[mel-base-devel] maildir multipart

Timothy Ritchey tritchey at mac.com
Fri May 15 15:13:05 UTC 2009

If I do something like:

(defun check-email ()
   (let* ((folder (mel:make-imaps-folder :host  
"imap.gmail.com" :username "XXXXX" :password "XXXXX"))
	 (messages (mel:messages folder)))
     (dolist (m messages)
	(format t "~a~%" (find-plain-text m))) folder))

I am able to find the plain text part of the messages using:

(defun find-plain-text (message)
   (let ((parts (mel:parts message))
         (body "Unable to process email contents"))
     (dolist (p parts)
       (multiple-value-bind (a b) (mel:content-type p)
         (if (and (equal a :TEXT) (equal b :PLAIN))
             (let ((b (mel:part-body-string p))
		  (encoding (mel:content-transfer-encoding p)))
	      (if (string-equal encoding "quoted-printable")
                   (setf body (mel:decode-quoted-printable b))
                   (setf body b)))
	      (when (and (equal a :MULTIPART) (equal b :ALTERNATIVE))
		(find-plain-text p))))))

but if I try to move things over to a maildir, and run from there, my  
FIND-PLAIN-TEXT function doesn't work. Is the maildir message format  
different than a message in an imap folder?

(defun check-email ()
   (let* ((folder (mel:make-imaps-folder :host  
"imap.gmail.com" :username "XXXXX" :password "XXXXX"))
	 (tmp-folder (mel:make-maildir-folder "/tmp/test-maildir/" :if-does- 
not-exist :create)))
     (mel:move-folder folder tmp-folder)
      (lambda (m)
        (let ((body (find-plain-text m)))
	 (format t "~a~%" body)))

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