[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Drei

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Wed Jan 24 10:57:24 UTC 2007

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv10259

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Try to minimize the amount of calls to `change-space-requirements'.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei-redisplay.lisp	2006/11/19 11:39:44	1.5
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei-redisplay.lisp	2007/01/24 10:57:24	1.6
@@ -416,20 +416,30 @@
 (defgeneric fix-pane-viewport (pane))
 (defmethod fix-pane-viewport ((pane drei-pane))
-  (let ((output-width (bounding-rectangle-width (stream-current-output-record pane))))
-    (change-space-requirements pane :width output-width))
-  (when (and (pane-viewport pane) (active pane))
-    (multiple-value-bind (cursor-x cursor-y) (offset-to-screen-position pane pane (offset (point pane)))
-      (declare (ignore cursor-y))
-      (let ((x-position (abs (transform-position (sheet-transformation pane) 0 0)))
-            (viewport-width (bounding-rectangle-width (or (pane-viewport pane) pane))))
-        (cond ((> cursor-x (+ x-position viewport-width))
-               (move-sheet pane (round (- (- cursor-x viewport-width))) 0))
-              ((> x-position cursor-x)
-               (move-sheet pane (if (> viewport-width cursor-x)
-                                    0
-                                    (round (- cursor-x)))
-                           0)))))))
+  (let* ((output-width (bounding-rectangle-width (stream-current-output-record pane)))
+         (viewport (pane-viewport pane))
+         (viewport-width (and viewport (bounding-rectangle-width viewport)))
+         (pane-width (bounding-rectangle-width pane)))
+    ;; If the width of the output is greater than the width of the
+    ;; sheet, make the sheet wider. If the sheet is wider than the
+    ;; viewport, but doesn't really need to be, make it thinner.
+    (when (or (> output-width pane-width)
+              (and viewport
+                   (> pane-width viewport-width)
+                   (>= viewport-width output-width)))
+      (change-space-requirements pane :width output-width))
+    (when (and viewport (active pane))
+      (multiple-value-bind (cursor-x cursor-y) (offset-to-screen-position pane pane (offset (point pane)))
+        (declare (ignore cursor-y))
+        (let ((x-position (abs (transform-position (sheet-transformation pane) 0 0)))
+              (viewport-width (bounding-rectangle-width (or (pane-viewport pane) pane))))
+          (cond ((> cursor-x (+ x-position viewport-width))
+                 (move-sheet pane (round (- (- cursor-x viewport-width))) 0))
+                ((> x-position cursor-x)
+                 (move-sheet pane (if (> viewport-width cursor-x)
+                                      0
+                                      (round (- cursor-x)))
+                             0))))))))
 (defmethod handle-repaint :before ((pane drei-pane) region)
   (declare (ignore region))

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