[mcclim-devel] Re: McCLIM 2.0 in 2008

Tobias C. Rittweiler tcr at freebits.de
Thu Jan 17 09:38:04 UTC 2008

Troels Henriksen <athas at sigkill.dk> writes:

> Robert Strandh <strandh at labri.fr> writes:
> > I am starting to think that docstrings are evil (because they are
> > mostly noise to the person reading the code).  I would like to discuss
> > the possibility of using (SETF DOCUMENTATION) instead. 
> I think they are just as useful as comments to the person reading the
> code. I'm not a fan of (SETF DOCUMENTATION), as it separates the
> documentation from the code, making it easier for the two to get out
> of sync.

Optimally, documentation and test cases should be coupled to catch
against this. It's on my todo list of Editor-hints to think and
experiment in this area. 

(If a reader of this list has got some ideas he'd like to share, I'd
like to ask him to subscribe to gmane.lisp.editors.hints.devel, or the
respective common-lisp.net mailinglist such that his opinions get
archived at the right place.)


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