[postmodern-devel] fragile connection under OpenMCL in general?

Joe Corneli jcorneli at planetmath.org
Thu Mar 8 00:12:45 UTC 2007

I have a table strs, now, that looks like this:

select * from strs;
 strid | string 
     1 | car
     2 | has
     3 | wheels
     4 | bike

Attempting to run this under postmodern gives me an error:

? (execute (:insert-into 'strs :set 'string "predicate"))
> Error in process listener(1): Database error 08P01: invalid message format
>                               Query: INSERT INTO strs (string) VALUES ('predicate')
> While executing: CL-POSTGRES::GET-ERROR
> Type :POP to abort.
Type :? for other options.
1 > :POP
> Error in process listener(1): Database error 08P01: invalid frontend message type 0
> While executing: CL-POSTGRES::GET-ERROR
> Type :POP to abort.
Type :? for other options.
1 > :POP

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