[tbnl-devel] Strange encoding problems with SBCL and TBNL

Dan Beauchesne dbeauchesne at gmail.com
Mon Jun 26 05:30:18 UTC 2006

Hi list,

I'm running SBCL (same error with 0.9.13 release)  and TBNL

I've got a simple page set up that I need to simply print the return
value of an external function. That function returns a list containing
UTF-8 characters. I've set *show-lisp-errors-p* to T, here is the

encoding error on stream #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "standard output" {A6877B9}>
  the character with code 20170 cannot be encoded.

I had done some digging on google and found someone in a similar
situation with TBNL, and he tried changing his locale LC_ALL to a
utf-8 one. The above (:EXTERNAL-FORMAT :ASCII part was :ASCII only
after I set my locale to UTF-8, beforehand it was :LATIN-1, which I do
not understand. 

Here is the code, if it helps:

(in-package :tbnl-foo)

(setq *dispatch-table*
      (list (create-prefix-dispatcher "/tbnl/foo" 'foo)

(defun foo ()
  (let ((foo (jalat::search-hash "hello")))
    (with-html-output (*standard-output*)
      (:h2 (str foo)))))

(setq *dispatch-table*
       (mapcar (lambda (args)
		 (apply #'create-prefix-dispatcher args))
	       '(("/tbnl/test/" foo)))
       (list #'default-dispatcher)))

The external function simply returns a list of plists containing UTF-8
characters. I also tried setting *tbnl-default-external-format* to no

Thanks guys, 


Dan Beauchesne
dbeauchesne -at- gmail -dot- com

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