[pg-devel] [PATCH] CLSQL support, more encodings, float parser, etc

Vladimir Sekissov svg at surnet.ru
Thu Nov 23 14:00:40 UTC 2006

Good day,

The patch in the attachment contains some changes to Pg you could find

- "hand-made" float parser;

- support most PostgreSQL client encodings on unicode platforms;

- allow any PostgreSQL unibyte client encoding on 8-bit platforms;

- use CFFI interface to "crypt";

- preliminary CLSQL support. All CLSQL tests are passed
  except one because driver currently supports only two types of result
  type conversions - nil and :auto.

Patch was tested on CMUCL-19c and SBCL-0.9.18 (unicode and 8-bit).

Best Regards,
Vladimir Sekissov
-------------- next part --------------
diff -Naur --exclude=CVS --exclude='*.fasl' --exclude='*~' pg.orig/clsql/clsql-postgresql-pg.asd pg/clsql/clsql-postgresql-pg.asd
--- pg.orig/clsql/clsql-postgresql-pg.asd	1970-01-01 05:00:00.000000000 +0500
+++ pg/clsql/clsql-postgresql-pg.asd	2006-11-23 15:54:57.000000000 +0500
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+;;;; clsql-postgresql-pg.lisp -- Pg support for CLSQL
+;;;; Authors:  Vladimir Sekissov <svg at surnet.ru>
+;;;; $Id$
+(defpackage #:clsql-postgresql-pg-system (:use #:asdf #:cl))
+(in-package #:clsql-postgresql-pg-system)
+;;; System definition
+(defsystem clsql-postgresql-pg
+  :name "cl-sql-postgresql-pg"
+  :author "Vladimir Sekissov <svg at surnet.ru>"
+  :licence "Lessor Lisp General Public License"
+  :description "Common Lisp SQL PostgreSQL Socket Driver"
+  :depends-on (:clsql :pg)
+  :components
+    ((:file "postgresql-pg-package")
+     (:file "postgresql-pg-api")
+     (:file "postgresql-pg-sql")
+     (:file "postgresql-pg-objects"))
+  :serial t)
diff -Naur --exclude=CVS --exclude='*.fasl' --exclude='*~' pg.orig/clsql/postgresql-pg-api.lisp pg/clsql/postgresql-pg-api.lisp
--- pg.orig/clsql/postgresql-pg-api.lisp	1970-01-01 05:00:00.000000000 +0500
+++ pg/clsql/postgresql-pg-api.lisp	2006-11-23 15:18:07.000000000 +0500
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+;;;; postgresql-pg-api.lisp -- Pg support for CLSQL
+;;;; Authors:  Vladimir Sekissov <svg at surnet.ru>
+;;;; $Id$
+(in-package #:postgresql-pg)
+(defmethod clsql-sys:database-type-library-loaded ((database-type (eql :postgresql-pg)))
+  "T if foreign library was able to be loaded successfully. Always true for
+socket interface"
+  t)
+(defmethod clsql-sys:database-type-load-foreign ((database-type (eql :postgresql-pg)))
+  t)
+(defconstant +postgresql-server-default-port+ 5432
+  "Default port of PostgreSQL server.")
+;; TODO - add encoding argument
+(defun open-postgresql-connection (&key (host (cmucl-compat:required-argument))
+					(port +postgresql-server-default-port+)
+					(database (cmucl-compat:required-argument))
+					(user (cmucl-compat:required-argument))
+                                        password)
+ (pg:pg-connect database user
+                        :host host 
+                        :port port 
+                        :password (or password "")))
+(defun close-postgresql-connection (connection)
+  (pg:pg-disconnect connection))
diff -Naur --exclude=CVS --exclude='*.fasl' --exclude='*~' pg.orig/clsql/postgresql-pg-objects.lisp pg/clsql/postgresql-pg-objects.lisp
--- pg.orig/clsql/postgresql-pg-objects.lisp	1970-01-01 05:00:00.000000000 +0500
+++ pg/clsql/postgresql-pg-objects.lisp	2006-11-23 15:16:58.000000000 +0500
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+;;;; postgresql-pg-objects.lisp -- Pg support for CLSQL
+;;;; Authors:  Vladimir Sekissov <svg at surnet.ru>
+;;;; $Id$
+(in-package #:clsql-sys)
+(defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'boolean)) (database clsql-postgresql-pg:postgresql-pg-database) db-type)
+  (declare (ignore db-type))
+  (typecase val
+    (string (call-next-method))
+    (t val)))
+(defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'generalized-boolean)) (database clsql-postgresql-pg:postgresql-pg-database) db-type)
+  (declare (ignore db-type))
+  (typecase val
+    (string (call-next-method))
+    (t val)))
+(defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'wall-time)) (database clsql-postgresql-pg:postgresql-pg-database) db-type)
+  (declare (ignore db-type))
+  (typecase val
+    (integer (clsql:utime->time val))
+    (t (call-next-method))))
\ ? ????? ????? ??? ????? ??????
diff -Naur --exclude=CVS --exclude='*.fasl' --exclude='*~' pg.orig/clsql/postgresql-pg-package.lisp pg/clsql/postgresql-pg-package.lisp
--- pg.orig/clsql/postgresql-pg-package.lisp	1970-01-01 05:00:00.000000000 +0500
+++ pg/clsql/postgresql-pg-package.lisp	2006-11-23 15:17:29.000000000 +0500
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+;;;; postgresql-pg-package.lisp -- Pg support for CLSQL
+;;;; Authors:  Vladimir Sekissov <svg at surnet.ru>
+;;;; $Id$
+(in-package #:cl-user)
+(defpackage #:postgresql-pg
+  (:use #:cl #:pg)
+  (:export #:+postgresql-server-default-port+
+	   #:open-postgresql-connection
+	   #:close-postgresql-connection))
diff -Naur --exclude=CVS --exclude='*.fasl' --exclude='*~' pg.orig/clsql/postgresql-pg-sql.lisp pg/clsql/postgresql-pg-sql.lisp
--- pg.orig/clsql/postgresql-pg-sql.lisp	1970-01-01 05:00:00.000000000 +0500
+++ pg/clsql/postgresql-pg-sql.lisp	2006-11-23 15:17:58.000000000 +0500
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+;;;; postgresql-pg-sql.lisp -- Pg support for CLSQL
+;;;; Authors:  Vladimir Sekissov <svg at surnet.ru>
+;;;; $Id$
+(in-package #:cl-user)
+(defpackage :clsql-postgresql-pg
+    (:use #:common-lisp #:clsql-sys #:postgresql-pg)
+    (:export #:postgresql-pg-database)
+    (:documentation "This is the CLSQL socket interface to PostgreSQL."))
+(in-package #:clsql-postgresql-pg)
+;; interface foreign library loading routines
+(clsql-sys:database-type-load-foreign :postgresql-pg)
+(defun convert-to-clsql-error (database expression condition)
+  (error 'sql-database-data-error
+	 :database database
+	 :expression expression
+	 :error-id (type-of condition)
+	 :message (format nil "~a" condition)))
+(defmacro with-postgresql-handlers
+    ((database &optional expression)
+     &body body)
+  (let ((database-var (gensym))
+	(expression-var (gensym)))
+    `(let ((,database-var ,database)
+	   (,expression-var ,expression))
+       (handler-bind ((pg:postgresql-error
+		       (lambda (c)
+			 (convert-to-clsql-error
+			  ,database-var ,expression-var c))))
+	 , at body))))
+(defmethod database-initialize-database-type ((database-type
+					       (eql :postgresql-pg)))
+  t)
+(defclass postgresql-pg-database (generic-postgresql-database)
+  ((connection :accessor database-connection
+               :initarg :connection
+	       :type pg::pgcon)))
+(defmethod database-type ((database postgresql-pg-database))
+  :postgresql-pg)
+(defmethod database-name-from-spec (connection-spec
+				    (database-type (eql :postgresql-pg)))
+  (check-connection-spec connection-spec database-type
+			 (host db user password &optional port options tty))
+  (destructuring-bind (host db user password &optional port options tty)
+      connection-spec
+    (declare (ignore password options tty))
+    (concatenate 'string 
+      (etypecase host
+	(null
+	 "localhost")
+	(pathname (namestring host))
+	(string host))
+      (when port 
+	(concatenate 'string
+		     ":"
+		     (etypecase port
+		       (integer (write-to-string port))
+		       (string port))))
+      "/" db "/" user)))
+(defmethod database-connect (connection-spec 
+			     (database-type (eql :postgresql-pg)))
+  (check-connection-spec connection-spec database-type
+			 (host db user password &optional port))
+  (destructuring-bind (host db user password &optional
+			    (port +postgresql-server-default-port+))
+      connection-spec
+    (handler-case
+	(handler-bind ((warning
+			(lambda (c)
+			  (warn 'sql-warning
+				:format-control "~A"
+				:format-arguments
+				(list (princ-to-string c))))))
+	  (open-postgresql-connection :host host :port port
+				      :database db :user user
+				      :password password))
+      (pg:postgresql-error (c)
+	;; Connect failed
+	(error 'sql-connection-error
+	       :database-type database-type
+	       :connection-spec connection-spec
+	       :error-id (type-of c)
+	       :message (format nil "~a" c)))
+      (:no-error (connection)
+		 ;; Success, make instance
+		 (make-instance 'postgresql-pg-database
+				:name (database-name-from-spec connection-spec
+							       database-type)
+				:database-type :postgresql-pg
+				:connection-spec connection-spec
+				:connection connection)))))
+(defmethod database-disconnect ((database postgresql-pg-database))
+  (close-postgresql-connection (database-connection database))
+  t)
+(defmethod database-query (expression (database postgresql-pg-database) result-types field-names)
+  (let ((connection (database-connection database)))
+    (with-postgresql-handlers (database expression)
+      (let* ((pg:*pg-coerce-result-types* result-types)
+             (result (pg:pg-exec connection (string expression))))
+        (values (pg:pg-result result :tuples)
+                (when field-names
+                  (mapcar #'car (pg:pg-result result :attributes))))))))
+(defmethod database-execute-command (expression (database postgresql-pg-database))
+  (let ((connection (database-connection database)))
+    (with-postgresql-handlers (database expression)
+      (pg:pg-exec connection (string expression)))))
+(defstruct postgresql-pg-result-set
+  (tuples nil))
+(defmethod database-query-result-set ((expression string)
+				      (database postgresql-pg-database) 
+				      &key full-set result-types)
+  (declare (ignore full-set))
+  (let ((connection (database-connection database)))
+    (with-postgresql-handlers (database expression)
+      (let* ((pg:*pg-coerce-result-types* result-types)
+             (result (pg:pg-exec connection (string expression))))
+	(values (make-postgresql-pg-result-set :tuples (pg:pg-result result :tuples))
+                (length (pg:pg-result result :attributes)))))))
+(defmethod database-dump-result-set (result-set
+				     (database postgresql-pg-database))
+  (declare (ignore result-set database))
+  t)
+(defmethod database-store-next-row (result-set
+				    (database postgresql-pg-database)
+				    list)
+  (with-postgresql-handlers (database)
+    (when (postgresql-pg-result-set-tuples result-set)
+        (loop
+           with row = (pop (postgresql-pg-result-set-tuples result-set))
+           for rest on list
+           do
+             (setf (car rest) (pop row)))
+        list)))
+(defmethod database-create (connection-spec (type (eql :postgresql-pg)))
+  (destructuring-bind (host name user password) connection-spec
+    (let ((database (database-connect (list host "template1" user password)
+				      type)))
+      (unwind-protect
+	   (execute-command (format nil "create database ~A" name))
+	(database-disconnect database)))))
+(defmethod database-destroy (connection-spec (type (eql :postgresql-pg)))
+  (destructuring-bind (host name user password) connection-spec
+    (let ((database (database-connect (list host "template1" user password)
+				      type)))
+      (unwind-protect
+	  (execute-command (format nil "drop database ~A" name))
+	(database-disconnect database)))))
+(defmethod database-probe (connection-spec (type (eql :postgresql-pg)))
+  (when (find (second connection-spec) (database-list connection-spec type)
+              :test #'string-equal)
+    t))
+;; Database capabilities
+(defmethod db-backend-has-create/destroy-db? ((db-type (eql :postgresql-pg)))
+  nil)
+(defmethod db-type-has-fancy-math? ((db-type (eql :postgresql-pg)))
+  t)
+(defmethod db-type-default-case ((db-type (eql :postgresql-pg)))
+  :lower)
+(defmethod database-underlying-type ((database postgresql-pg-database))
+  :postgresql)
+(when (clsql-sys:database-type-library-loaded :postgresql-pg)
+  (clsql-sys:initialize-database-type :database-type :postgresql-pg))
diff -Naur --exclude=CVS --exclude='*.fasl' --exclude='*~' pg.orig/defpackage.lisp pg/defpackage.lisp
--- pg.orig/defpackage.lisp	2005-07-17 21:44:48.000000000 +0600
+++ pg/defpackage.lisp	2006-11-22 17:00:37.000000000 +0500
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
   (:export #:pg-connect #:pg-exec #:pg-result #:pg-disconnect
+           #:*pg-coerce-result-types*
            #:pg-databases #:pg-tables #:pg-columns
diff -Naur --exclude=CVS --exclude='*.fasl' --exclude='*~' pg.orig/parsers.lisp pg/parsers.lisp
--- pg.orig/parsers.lisp	2006-10-23 01:29:47.000000000 +0600
+++ pg/parsers.lisp	2006-11-23 14:44:23.000000000 +0500
@@ -135,11 +135,58 @@
           (setq decimal-part (/ (parse-integer decimal-str) (expt 10 dec-str-len))))))
     (+ integer-part decimal-part)))
-;; FIXME switch to a specialized float parser that conses less
 (defun float-parser (str)
   (declare (type simple-string str))
-  (let ((*read-eval* nil))
-    (read-from-string str)))
+  (let ((idx 0)
+        (str-len (length str)))
+    (labels ((nxt-char ()
+               (when (< idx str-len)
+                 (prog1 (char str idx)
+                   (incf idx))))
+             (cur-char ()
+               (when (< idx str-len)
+                 (char str idx)))
+             (read-integer ()
+               (multiple-value-bind (int int-idx)
+                   (parse-integer str :start idx :junk-allowed t)
+                 (multiple-value-prog1 (values int (- int-idx idx))
+                   (setf idx int-idx))))
+             (read-sign ()
+               (case (cur-char)
+                 (#\- (nxt-char)
+                      -1)
+                 (#\+ (nxt-char)
+                      1)
+                 (otherwise 1)))
+             (read-fractional-part ()
+               (case (cur-char)
+                 (#\. (nxt-char)
+                      (multiple-value-bind (int count)
+                          (read-integer)
+                        (when int
+                          (* int (expt 10 (- count))))))
+                 (otherwise nil)))
+             (read-exponent ()
+               (case (cur-char)
+                 ((#\e #\E) (nxt-char)
+                  (read-integer))
+                 (otherwise 0))))
+      (let ((sign (read-sign))
+            (int-part (read-integer))
+            (fractional-part (read-fractional-part))
+            (exponent (read-exponent)))
+        (unless (and (or int-part fractional-part)
+                     (= idx str-len))
+          (error "Unknown float format or not a float ~a" str))
+        (unless int-part
+          (setf int-part 0))
+        (* (+ (coerce int-part 'double-float)
+              (or fractional-part 0))
+           (expt 10 exponent)
+           sign)))))
 ;; here we are assuming that the value of *PG-CLIENT-ENCODING* is
 ;; compatible with the encoding that the CL implementation uses for
diff -Naur --exclude=CVS --exclude='*.fasl' --exclude='*~' pg.orig/pg.asd pg/pg.asd
--- pg.orig/pg.asd	2006-09-30 22:51:12.000000000 +0600
+++ pg/pg.asd	2006-11-22 11:46:25.000000000 +0500
@@ -8,12 +8,6 @@
 (defclass pg-component (cl-source-file)
-;; For CMUCL, ensure that the crypt library is loaded before
-;; attempting to load the code. 
-(defmethod perform :before ((o load-op) (c pg-component))
-  (ext:load-foreign "/usr/lib/libcrypt.so"))
 (defsystem :pg
     :name "Socket-level PostgreSQL interface"
     :author "Eric Marsden"
@@ -23,7 +17,8 @@
               #+cormanlisp :sockets
               #+sbcl :sb-bsd-sockets
 	      #+sbcl :sb-rotate-byte
-              #+(and mcl (not openmcl)) "OPENTRANSPORT")
+              #+(and mcl (not openmcl)) "OPENTRANSPORT"
+              :cffi)
     :components ((:file "md5")
                  (:file "defpackage" :depends-on ("md5"))
                  (:pg-component "sysdep" :depends-on ("defpackage" "md5"))
diff -Naur --exclude=CVS --exclude='*.fasl' --exclude='*~' pg.orig/pg.lisp pg/pg.lisp
--- pg.orig/pg.lisp	2006-11-21 01:50:36.000000000 +0500
+++ pg/pg.lisp	2006-11-23 16:02:32.000000000 +0500
@@ -127,6 +127,8 @@
 (defvar *pg-date-style* "ISO")
+(defvar *pg-coerce-result-types* t
+  "Convert query results to types declared by backend database.")
 (defclass pgcon ()
   ((stream    :accessor pgcon-stream
diff -Naur --exclude=CVS --exclude='*.fasl' --exclude='*~' pg.orig/sysdep.lisp pg/sysdep.lisp
--- pg.orig/sysdep.lisp	2006-11-19 23:47:59.000000000 +0500
+++ pg/sysdep.lisp	2006-11-22 11:59:17.000000000 +0500
@@ -18,26 +18,16 @@
     (error "No system dependent code to ~A" desc))
   (car forms))
-#+(and cmu glibc2)
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
-  (format t ";; Loading libcrypt~%")
-  ;; (ext:load-foreign "/lib/libcrypt.so.1")
-  (sys::load-object-file "/usr/lib/libcrypt.so"))
-#+(and cmu glibc2)
-(defun crypt (key salt)
-  (declare (type string key salt))
-  (alien:alien-funcall
-   (alien:extern-alien "crypt"
-          (function c-call:c-string c-call:c-string c-call:c-string))
-   key salt))
-#-(and cmu glibc2)
-(defun crypt (key salt)
-  (declare (ignore salt))
-  key)
+  (cffi:define-foreign-library libcrypt
+    (:unix (:default "libcrypt"))
+    (t (:default "libcrypt")))
+  (cffi:use-foreign-library libcrypt))
+(cffi:defcfun ("crypt" crypt) :string
+  (key :string)
+  (salt :string))
 (defun md5-digest (string &rest strings)
   (declare (type simple-string string))
@@ -323,68 +313,184 @@
 ;; 	(declare (ignore elements bytes))
 ;; 	(fli:convert-from-foreign-string ptr :external-format to)))
-;;; character encoding support
-(defvar *pg-client-encoding*)
+(defvar *pg-multibyte-encodings*
+  '("BIG5"
+    "EUC_CN"
+    "EUC_JP"
+    "EUC_KR"
+    "EUC_TW"
+    "GB18030"
+    "GBK"
+    "JOHAB"
+    "SJIS"
+    "UHC"
+    "UTF8"))
+(defvar *pg-implementation-encodings*
+  (let ((tbl (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)))
+    (mapc
+     #'(lambda (kv)
+         (when (cdr kv)
+           (setf (gethash (car kv) tbl) (cadr kv))))
+     '(("ISO_8859_5"
+        #+(or (and sbcl sb-unicode) (and allegro ics)) :latin-5
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:iso-8859-5)
+       ("ISO_8859_6"
+        #+(and sbcl sb-unicode) :iso-8859-6
+        #+(and allegro ics) :iso8859-6
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:iso-8859-6
+        )
+       ("ISO_8859_7"
+        #+(and sbcl sb-unicode) :iso-8859-7
+        #+(and allegro ics) :iso8859-7
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:iso-8859-7
+        )
+       ("ISO_8859_8"
+        #+(and sbcl sb-unicode) :iso-8859-8
+        #+(and allegro ics) :iso8859-8
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:iso-8859-8
+        )
+       ("KOI8"
+        #+(or (and sbcl sb-unicode) (and allegro ics)) :koi8-r
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:koi8-r
+        )
+       ("LATIN1"
+        #+(or (and sbcl sb-unicode) (and allegro ics)) :latin-1
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:iso-8859-1)
+       ("LATIN2"
+        #+(or (and sbcl sb-unicode) (and allegro ics)) :latin-2
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:iso-8859-2)
+       ("LATIN3"
+        #+(or (and sbcl sb-unicode) (and allegro ics)) :latin-3
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:iso-8859-3)
+       ("LATIN4"
+        #+(or (and sbcl sb-unicode) (and allegro ics)) :latin-4
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:iso-8859-4)
+       ("LATIN5"
+        #+(or (and sbcl sb-unicode) (and allegro ics)) :latin-5
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:iso-8859-9)
+       ("LATIN6"
+        #+(or (and sbcl sb-unicode) (and allegro ics)) :latin-6
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:iso-8859-10)
+       ("LATIN7"
+        #+(or (and sbcl sb-unicode) (and allegro ics)) :latin-7
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:iso-8859-13)
+       ("LATIN8"
+        #+(or (and sbcl sb-unicode) (and allegro ics)) :latin-8
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:iso-8859-14)
+       ("LATIN9"
+        #+(or (and sbcl sb-unicode) (and allegro ics)) :latin-9
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:iso-8859-15)
+       ("LATIN10"
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:iso-8859-16)
+       ("SQL_ASCII"
+        #+(or (and sbcl sb-unicode) (and allegro ics)) :ascii  
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:ascii)
+       ("UTF8"
+        #+(or (and sbcl sb-unicode) (and allegro ics)) :utf-8
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:utf-8)
+       ("EUC_JP"
+        #+(and sbcl sb-unicode) :eucjp
+        #+(and allegro ics) :euc
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:eucjp)
+       ("WIN866"
+        #+(and sbcl sb-unicode) :cp866
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:cp866)
+       ("WIN874"
+        #+(and sbcl sb-unicode) :cp874
+        #+(and allegro ics) :874
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:cp874)
+       ("WIN1250"
+        #+(and sbcl sb-unicode) :windows-1250
+        #+(and allegro ics) :1250
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:windows-1250)
+       ("WIN1251"
+        #+(and sbcl sb-unicode) :windows-1251
+        #+(and allegro ics) :1251
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:windows-1251)
+       ("WIN1252"
+        #+(and sbcl sb-unicode) :windows-1252
+        #+(and allegro ics) :1252
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:windows-1252)
+       ("WIN1253"
+        #+(and sbcl sb-unicode) :windows-1253
+        #+(and allegro ics) :1253
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:windows-1253)
+       ("WIN1254"
+        #+(and sbcl sb-unicode) :windows-1254
+        #+(and allegro ics) :1254
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:windows-1254)
+       ("WIN1255"
+        #+(and sbcl sb-unicode) :windows-1255
+        #+(and allegro ics) :1255
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:windows-1255)
+       ("WIN1256"
+        #+(and sbcl sb-unicode) :windows-1256
+        #+(and allegro ics) :1256
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:windows-1256)
+       ("WIN1257"
+        #+(and sbcl sb-unicode) :windows-1257
+        #+(and allegro ics) :1257
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:windows-1257)
+       ("WIN1258"
+        #+(and sbcl sb-unicode) :windows-1258
+        #+(and allegro ics) :1258
+        #+(and clisp unicode) charset:windows-1258)))
+    tbl))
 (defun implementation-name-for-encoding (encoding)
   (%sysdep "convert from client encoding to external format name"
-     #+(and clisp unicode)
-     (cond ((string-equal encoding "SQL_ASCII") charset:ascii)
-           ((string-equal encoding "LATIN1") charset:iso-8859-1)
-           ((string-equal encoding "LATIN2") charset:iso-8859-2)
-           ((string-equal encoding "LATIN9") charset:iso-8859-9)
-           ((string-equal encoding "UTF8") charset:utf-8)
-           (t (error "unknown encoding ~A" encoding)))
-     #+(and allegro ics)
-     (cond ((string-equal encoding "SQL_ASCII") :ascii)
-           ((string-equal encoding "LATIN1") :latin1)
-           ((string-equal encoding "LATIN9") :latin9)
-           ((string-equal encoding "UTF8") :utf8)
-           (t (error "unknown encoding ~A" encoding)))
-     #+(and sbcl sb-unicode)
-     (cond ((string-equal encoding "SQL_ASCII") :ascii)
-           ((string-equal encoding  "LATIN1") :iso-8859-1)
-           ((string-equal encoding  "LATIN2") :iso-8859-2)
-           ((string-equal encoding "LATIN9") :iso-8859-9)
-           ((string-equal encoding "UTF8") :utf8)
-           (t (error "unknown encoding ~A" encoding)))
-     #+(or cmu gcl ecl abcl openmcl lispworks)
-     nil))
+           #+(or (and sbcl (not sb-unicode)) (and clisp (not unicode)) (and allegro (not ics)) cmu gcl ecl abcl openmcl lispworks)
+           (if (not (member encoding *pg-multibyte-encodings* :test #'equalp))
+               nil
+               (error "Unsupported multibyte encoding in unibyte environment ~a"
+                      encoding))
+           #+(or (and sbcl sb-unicode) (and clisp unicode) (and allegro ics))
+           (let ((impl-enc (gethash encoding *pg-implementation-encodings*)))
+             (if impl-enc
+                 impl-enc
+                 (error "Unknown or unsupported encoding ~a" encoding)))
+           ))
 (defun convert-string-to-bytes (string encoding)
   (declare (type string string))
-  (%sysdep "convert string to octet-array"
-     #+(and clisp unicode)
-     (ext:convert-string-to-bytes string (implementation-name-for-encoding encoding))
-     #+(and allegro ics)
-     (excl:string-to-octets string :null-terminate nil
-			    :external-format (implementation-name-for-encoding encoding))
-     #+(and :sbcl :sb-unicode)
-     (sb-ext:string-to-octets string
-                              :external-format (implementation-name-for-encoding encoding))
-     #+(or cmu gcl ecl abcl openmcl lispworks)
-     (if (member encoding '("SQL_ASCII" "LATIN1" "LATIN9") :test #'string-equal)
-         (let ((octets (make-array (length string) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
-           (map-into octets #'char-code string))
-         (error "Can't convert ~A string to octets" encoding))))
+  (let ((imp-enc (implementation-name-for-encoding encoding)))
+    (declare (ignorable imp-enc))
+    (%sysdep "convert string to octet-array"
+             #+(and clisp unicode)
+             (ext:convert-string-to-bytes string imp-enc)
+             #+(and allegro ics)
+             (excl:string-to-octets string :null-terminate nil :external-format imp-enc)
+             #+(and sbcl sb-unicode)
+             (sb-ext:string-to-octets string :external-format imp-enc)
+             #+(and sbcl (not sb-unicode))
+             (sb-ext:string-to-octets string)
+             #+(or (and clisp (not unicode)) (and allegro (not ics)) cmu gcl ecl abcl openmcl lispworks)
+             (let ((octets (make-array (length string) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+               (map-into octets #'char-code string)))))
 (defun convert-string-from-bytes (bytes encoding)
   (declare (type (vector (unsigned-byte 8)) bytes))
-  (%sysdep "convert octet-array to string"
-    #+(and clisp unicode)
-    (ext:convert-string-from-bytes bytes (implementation-name-for-encoding encoding))
-    #+(and allegro ics)
-    (excl:octets-to-string bytes :external-format (implementation-name-for-encoding encoding))
-    #+(and :sbcl :sb-unicode)
-    (sb-ext:octets-to-string bytes :external-format (implementation-name-for-encoding encoding))
-    ;; for implementations that have no support for character
-    ;; encoding, we assume that the encoding is an octet-for-octet
-    ;; encoding, and convert directly
-    #+(or cmu (and sbcl (not :sb-unicode)) gcl ecl abcl openmcl lispworks)
-    (let ((string (make-string (length bytes))))
-      (map-into string #'code-char bytes))))
+  (let ((imp-enc (implementation-name-for-encoding encoding)))
+    (declare (ignorable imp-enc))
+    (%sysdep "convert octet-array to string"
+             #+(and clisp unicode)
+             (ext:convert-string-from-bytes bytes imp-enc)
+             #+(and allegro ics)
+             (excl:octets-to-string bytes :external-format imp-enc)
+             #+(and :sbcl :sb-unicode)
+             (sb-ext:octets-to-string bytes :external-format imp-enc)
+             #+(and sbcl (not sb-unicode))
+             (sb-ext:octets-to-string bytes)
+             ;; for implementations that have no support for character
+             ;; encoding, we assume that the encoding is an octet-for-octet
+             ;; encoding, and convert directly
+             #+(or cmu gcl ecl abcl openmcl lispworks)
+             (let ((string (make-string (length bytes))))
+               (map-into string #'code-char bytes)))))
 ;; EOF
diff -Naur --exclude=CVS --exclude='*.fasl' --exclude='*~' pg.orig/v2-protocol.lisp pg/v2-protocol.lisp
--- pg.orig/v2-protocol.lisp	2006-11-21 01:50:36.000000000 +0500
+++ pg/v2-protocol.lisp	2006-11-23 16:02:35.000000000 +0500
@@ -294,7 +294,9 @@
              (let* ((len (+ (read-net-int connection 4) correction))
                     (raw (%read-chars (pgcon-stream connection) (max 0 len)))
-                    (parsed (parse raw (car type-ids))))
+                    (parsed (if *pg-coerce-result-types*
+                                (parse raw (car type-ids))
+                                raw)))
                (push parsed tuples)))))))
 ;; FIXME could signal a postgresql-notification condition
diff -Naur --exclude=CVS --exclude='*.fasl' --exclude='*~' pg.orig/v3-protocol.lisp pg/v3-protocol.lisp
--- pg.orig/v3-protocol.lisp	2006-11-21 01:50:36.000000000 +0500
+++ pg/v3-protocol.lisp	2006-11-23 16:02:36.000000000 +0500
@@ -685,7 +685,10 @@
              (raw   (unless (= length -1)
                       (read-string-from-packet packet length))))
         (if raw
-            (push (parse raw (car type-ids)) tuples)
+            (push (if *pg-coerce-result-types*
+                      (parse raw (car type-ids))
+                      raw)
+                  tuples)
             (push nil tuples))))))
 ;; Execute one of the large-object functions (lo_open, lo_close etc).

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