[movitz-devel] OS decisions

Samium Gromoff _deepfire at feelingofgreen.ru
Sun Jun 14 09:51:30 UTC 2009

From: Shawn Betts <sabetts at gmail.com>
>> Memory protection?
> In many ways lisp doesn't need memory protection since you don't
> create pointers out of thin air like in C. That said, it could be
> useful for security purposes if movitz was a multiuser system.

The thing is, it's impossible to prevent the user from accessing
arbitrary functions in CL -- and things like SB-SYS:SAP-REF-*
precisely allow arbitrary pointer dereference.

Another issue is unsafely compiled code with violated declarations.
This could literally explode an unprotected memory system.

> -Shawn

regards, Samium Gromoff

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