[mel-base-devel] multipart messages and pop3

Jochen Schmidt js at codeartist.org
Thu Apr 16 14:25:53 UTC 2009

Jochen Schmidt
Uhlandstr. 9, 90408 Nürnberg

Fon: +49 (0)911 517 999-82
Fax: +49 (0)911 517 999-83

mailto:info at crispylogics.com

Am 16.04.2009 um 16:06 schrieb Timothy Ritchey <tritchey at mac.com>:

> Thank you. I was getting the sense that it was hanging waiting on
> something from the server, so your suggestion of pulling into a local
> maildir makes sense, and gives me a direction to push.
> On a side note, is there a way to detect whether a text body needs
> decode-quoted-printable run on it? Right now I naively run it on every
> message, and then just fallback to the raw text if it fails.

There is a header called Content-Transfer-Encoding. If it is "quoted- 
printable" then the body of the part is encoded using quoted printables.


Jochen Schmidt
Uhlandstr. 9, 90408 Nürnberg

Fon: +49 (0)911 517 999-82
Fax: +49 (0)911 517 999-83

mailto:info at crispylogics.com

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