[mel-base-devel] mel.mime:parts not working properly for rfc 2822 (reading from a file)

Jochen Schmidt js at crispylogics.com
Sun Jan 24 13:36:51 UTC 2010

Am 24.01.2010 um 14:03 schrieb Fred Gibson <fred at streamfocus.com>:

> Hi Jochen,
> Yes, that is a beautiful thing - works great now.  (I had to change
> the peek flet to: ((peek ()   (peek-char nil in-stream nil :eof))  to
> cure the eof problem.  All is well now.

Yes that should be the right thing to do.

> I made the mistake in my version of thinking the result should give
> just the low level parts (so 3 parts in the example case instead of a
> new smaller message + 1 part), so that was part of my misunderstanding
> about it.

The nice thing of mel-base's body structures is that they actually  
don't reinvent the wheel. I generate just plain standard IMAP body  
structures. This allowed me to just use the IMAP server provided body  
structure for IMAP folders and the generated one for all others. The  
multipart code just demands correct body structures. This is also why  
these bugs never occured with IMAP folders.


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