[regex-coach] (no subject)

algol at applelinks.net algol at applelinks.net
Sat Mar 20 11:16:19 UTC 2004

I see...:-)
Thank you four your reply. There is no hope for extra money
right now, but if there will be, im definitely going to use
it for LW. Im a little tired of the "Personal Edition" (no
updates etc). I do own a license of MCL, but I like the
CAPI and sql capacities of LW.

> > Regex Coach seems to be a great utility...but we cant
> use it on OS
> > X.  Is there anything that can be done about this?
> Yes, you can buy me a professional license for the Mac
> version of
> LispWorks... :)
> > Is there some licence issue with LispWorks?
> See above. I have licenses for Windows and Linux only.
> Until recently
> we only had an old Pismo PowerBook at home which was too
> slow to run
> OS X. But now my wife is getting a new iBook so I'd be
> able to build
> and maintain a Mac version with it. However, I won't buy
> a license
> (EUR 900) just for a freeware app - the two licenses that
> I have I
> also use professionally.
> > Of course your applications is not open source, so
> there is probably
> > little hope to port it to OS X (if you dont own a
> distribution
> > licence from LispWorks).  But if you use CAPI for the
> interface, it
> > could be ported, is that right?
> Yep. Judging from the Windows to Linux port and from what
> I've heard
> about the Mac version of LW it should be a piece of cake
> to port it.
> I actually gave the source code to someone with a LW Mac
> license who
> volunteered to maintain a Mac version but it seems he's
> too busy. I
> haven't heard from him since January or so.
> Cheers,
> Edi.
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