[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim

ahefner ahefner at common-lisp.net
Mon Jan 21 01:26:42 UTC 2008

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv24542

Modified Files:
	graphics.lisp medium.lisp recording.lisp sheets.lisp 
Log Message:
Drawing optimizations, with a focus on eliminating clipping rectangle
changes and transformation cache invalidations (the latter generally
caused by the former). Shortcuts for special cases in d-g-w-o-internal,
merge-text-styles, regions. Further mcclim-freetype optimization - 
minimize modification of picture-clip-rectangle and painting of the 
foreground tile (this used to happen for every single draw-text call).
One or two optimizations in output record playback.

The mcclim-freetype changes require a fix to CLX, available in
Christophe's CLX in darcs, or from here:


--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/graphics.lisp	2008/01/09 16:57:54	1.59
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/graphics.lisp	2008/01/21 01:26:42	1.60
@@ -89,26 +89,29 @@
         (changed-line-style line-style-p)
         (changed-text-style text-style-p))
-	(progn
+        (progn
           (when (eq ink old-ink) (setf ink nil))
-	  (if ink
+	  (when ink
 	      (setf (medium-ink medium) ink))
-	  (if transformation
+	  (when transformation
 	      (setf (medium-transformation medium)
 		(compose-transformations old-transform transformation)))
           (when (and clipping-region old-clip
-                     (region-equal clipping-region old-clip))
-            (setf clipping-region nil))                   
-          (if clipping-region
-	      (setf (medium-clipping-region medium)
-		(region-intersection (if transformation
-                                         (transform-region transformation old-clip)
-                                       old-clip)
-				     clipping-region)))
-          (if (null line-style)              
+                     (or (eq clipping-region +everywhere+)
+                         (eq clipping-region old-clip)
+                         (region-contains-region-p clipping-region old-clip))
+                     #+NIL (region-equal clipping-region old-clip))
+            (setf clipping-region nil))
+          (when clipping-region
+            (setf (medium-clipping-region medium)
+                  (region-intersection (if transformation
+                                           (transform-region transformation old-clip)
+                                           old-clip)
+                                       clipping-region)))
+          (when (null line-style)
               (setf line-style old-line-style))
 	  (when (or line-unit line-thickness dashes-p line-joint-shape line-cap-shape)
             (setf changed-line-style t)
@@ -128,7 +131,7 @@
 	  (if text-style-p
 	      (setf text-style (merge-text-styles text-style
 						  (medium-merged-text-style medium)))
-	    (setf text-style (medium-merged-text-style medium)))
+              (setf text-style (medium-merged-text-style medium)))
 	  (when (or text-family-p text-face-p text-size-p)
             (setf changed-text-style t)
             (setf text-style (merge-text-styles (make-text-style text-family
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/medium.lisp	2007/03/20 01:41:17	1.63
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/medium.lisp	2008/01/21 01:26:42	1.64
@@ -199,7 +199,8 @@
 (defun device-font-text-style-p (s)
   (typep s 'device-font-text-style))
-(defmethod text-style-equalp ((style1 device-font-text-style) (style2 device-font-text-style))
+(defmethod text-style-equalp ((style1 device-font-text-style) 
+                              (style2 device-font-text-style))
   (eq style1 style2))
 (defmethod text-style-mapping ((port basic-port) text-style
@@ -236,6 +237,10 @@
 ;;; Text-style utilities
 (defmethod merge-text-styles (s1 s2)
+  (when (and (typep s1 'text-style)
+             (typep s2 'text-style)
+             (eq s1 s2))
+    (return-from merge-text-styles s1))
   (setq s1 (parse-text-style s1))
   (setq s2 (parse-text-style s2))
   (if (and (not (device-font-text-style-p s1))
@@ -398,7 +403,7 @@
 (defmethod (setf medium-clipping-region) :after (region (medium medium))
   (declare (ignore region))
-  (let ((sheet (medium-sheet medium)))
+  (let ((sheet (medium-sheet medium)))    
     (when sheet
       (invalidate-cached-regions sheet))))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/recording.lisp	2007/09/07 16:49:11	1.135
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/recording.lisp	2008/01/21 01:26:42	1.136
@@ -518,6 +518,7 @@
          ;; since an enqueued repaint does not occur immediately, and highlight
          ;; rectangles are not recorded, newer highlighting gets wiped out
          ;; shortly after being drawn. So, we aren't ready for this yet.
+         ;; ..Actually, it isn't necessarily faster. Depends on the app.
 	 (queue-repaint stream (make-instance 'window-repaint-event
 					      :sheet stream
@@ -1030,15 +1031,21 @@
     (apply function (tree-output-record-entry-record child) function-args)))
 (defmethod map-over-output-records-1 (function (record standard-tree-output-record) function-args)
-  (map-over-tree-output-records function record (%record-to-spatial-tree-rectangle record) :most-recent-last
+  (map-over-tree-output-records function record 
+    (%record-to-spatial-tree-rectangle record) :most-recent-last
-(defmethod map-over-output-records-containing-position (function (record standard-tree-output-record) x y &optional x-offset y-offset &rest function-args)
+(defmethod map-over-output-records-containing-position 
+    (function (record standard-tree-output-record) x y 
+     &optional x-offset y-offset &rest function-args)
   (declare (ignore x-offset y-offset))
-  (map-over-tree-output-records function record (rectangles:make-rectangle :lows `(,x ,y) :highs `(,x ,y)) :most-recent-first
+  (map-over-tree-output-records function record 
+    (rectangles:make-rectangle :lows `(,x ,y) :highs `(,x ,y)) :most-recent-first
-(defmethod map-over-output-records-overlapping-region (function (record standard-tree-output-record) region &optional x-offset y-offset &rest function-args)
+(defmethod map-over-output-records-overlapping-region
+    (function (record standard-tree-output-record) region 
+     &optional x-offset y-offset &rest function-args)
   (declare (ignore x-offset y-offset))
   (typecase region
     (everywhere-region (map-over-output-records-1 function record function-args))
@@ -1122,8 +1129,12 @@
 (defmethod replay-output-record :around
     ((record gs-clip-mixin) stream &optional region x-offset y-offset)
   (declare (ignore region x-offset y-offset))
-  (with-drawing-options (stream :clipping-region (graphics-state-clip record))
-    (call-next-method)))
+  (let ((clipping-region (graphics-state-clip record)))
+    (if (or (eq clipping-region +everywhere+) ; !!!
+            (region-contains-region-p clipping-region (medium-clipping-region stream)))
+        (call-next-method)
+        (with-drawing-options (stream :clipping-region (graphics-state-clip record))
+          (call-next-method)))))
 (defrecord-predicate gs-clip-mixin ((:clipping-region clip))
   (if-supplied (clip)
@@ -1719,7 +1730,7 @@
        (:bottom (incf top (- point-y descent))
                 (incf bottom (- point-y descent)))
        (:center (incf top (+ point-y (ceiling (- ascent descent) 2)))
-                (incf bottom (+ point-y (ceiling (- ascent descent) 2)))))
+                (incf bottom (+ point-xy (ceiling (- ascent descent) 2)))))
      (values left top right bottom))))
 (defmethod* (setf output-record-position) :around
@@ -1875,6 +1886,11 @@
                  ;; the styled strings here not simply be output
                  ;; records?  Then we could just replay them and all
                  ;; would be well.  -- CSR, 20060528.
+                 ;; But then we'd have to implement the output record
+                 ;; protocols for them. Are we allowed no internal
+                 ;; structure of our own? -- Hefner, 20080118
+                 ;; Some optimization might be possible here. 
                  (with-drawing-options (stream 
                                         :ink (graphics-state-ink substring)
                                         :clipping-region (graphics-state-clip substring)
@@ -2131,6 +2147,7 @@
      &optional (start 0) end)
   (when (and (stream-recording-p stream)
              (slot-value stream 'local-record-p))
     (let* ((medium (sheet-medium stream))
@@ -2150,9 +2167,10 @@
 							 :text-style text-style))
   (when (stream-drawing-p stream)
     (without-local-recording stream
-                             (call-next-method))))
+      (call-next-method))))
 (defmethod stream-write-char :around ((stream standard-output-recording-stream) char)
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/sheets.lisp	2007/03/20 01:43:55	1.54
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/sheets.lisp	2008/01/21 01:26:42	1.55
@@ -643,8 +643,8 @@
   (update-mirror-geometry sheet))
 (defmethod sheet-native-region ((sheet mirrored-sheet-mixin))
-  (with-slots (native-region) sheet
-    (unless native-region
+  (with-slots (native-region) sheet     
+    (unless native-region      
       (let ((this-region (transform-region (sheet-native-transformation sheet)
 					   (sheet-region sheet)))
 	    (parent (sheet-parent sheet)))

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