[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Backends/CLX

dlichteblau dlichteblau at common-lisp.net
Sun Jan 7 19:32:29 UTC 2007

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/CLX
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv18071/Backends/CLX

Modified Files:
Log Message:

Add a new class RGB-IMAGE (renamed from closure's IMAGELIB:AIMAGE) and

Drawing code implemented only in CLIM-CLX, and only for true color visuals.

	* Examples/rgb-image.lisp: New file, from
	* Backends/CLX/medium.lisp (MEDIUM-DRAW-IMAGE-DESIGN*,
	functions, renamed from original closure code.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/CLX/medium.lisp	2006/12/28 19:30:40	1.78
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/CLX/medium.lisp	2007/01/07 19:32:28	1.79
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 ;;;           Julien Boninfante (boninfan at emi.u-bordeaux.fr)
 ;;;           Robert Strandh (strandh at labri.u-bordeaux.fr)
 ;;;  (c) copyright 2001 by Arnaud Rouanet (rouanet at emi.u-bordeaux.fr)
+;;;  (c) copyright 1998,1999 by Gilbert Baumann
 ;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
@@ -1151,3 +1152,152 @@
 	  (setf (medium-buffer medium) nil)))
       (funcall continuation)))
+;;; RGB-IMAGE support, from Closure
+(defmethod climi::medium-draw-image-design*
+    ((medium clx-medium) (design climi::rgb-image-design) x y)
+  (let* ((da (sheet-direct-mirror (medium-sheet medium)))
+	 (image (slot-value design 'climi::image))
+	 (width (climi::image-height image))
+	 (height (climi::image-height image)))
+    (destructuring-bind (&optional pixmap mask)
+	(slot-value design 'climi::medium-data)
+      (unless pixmap
+	(setf pixmap (compute-rgb-image-pixmap da image))
+	(when (climi::image-alpha-p image)
+	  (setf mask (compute-rgb-image-mask da image)))
+	(setf (slot-value design 'climi::medium-data) (list pixmap mask)))
+      (multiple-value-bind (x y)
+	  (transform-position
+	   (sheet-device-transformation (medium-sheet medium))
+	   x y)
+	(setf x (round x))
+	(setf y (round y))
+	(let ((gcontext (xlib:create-gcontext :drawable da)))
+	  (cond
+	    (mask
+	      (xlib:with-gcontext (gcontext 
+				   :clip-mask mask
+				   :clip-x x
+				   :clip-y (- y height))
+		(xlib:copy-area pixmap gcontext 0 0 width height
+				da x (- y height))))
+	    (t
+	      (xlib:copy-area pixmap gcontext 0 0 width height
+			      da x (- y height)))))))))
+(defmethod climi::medium-free-image-design
+    ((medium clx-medium) (design climi::rgb-image-design))
+  (destructuring-bind (&optional pixmap mask)
+      (slot-value design 'climi::medium-data)
+    (when pixmap
+      (xlib:free-pixmap pixmap)
+      (when mask
+	(xlib:free-pixmap mask))
+      (setf (slot-value design 'climi::medium-data) nil))))
+(defun compute-rgb-image-pixmap (drawable image)
+  (let* ((width (climi::image-width image))
+         (height (climi::image-height image))
+         (depth (xlib:drawable-depth drawable))
+         (im (image-to-ximage-for-drawable drawable image)))
+    (setf width (max width 1))
+    (setf height (max height 1))
+    (let* ((pixmap (xlib:create-pixmap :drawable drawable
+				       :width width
+				       :height height
+				       :depth depth))
+	   (gc     (xlib:create-gcontext :drawable pixmap)))
+      (unless (or (>= width 2048) (>= height 2048)) ;### CLX bug
+	(xlib:put-image pixmap gc im 
+			:src-x 0 :src-y 0
+			:x 0 :y 0
+			:width width :height height))
+      (xlib:free-gcontext gc)
+      pixmap)))
+(defun compute-rgb-image-mask (drawable image)
+  (let* ((width (climi::image-width image))
+         (height (climi::image-height image))
+         (bitmap (xlib:create-pixmap :drawable drawable
+                                     :width width 
+                                     :height height
+                                     :depth 1))
+         (gc (xlib:create-gcontext :drawable bitmap
+				   :foreground 1
+				   :background 0))
+         (idata (climi::image-data image))
+         (xdata (make-array (list height width)
+			    :element-type '(unsigned-byte 1)))
+         (im (xlib:create-image :width width
+                                :height height
+                                :depth 1
+                                :data xdata)) )
+    (dotimes (y width)
+      (dotimes (x height)
+        (if (> (aref idata x y) #x80000000)
+            (setf (aref xdata x y) 0)
+	    (setf (aref xdata x y) 1))))
+    (unless (or (>= width 2048) (>= height 2048)) ;### CLX breaks here
+      (xlib:put-image bitmap gc im :src-x 0 :src-y 0
+		      :x 0 :y 0 :width width :height height
+		      :bitmap-p nil))
+    (xlib:free-gcontext gc)
+    bitmap))
+(defun image-to-ximage-for-drawable (drawable image)
+  (image-to-ximage image
+		   (xlib:drawable-depth drawable) 
+		   (pixel-translator (xlib:window-colormap drawable))))
+(defun image-to-ximage (image depth translator)
+  (let* ((width (climi::image-width image))
+         (height (climi::image-height image))
+         (idata (climi::image-data image))
+	 ;; FIXME: this (and the :BITS-PER-PIXEL, below) is a hack on
+	 ;; top of a hack.  At some point in the past, XFree86 and/or
+	 ;; X.org decided that they would no longer support pixmaps
+	 ;; with 24 bpp, which seems to be what most AIMAGEs want to
+	 ;; be.  For now, force everything to a 32-bit pixmap.
+         (xdata (make-array (list height width) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)))
+         (ximage (xlib:create-image :width  width
+                                    :height height
+                                    :depth  depth
+				    :bits-per-pixel 32
+                                    :data   xdata)))
+    (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (* *)) idata))
+    (loop for x fixnum from 0 below width do
+	  (loop for y fixnum from 0 below height do
+		(setf (aref xdata y x) 
+		      (funcall translator
+			       x y
+			       (ldb (byte 24 0) (aref idata y x))))))
+    ximage))
+(defun mask->byte (mask)
+  (let ((h (integer-length mask)))
+    (let ((l (integer-length (logxor mask (1- (ash 1 h))))))
+      (byte (- h l) l))))
+;; fixme!  This is not just incomplete, but also incorrect: The original
+;; true color code knew how to deal with non-linear RGB value
+;; allocation.
+(defun pixel-translator (colormap)
+  (unless (eq (xlib:visual-info-class (xlib:colormap-visual-info colormap))
+	      :true-color)
+    (error "sorry, cannot draw rgb image for non-true-color drawable yet"))
+  colormap
+  (let* ((info (xlib:colormap-visual-info colormap))
+	 (rbyte (mask->byte (xlib:visual-info-red-mask info)))
+	 (gbyte (mask->byte (xlib:visual-info-green-mask info)))
+	 (bbyte (mask->byte (xlib:visual-info-blue-mask info))))
+    (lambda (x y sample)
+      (declare (ignore x y))
+      (dpb (the (unsigned-byte 8) (ldb (byte 8 0) sample))
+	   rbyte
+	   (dpb (the (unsigned-byte 8) (ldb (byte 8 8) sample))
+		gbyte
+		(dpb (the (unsigned-byte 8) (ldb (byte 8 16) sample))
+		     bbyte
+		     0))))))

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