[s-xml-devel] DOCTYPE and ENTITY support

Noldus Reijnders n_reijnders at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 2 14:21:25 UTC 2012

I made a small extension to s-xml to make it parse DOCTYPE and ENTITY tags, that seems to work as far as I've tested. I don't know how to make a patch as I sometimes see posted by others (maybe someone can tell me?), so I'll just post the code here. I'm not entirely happy with the read-entity function because of the flags, but since I wanted to use the same coding style (useing the "when" strucutre) and I couldn't think of/wanted to spend more time on a way to do it smarter, this is how it is.
Note that the function "skip-special-tag" in "xml.lisp" is replaced by the function below.
(defun skip-special-tag (stream state)  "Skip an XML special tag (comments and processing instructions) in  stream, positioned after the opening '<', unexpected eof is an error"  ;; opening < has been read, consume ? or !  (read-char stream)  (let ((char (read-char stream nil #\Null)))    (declare (type character char))    ;; see if we are dealing with a comment    (when (char= char #\-)      (setf char (read-char stream nil #\Null))      (when (char= char #\-)      	(skip-comment stream)      	(return-from skip-special-tag)))    ;; maybe we are dealing with CDATA?    (when (and (char= char #\[)	       (loop :for pattern :across "CDATA["		     :for char = (read-char stream nil #\Null)		     :when (char= char #\Null) :do		     (error (parser-error "encountered unexpected eof in cdata"))		     :always (char= char pattern)))          (read-cdata stream state (get-buffer state))          (return-from skip-special-tag))    ;; maybe we are dealing with DOCTYPE?    (when (and (char= char #\D)	       (loop :for pattern :across "OCTYPE"		     :for char = (read-char stream nil #\Null)		     :when (char= char #\Null) :do		     (error (parser-error "encountered unexpected eof in DOCTYPE"))		     :always (char= char pattern)))          (read-doctype stream state (get-buffer state))          (return-from skip-special-tag))    ;; loop over chars, dealing with strings (skipping their content)    ;; and counting opening and closing < and > chars    (let ((taglevel 1)	  (string-delimiter #\Null))      (declare (type character string-delimiter))      (loop       (when (zerop taglevel) (return))       (setf char (read-char stream nil #\Null))       (when (char= char #\Null)	       (error (parser-error "encountered unexpected eof for special (! or ?) tag" nil stream)))       (if (char/= string-delimiter #\Null)  	     ;; inside a string we only look for a closing string delimiter      	   (when (char= char string-delimiter)      	     (setf string-delimiter #\Null))      	 ;; outside a string we count < and > and watch out for strings      	 (cond ((or (char= char #\') (char= char #\")) (setf string-delimiter char))      	       ((char= char #\<) (incf taglevel))      	       ((char= char #\>) (decf taglevel))))))))
(defun read-doctype (stream state string)  "Reads in the DOCTYPE and calls the callback for ENTITY if it exists"  ;; we already read the <!DOCTYPE stuff continue to read until we hit ]>  ;; and read in the entities  (let ((char #\space) (last-2-characters (list #\E #\P)) (pattern (list #\> #\])))    (declare (type character char))    (loop     (setf char (read-char stream nil #\Null))     (when (char= char #\Null) (error (parser-error "encountered unexpected eof in DOCTYPE content")))     ;; maybe we are dealing with an ENTITY?     (when (and (char= char #\<)	        (loop :for pattern :across "!ENTITY" 		     :for char = (read-char stream nil #\Null) 		     :when (char= char #\Null) :do 		     (error (parser-error "encountered unexpected eof in ENTITY")) 		     :always (char= char pattern)))           (read-entity stream state (get-buffer state)))     ;; Push the new character onto the last-2-characters list     (push char last-2-characters)     (setf (cddr last-2-characters) nil)     (cond       ((equal last-2-characters pattern)        	(setf (fill-pointer string) (- (fill-pointer string) 2))        	(setf (get-seed state) (funcall (get-text-hook state)                          		       (copy-seq string)                          		       (get-seed state)))        	(return-from read-doctype))       (t (vector-push-extend char string))))))
(defun read-entity (stream state string)  "Reads in the ENTITY and adds it to the known entity list"  ;; we already read the <!ENTITY stuff continue to read until we hit >  (let ((char (read-char stream nil #\Null)) (ent "") (value "") (ent-flag nil) (value-flag nil))    (declare (type character char))    (loop     (setf char (read-char stream nil #\Null))     (when (char= char #\Null) (error (parser-error "encountered unexpected eof in entity content")))     ;;  If > is encountered, store the entity in the known entities and return     (when (char= char #\>)         (setf (gethash ent (get-entities state)) value)        (return-from read-entity))     ;; If char /= space and no space has been encountered yet     ;; store the characters in ent     (when (and (char/= char #\space) (not value-flag))        (setf ent-flag t)        (setf ent (concatenate 'string ent (string char))))     ;; If char /= space and a space has been encountered     ;; store the characters in value     (when (and (char/= char #\space) value-flag)        (setf value (concatenate 'string value (string char))))     ;; If char = space then flag beginning of value     (when (and (char= char #\space) ent-flag)        (setf value-flag t)) )))

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