[hunchentoot-devel] unix setuid

Dr. Helmut G. Enders helmut at cybernetic-systems.de
Tue Mar 18 21:03:13 UTC 2008

Ben Hyde wrote:

> One approach to this problem is write a very small C program that.
>  1. listens on the port
>  2. records listener's file description into an environment variable(s)
>  3. execs a command given it's remaining arguments.
> Combined with other tools found in daemontools you can then drop rights, 
> switch users, etc. and finally invoke the actual Lisp process.  This 
> plays well with jails etc.
> The C program is easier to write, at least easier than the bit that 
> converts the file handle into something useful for your Lisp process.
>  - ben
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Thanks, but in the meantime (google..google) I found privbind.

I chmod u+s /usr/bin/privbind
and add

(setq inferior-lisp-program
    "/usr/bin/privbind -u helmut -g helmut /usr/bin/sbcl")

to my .emacs

and add
   screen -t Hunchentoot emacs -f slime
to my .screenrc

and add
  (require 'hunchentoot)
  (hunchentoot:start-server :port 80  :address <ip of eth0:1>)
to my .sbclrc

:-) and add
   sudo -H -u helmut  screen -d -m
to my /etc/init.d/screens

even after an reboot I login (or ssh to the server),
do a screen -r  .... and be happy.

(Now  my server has many eth0:x's with many
  hunchentoolies, listening all on port 80 :-)


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