[slime-devel] Slime/ClozureCL issues

Vyacheslav Akhmechet coffeemug at gmail.com
Thu Mar 27 17:14:56 UTC 2008

On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 8:51 AM, Hans Hübner <hans at huebner.org> wrote:
> I'd recommend using the current development version of CCL together
>  with the trunk version of CVS slime.
After updating and still encountering the problem, I narrowed it down
to my .emacs configuration. I'm using highlight-current-line module,
and it is what's causing the issue. Turning it off for both sldb and
repl buffers fixes the issue:

(setq highlight-current-line-ignore-regexp
     "Faces\\|Colors\\| \\*Mini\\|\\*slime-repl.* \\|\\*sldb.*")

Thanks for your help, and sorry for the noise.

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