[mel-base-devel] mel.mime:parts not working properly for rfc 2822 (reading from a file)

Fred Gibson fred at streamfocus.com
Thu Jan 28 17:40:46 UTC 2010

Hi Jochen,

This seems to do the trick nicely:

(defmethod part-body-stream ((part part))
  "Skip headers to beginning of part body and return stream"
  (let* ((stream (message-body-stream (part-to-message part)))
         (parent (loop for parent = (parent part) then (parent parent)
                    until (typep parent 'message)
                    finally (return parent)))
         (boundary (boundary-tag (parent part))))
      (dotimes (number (part-number part))
        (scan-forward-boundary-tag stream boundary))
      (read-rfc2822-header stream)

My best,


On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 8:56 AM, Jochen Schmidt <js at crispylogics.com> wrote:
> Am 28.01.2010 um 17:49 schrieb Fred Gibson:
>> Would that approach work with an alternative structure where both a
>> text/plain and a text/html have the same boundary?  I was thinking
>> that the content-type would need to be used to get an exact part
>> match.
> No you use the part-number. This is a strict numbering on the same level. So if you scan for a part with part number 2 you have to skip the first found boundary.
>> How about:
>>> Given some part P with boundary B
>>> 1) Locate the message object by following the parent chain
>>> 2) Get a message-body-stream
>>> 3) scan the stream for the boundary B
>> 4) if boundary is found
>> 5)  process the content-type
>>          if content-type matches
>>          then return stream as part-stream
>>          else go to 3)
> That isn't needed - the bodystructure (and the mel-base part objects) already contain the part-number.
> ciao,
> Jochen

Fred Gibson

Founder / Software Developer

(c)2010 Organon Technologies LLC

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