[hunchentoot-devel] port to sbcl win32: timouts are not implemented

Anton Vodonosov vodonosov at mail.ru
Sat Jun 30 22:32:06 UTC 2007


I've just tried hunchentoot on sbcl win32. When you first time start hunchentoot, lisp enters debugger with message "undefined function sb-unix:create-timer" or something in that fashion. Looks like timeouts are not implemented in sbcl win32 so I've changed with-timeout macro in the port-sbcl.lisp to just execute its body without timeout. It helps. 

(defmacro with-timeout ((seconds &body timeout-forms) &body body)
  "Executes the code BODY and returns the results of the last
form but stops execution after SECONDS seconds and then instead
executes the code in TIMEOUT-FORMS."
  #+:win32 `(progn , at body)
     (sb-ext:with-timeout ,seconds , at body)
     (sb-ext:timeout () , at timeout-forms)))

Best regards,

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