many threads reached, just prior to closing the connection"))
>> +  (:default-initargs
>> +   :too-many-threads-handler 'log-too-many-threads)
>>  (:documentation "A taskmaster that starts one thread for listening
>> -to incoming requests and one thread for each incoming connection.
>> +to incoming requests and one new thread for each incoming connection.
>> +If 'max-threads' is supplied, the number of threads is limited to that.
> Why did you chose to implement create-threads-function and
> too-many-threads-handler as slots rather than generic functions?  The
> latter seems much more natural to me.
>> This is the default taskmaster implementation for multi-threaded Lisp
>> implementations."))
>> -;; usocket implementation
>> +(defmethod increment-taskmaster-thread-count ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster))
>> +  (when (taskmaster-max-threads taskmaster)
>> +    (bt:with-lock-held ((taskmaster-thread-count-lock taskmaster))
>> +      (incf (taskmaster-thread-count taskmaster)))))
>> +
>> +(defmethod decrement-taskmaster-thread-count ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster))
>> +  (when (taskmaster-max-threads taskmaster)
>> +    (bt:with-lock-held ((taskmaster-thread-count-lock taskmaster))
>> +      (decf (taskmaster-thread-count taskmaster)))))
>> +
>> +(defun log-too-many-threads (taskmaster socket)
>> +  (declare (ignore socket))
>> +  (let* ((acceptor (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster))
>> +        (logger   (and acceptor (acceptor-message-logger acceptor))))
>> +    (when logger
>> +      (funcall logger :warning "Can't handle a new connection, too many threads already"))))
>> +
>> +
>> +;;--- If thread creation is too slow, it would be worth finishing this
>> +;;--- For now, it's just a synonym for 'one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster'
>> +(defclass pooled-thread-per-connection-taskmaster (one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster)
>> +  ((create-thread-function
>> +    :initarg :create-thread-function
>> +    :initform 'create-taskmaster-thread
>> +    :accessor taskmaster-create-thread-function
>> +    :documentation
>> +    "Function called to create the handler thread"))
>> +  (:documentation "A taskmaster that starts one thread for listening
>> +to incoming requests and then uses a thread pool for each incoming connection.
>> +If 'max-threads' is supplied, the number of threads is limited to that."))
>> +
>> +
>> +;;; usocket implementation
>> #-:lispworks
>> +(progn
>> +
> Another top-level progn that should go.
>> (defmethod shutdown ((taskmaster taskmaster))
>>  taskmaster)
>> -#-:lispworks
>> (defmethod shutdown ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster))
>>  ;; just wait until the acceptor process has finished, then return
>>  (loop
>> @@ -107,16 +192,39 @@
>>   (sleep 1))
>>  taskmaster)
>> -#-:lispworks
>> (defmethod execute-acceptor ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster))
>>  (setf (acceptor-process taskmaster)
>> -        (bt:make-thread (lambda ()
>> -                          (accept-connections (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster)))
>> -                        :name (format nil "Hunchentoot listener \(~A:~A)"
>> -                                      (or (acceptor-address (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster)) "*")
>> -                                      (acceptor-port (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster))))))
>> +        (bt:make-thread
>> +        (lambda ()
>> +          (accept-connections (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster)))
>> +        :name (format nil "hunchentoot-listener-~A:~A"
>> +                      (or (acceptor-address (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster)) "*")
>> +                      (acceptor-port (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster))))))
>> +
>> +(defmethod handle-incoming-connection ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster) socket)
>> +  ;; Only take lock if necessary
>> +  (if (taskmaster-max-threads taskmaster)
>> +    (if (< (taskmaster-thread-count taskmaster) (taskmaster-max-threads taskmaster))
>> +      (progn
>> +       (increment-taskmaster-thread-count taskmaster)
>> +       (funcall (taskmaster-create-thread-function taskmaster) taskmaster socket))
>> +      (progn
>> +       (when-let (handler (taskmaster-too-many-threads-handler taskmaster))
>> +         (funcall handler taskmaster socket))
>> +       ;; Just close the socket, which will effectively abort the request
>> +       ;;--- It sure would be nice to be able to generate an HTTP 503 error,
>> +       ;;--- but I just can't seem to get that to work properly
>> +       (usocket:socket-close socket)))
> Please do not use (if .. (progn ..) (progn ..)).  Use cond instead or
> refactor.  In this case, I'd think that the maintenance of the thread
> count could be moved into the generic function that creates the
> thread, once the callback slot has been replaced by a gf.
>> +    (funcall (taskmaster-create-thread-function taskmaster) taskmaster socket)))
>> +
>> +(defun create-taskmaster-thread (taskmaster socket)
>> +  (bt:make-thread
>> +   (lambda ()
>> +     (multiple-value-prog1
>> +        (process-connection (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster) socket)
>> +       (decrement-taskmaster-thread-count taskmaster)))
>> +   :name (format nil (taskmaster-worker-thread-name-format taskmaster) (client-as-string socket))))
>> -#-:lispworks
>> (defun client-as-string (socket)
>>  "A helper function which returns the client's address and port as a
>> string and tries to act robustly in the presence of network problems."
>> @@ -127,15 +235,14 @@
>>              (usocket:vector-quad-to-dotted-quad address)
>>              port))))
>> -#-:lispworks
>> -(defmethod handle-incoming-connection ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster) socket)
>> -  (bt:make-thread (lambda ()
>> -                    (process-connection (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster) socket))
>> -                  :name (format nil "Hunchentoot worker \(client: ~A)" (client-as-string socket))))
>> +)      ;#-:lispworks
>> +
>> -;; LispWorks implementation
>> +;;; LispWorks implementation
>> #+:lispworks
>> +(progn
>> +
> Another top-level progn (not going to point at those if there are any
> more, please let them all go).
>> (defmethod shutdown ((taskmaster taskmaster))
>>  (when-let (process (acceptor-process (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster)))
>>    ;; kill the main acceptor process, see LW documentation for
>> @@ -143,20 +250,38 @@
>>    (mp:process-kill process))
>>  taskmaster)
>> -#+:lispworks
>> (defmethod execute-acceptor ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster))
>>  (accept-connections (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster)))
>> -#+:lispworks
>> -(defmethod handle-incoming-connection ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster) handle)
>> +(defmethod handle-incoming-connection ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster) socket)
>>  (incf *worker-counter*)
>>  ;; check if we need to perform a global GC
>>  (when (and *cleanup-interval*
>>             (zerop (mod *worker-counter* *cleanup-interval*)))
>>    (when *cleanup-function*
>>      (funcall *cleanup-function*)))
>> -  (mp:process-run-function (format nil "Hunchentoot worker \(client: ~{~A:~A~})"
>> -                                   (multiple-value-list
>> -                                    (get-peer-address-and-port handle)))
>> -                           nil #'process-connection
>> -                           (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster) handle))
>> +  (if (taskmaster-max-threads taskmaster)
>> +    (if (< (taskmaster-thread-count taskmaster) (taskmaster-max-threads taskmaster))
>> +      (progn
>> +       (increment-taskmaster-thread-count taskmaster)
>> +       (funcall (taskmaster-create-thread-function taskmaster) taskmaster socket))
>> +      ;; With any luck, we never get this far if we've exceeded the thread count
>> +      ;; "Good" implementations of 'accept-connections' won't even accept connection requests
>> +      (progn
>> +       (when-let (handler (taskmaster-too-many-threads-handler taskmaster))
>> +         (funcall handler taskmaster socket))
>> +       (usocket:socket-close socket)))
>> +    (funcall (taskmaster-create-thread-function taskmaster) taskmaster socket)))
> Another (if ... (progn ..)) that should be improved.
>> +
>> +(defun create-taskmaster-thread (taskmaster socket)
>> +  (flet ((process (taskmaster sock)
>> +          (multiple-value-prog1
>> +              (process-connection (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster) socket)
>> +            (decrement-taskmaster-thread-count taskmaster))))
>> +    (mp:process-run-function (format nil "hunchentoot-worker-{~A:~A~})"
>> +                                    (multiple-value-list
>> +                                     (get-peer-address-and-port socket)))
>> +                            nil #'process taskmaster socket)))
>> +
>> +)      ;#+:lispworks
>> +
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