[hunchentoot-devel] Best way to run Hunchentoot on Port 80, Proxy-Module for Hunchentoot

Leslie P. Polzer sky at viridian-project.de
Sun Oct 18 09:28:54 UTC 2009

Hi Christoph,

> - google loves to list php-tutorials with no helpful content ...).

That's probably because there are a lot of beginner tutorials for PHP,
and hardly any serious stuff. ;)

> Now I can run them - sort of. But seems like the session-management
> somehow doesnt work. I also added a line
> ("HTTP_COOKIE" . ,(let ((r ""))
>              (dolist (cookie (hunchentoot:cookies-in*))
>                (setf r (concatenate 'string (car cookie) "=" (cdr
> cookie) ";" r)))
>              r))

Side note: you probably want to use FORMAT or REDUCE here.

> which adds the environmental-variable HTTP_COOKIE and should be
> correct (I couldnt find out whether the cookies should be separated
> via a semicolon or something else, but seems like semicolon is right,
> nor could I find out whether to encode these cookies somehow before
> putting them i this variable, but seems like none of the cookies I saw
> has any special characters). There seems to be a cookie sent to the
> php-script. When adding a (format t r), I see a string of the form
> sid=<random-sid>. So the php-engine /should/ know about the cookies.

IIRC sid is set by Hunchentoot and PHP's session cookie is named
PHPSESSID by default.

> Still, it doesnt work. Could it be that hunchentoot doesnt list some
> cookies in (hunchentoot:cookies-in*), or removes outgoing cookies?


> Or any Ideas what else I have to set?

You need to do some comparative debugging with Apache/PHP-CGI and
Hunchentoot/PHP-CGI, since Apache is supposed to do the right thing.

Have a simple PHP script at the other end that lists the contents



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