[hunchentoot-devel] patches for Hunchentoot / Flexistream for Allegro MoDeRn lisp

Gary King gwking at metabang.com
Sat Jun 2 12:38:29 UTC 2007


I recently ran into a few minor glitches getting Hunchentoot to run  
under Allegro's Modern Common Lisp. Here are some patches (based on  
the darcs repos). The flexistream patch is the "important" one. The  
hunchentoot changes are just adding a declare ignore, fixing a typo  
in a docstring and rewiting some #+ #+ a b as #+ a #+ b (the former  
has a claim to elegance but the later is unambiguous and works  
regardless of the default settings in allegro).


# Flexistreams

diff -rN -u old-flexi-streams/packages.lisp new-flexi-streams/ 
--- old-flexi-streams/packages.lisp	2007-06-02 08:32:41.000000000 -0400
+++ new-flexi-streams/packages.lisp	2007-06-02 08:32:41.000000000 -0400
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
(in-package :cl-user)
-(unless (find-symbol "STREAM-FILE-POSITION" :trivial-gray-streams)
+(unless (find-symbol (symbol-name 'stream-file-position) :trivial- 
    (error "You need a newer version of TRIVIAL-GRAY-STREAMS."))
(defpackage :flexi-streams

# Hunchentoot

diff -rN -u old-hunchentoot/server.lisp new-hunchentoot/server.lisp
--- old-hunchentoot/server.lisp	2007-06-02 08:35:13.000000000 -0400
+++ new-hunchentoot/server.lisp	2007-06-02 08:35:13.000000000 -0400
@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@
but this works only on LispWorks - for other Lisps the key must not be
associated with a password."
    ;; initialize the session secret if needed
+  (declare (ignorable port-provided-p))
    (unless (boundp '*session-secret*)
    (let ((output-chunking-p t))
@@ -180,14 +181,20 @@
                                   :dispatch-table dispatch-table
                                   :output-chunking-p (and output- 
chunking-p (not mod-lisp-p))
                                   :input-chunking-p input-chunking-p
-                                 #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl  
-                                 :ssl-certificate-file (and ssl- 
(namestring ssl-certificate-file))
-                                 #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl  
-                                 :ssl-privatekey-file (and ssl- 
(namestring ssl-privatekey-file))
-                                 #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl  
-                                 :ssl-privatekey-password ssl- 
+                                 #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl
+                                 :ssl-certificate-file
+				 #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl
+				 (and ssl-certificate-file
+				      (namestring ssl-certificate-file))
+                                 #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl
+                                 :ssl-privatekey-file
+				 #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl
+				 (and ssl-privatekey-file
+				      (namestring ssl-privatekey-file))
+                                 #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl
+                                 :ssl-privatekey-password
+				 #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl
+				 ssl-privatekey-password
                                   :mod-lisp-p mod-lisp-p
                                   :use-apache-log-p (and mod-lisp-p  
                                   :read-timeout read-timeout
diff -rN -u old-hunchentoot/test/test.lisp new-hunchentoot/test/ 
--- old-hunchentoot/test/test.lisp	2007-06-02 08:35:13.000000000 -0400
+++ new-hunchentoot/test/test.lisp	2007-06-02 08:35:13.000000000 -0400
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
      (log-message :info "Oops info")
      (log-message :debug "Oops debug")
      (error "An error was triggered on purpose. Check your ~
-Apache error log. Up to 12 messages where logged depending on ~
+Apache error log. Up to 12 messages were logged depending on ~
the Apache log level set in httpd.conf.")
       (:body "You'll never see this sentence..."))))
@@ -580,3 +580,4 @@
                   ("/hunchentoot/test/files/" send-file)
                   ("/hunchentoot/test" menu)))
         (list #'default-dispatcher)))

Gary Warren King, metabang.com
Cell: (413) 885 9127
Fax: (206) 338-4052
gwkkwg on Skype * garethsan on AIM

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