[mkcl-devel] Add new alias command

Kaïraba Cissé ckairaba at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 14:53:39 UTC 2011

Hi jean-claude
I wanted to add new aliases in mkcl.
So, I add the following code in my .mkclrc file :
*(setf (cdar si::*tpl-commands*)
      (append (cdar si::*tpl-commands*) '(((:bye) quit :eval "" ""))))*
Howerver, it doesn't work at all.
I think the issue comes from the file mkcl-1.0.1/src/lsp/top.lsp on line
We must replace the line 504 by :
*(&key ((:commands *tpl-commands*) *tpl-commands*)*

What do you think about that ?
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