[slime-devel] Remote slime

Brian Downing bdowning at lavos.net
Tue Jan 20 22:46:17 UTC 2004

I'm trying to use slime (FAIRLY_STABLE) through a somewhat fragile
collection of ssh pipes.

I'm forwarding local port 12321 through to the remote swank server.  I
can connect to it manually fine, and see a "slime-open-stream-to-lisp"
message.  However, when I try to connect to it with emacs (C-u M-x
slime-connect localhost 12321), it fails:

'error in process filter: make client process failed: connection
refused, :name, *lisp-output-stream*, :buffer, nil, :host, localhost,
:service, 32848'

I'm pretty sure I have gotten this to work in the past.  I thought slime
only used one connection.  Has this changed?  I've been out of the loop
for a while, but I didn't ask it to use a port 32848 above.

Is there a way to use it in a single connection mode?  I'm trying to
work on a web application remotely, and I don't wish to expose the
machine directly, and would really not like to set up a full VPN if I
can help it.

On a peripherally related note, is there any sort of support for a
translation table for pathnames?  I'd like to edit the remote files with
tramp mode, but if the paths get sent over as
"/multi:ssh:foo at bar.quux:ssh:foo at gronk:/baz" it's not going to like it
too much.  :)

*** Brian Downing <bdowning at lavos dot net> 

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