[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Drei/Tests

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Wed Dec 19 17:17:37 UTC 2007

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/Tests
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv9380/Drei/Tests

Modified Files:
	lisp-syntax-tests.lisp motion-tests.lisp 
Log Message:
Added a bunch of neat convenience functions to Lisp syntax.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/Tests/lisp-syntax-tests.lisp	2007/12/08 08:53:48	1.8
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/Tests/lisp-syntax-tests.lisp	2007/12/19 17:17:37	1.9
@@ -834,7 +834,10 @@
 (motion-fun-one-test up (nil nil (13 14 12)
                              "(defun list () (&rest elements)
-(append elements nil))" :syntax lisp-syntax))
+(append elements nil))" :syntax lisp-syntax)
+                        (nil nil (17 19 12)
+                             "(defun list (x y z)
+(list x y z))" :syntax lisp-syntax))
 (motion-fun-one-test definition (51 52 (35 51 0)
                                     "(defun list (&rest elements)
@@ -844,12 +847,12 @@
 (test in-string-p
   "Test the `in-string-p' function of Lisp syntax."
   (testing-lisp-syntax (" \"foobar!\" ")
-    (is-false (drei-lisp-syntax::in-string-p 0 (current-syntax)))
-    (is-false (drei-lisp-syntax::in-string-p 1 (current-syntax)))
-    (is-true (drei-lisp-syntax::in-string-p 2 (current-syntax)))
-    (is-true (drei-lisp-syntax::in-string-p 6 (current-syntax)))
-    (is-true (drei-lisp-syntax::in-string-p 9 (current-syntax)))
-    (is-false (drei-lisp-syntax::in-string-p 10 (current-syntax)))))
+    (is-false (in-string-p (current-syntax) 0))
+    (is-false (in-string-p (current-syntax) 1))
+    (is-true (in-string-p (current-syntax) 2))
+    (is-true (in-string-p (current-syntax) 6))
+    (is-true (in-string-p (current-syntax) 9))
+    (is-false (in-string-p (current-syntax) 10))))
 (test in-comment-p
   "Test the `in-comment-p' function of Lisp syntax."
@@ -858,17 +861,98 @@
 #| I'm a
 - BLOCK -
 comment |#")
-    (is-false (drei-lisp-syntax::in-comment-p 0 (current-syntax)))
-    (is-false (drei-lisp-syntax::in-comment-p 1 (current-syntax)))
-    (is-true (drei-lisp-syntax::in-comment-p 2 (current-syntax)))
-    (is-false (drei-lisp-syntax::in-comment-p 16 (current-syntax)))
-    (is-false (drei-lisp-syntax::in-comment-p 17 (current-syntax)))
-    (is-true (drei-lisp-syntax::in-comment-p 18 (current-syntax)))
-    (is-false (drei-lisp-syntax::in-comment-p 40 (current-syntax)))
-    (is-true (drei-lisp-syntax::in-comment-p 41 (current-syntax)))
-    (is-true (drei-lisp-syntax::in-comment-p 50 (current-syntax)))
-    (is-true (drei-lisp-syntax::in-comment-p 60 (current-syntax)))
-    (is-false (drei-lisp-syntax::in-comment-p 69 (current-syntax)))))
+    (is-false (in-comment-p (current-syntax) 0))
+    (is-false (in-comment-p (current-syntax) 1))
+    (is-true (in-comment-p (current-syntax) 2))
+    (is-true (in-comment-p (current-syntax) 16))
+    (is-false (in-comment-p (current-syntax) 17))
+    (is-true (in-comment-p (current-syntax) 18))
+    (is-false (in-comment-p (current-syntax) 40))
+    (is-false (in-comment-p (current-syntax) 41))
+    (is-true (in-comment-p (current-syntax) 50))
+    (is-true (in-comment-p (current-syntax) 60))
+    (is-false (in-comment-p (current-syntax) 68))
+    (is-false (in-comment-p (current-syntax) 69))))
+(test in-character-p
+  "Test the `in-character-p' function of Lisp syntax."
+  (testing-lisp-syntax ("#\\C #\\(
+    (is-false (in-character-p (current-syntax) 0))
+    (is-false (in-character-p (current-syntax) 1))
+    (is-true (in-character-p (current-syntax) 2))
+    (is-false (in-character-p (current-syntax) 4))
+    (is-false (in-character-p (current-syntax) 5))
+    (is-true (in-character-p (current-syntax) 6))
+    (is-true (in-character-p (current-syntax) 10))
+    (is-true (in-character-p (current-syntax) 14))
+    (is-false (in-character-p (current-syntax) 16))))
+(test location-at-beginning-of-form-list
+  "Test the `location-at-beginning-of-form' function for lists."
+  (testing-lisp-syntax ("(a b c (d e f)   g")
+    (is-false (location-at-beginning-of-form (current-syntax) 0))
+    (is-true (location-at-beginning-of-form (current-syntax) 1))
+    (is-false (location-at-beginning-of-form (current-syntax) 2))
+    (is-false (location-at-beginning-of-form (current-syntax) 7))
+    (is-true (location-at-beginning-of-form (current-syntax) 8))))
+(test location-at-end-of-form-list
+  "Test the `location-at-end-of-form' function for lists."
+  (testing-lisp-syntax ("(a b c (d e f) g)")
+    (is-false (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 0))
+    (is-false (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 1))
+    (is-false (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 12))
+    (is-true (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 13))
+    (is-false (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 14))
+    (is-true (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 16))))
+(test location-at-beginning-of-form-string
+  "Test the `location-at-beginning-of-form' function for strings."
+  (testing-lisp-syntax ("\"a b c \"d e f\"   g")
+    (is-false (location-at-beginning-of-form (current-syntax) 0))
+    (is-true (location-at-beginning-of-form (current-syntax) 1))
+    (is-false (location-at-beginning-of-form (current-syntax) 2))
+    (is-false (location-at-beginning-of-form (current-syntax) 7))
+    (is-false (location-at-beginning-of-form (current-syntax) 8))
+    (is-true (location-at-beginning-of-form (current-syntax) 14))
+    (is-false (location-at-beginning-of-form (current-syntax) 15))))
+(test location-at-end-of-form-string
+  "Test the `location-at-end-of-form' function for strings."
+  (testing-lisp-syntax ("\"a b c \"d e f\" g)\"")
+    (is-false (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 0))
+    (is-false (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 1))
+    (is-false (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 6))
+    (is-true (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 7))
+    (is-false (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 8))
+    (is-false (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 16))
+    (is-true (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 17))
+    (is-false (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 18))))
+(test location-at-beginning-of-form-simple-vector
+  "Test the `location-at-beginning-of-form' function for simple
+  (testing-lisp-syntax ("#(a b c #(d e f)   g")
+    (is-false (location-at-beginning-of-form (current-syntax) 0))
+    (is-false (location-at-beginning-of-form (current-syntax) 1))
+    (is-true (location-at-beginning-of-form (current-syntax) 2))
+    (is-false (location-at-beginning-of-form (current-syntax) 3))
+    (is-false (location-at-beginning-of-form (current-syntax) 9))
+    (is-true (location-at-beginning-of-form (current-syntax) 10))))
+(test location-at-end-of-form-simple-vector
+  "Test the `location-at-end-of-form' function for simple-vectors."
+  (testing-lisp-syntax ("#(a b c #(d e f) g)")
+    (is-false (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 0))
+    (is-false (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 1))
+    (is-false (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 2))
+    (is-false (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 14))
+    (is-true (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 15))
+    (is-false (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 16))
+    (is-true (location-at-end-of-form (current-syntax) 18))))
 ;; For some tests, we need various functions, classes and
 ;; macros. Define them here and pray we don't clobber anything
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/Tests/motion-tests.lisp	2007/12/08 08:53:48	1.5
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/Tests/motion-tests.lisp	2007/12/19 17:17:37	1.6
@@ -86,74 +86,79 @@
         (backward-to-word-boundary m2r syntax)
         (is (= (offset m2r) 0))))))
-(defmacro motion-fun-one-test (unit (forward-begin-offset
-                                     backward-end-offset
-                                     (offset goal-forward-offset goal-backward-offset)
-                                     initial-contents
-                                     &key (syntax 'drei-fundamental-syntax:fundamental-syntax)))
-  (check-type forward-begin-offset (or integer null))
-  (check-type backward-end-offset (or integer null))
-  (check-type offset integer)
-  (check-type goal-forward-offset integer)
-  (check-type goal-backward-offset integer)
+(defmacro motion-fun-one-test (unit &rest test-specs)
   (let ((forward (intern (format nil "FORWARD-ONE-~S" unit)))
         (backward (intern (format nil "BACKWARD-ONE-~S" unit))))
-       (test ,(intern (format nil "~A-~A" syntax forward) #.*package*)
-         (with-buffer (buffer :initial-contents ,initial-contents)
-           (with-view (view :buffer buffer :syntax ',syntax)
-             (let ((syntax (syntax view))
-                   (m0l (make-buffer-mark buffer 0 :left))
-                   (m0r (make-buffer-mark buffer 0 :right))
-                   (m1l (make-buffer-mark buffer ,offset :left))
-                   (m1r (make-buffer-mark buffer ,offset :right))
-                   (m2l (make-buffer-mark buffer (size buffer) :left))
-                   (m2r (make-buffer-mark buffer (size buffer) :right)))
-               (declare (ignore ,@(unless forward-begin-offset '(m0l))
-                                ,@(unless backward-end-offset '(m0r))))
-               ,(when forward-begin-offset
-                      `(progn
-                         (is-true (,forward m0l syntax))
-                         (is (= ,forward-begin-offset (offset m0l)))))
-               ,(when backward-end-offset
-                      `(progn
-                         (is-true (,forward m0r syntax))
-                         (is (= ,forward-begin-offset (offset m0r)))))
-               (is-true (,forward m1l syntax))
-               (is (= ,goal-forward-offset (offset m1l)))
-               (is-true (,forward m1r syntax))
-               (is (= ,goal-forward-offset (offset m1r)))
-               (is-false (,forward m2l syntax))
-               (is (= (size buffer) (offset m2l)))
-               (is-false (,forward m2r syntax))
-               (is (= (size buffer) (offset m2r)))))))
-       (test ,(intern (format nil "~A-~A" syntax backward) #.*package*)
-         (with-buffer (buffer :initial-contents ,initial-contents)
-           (with-view (view :buffer buffer :syntax ',syntax)
-             (let ((syntax (syntax view))
-                   (m0l (make-buffer-mark buffer 0 :left))
-                   (m0r (make-buffer-mark buffer 0 :right))
-                   (m1l (make-buffer-mark buffer ,offset :left))
-                   (m1r (make-buffer-mark buffer ,offset :right))
-                   (m2l (make-buffer-mark buffer (size buffer) :left))
-                   (m2r (make-buffer-mark buffer (size buffer) :right)))
-               (declare (ignore ,@(unless backward-end-offset '(m2l m2r))))
-               (is-false (,backward m0l syntax))
-               (is (= 0 (offset m0l)))
-               (is-false (,backward m0r syntax))
-               (is (= 0 (offset m0r)))
-               (is-true (,backward m1l syntax))
-               (is (= ,goal-backward-offset (offset m1l)))
-               (is-true (,backward m1r syntax))
-               (is (= ,goal-backward-offset (offset m1r)))
-               ,(when backward-end-offset
-                      `(progn
-                         (is-true (,backward m2l syntax))
-                         (is (= ,backward-end-offset (offset m2l)))))
-               ,(when backward-end-offset
-                      `(progn
-                         (is-true (,backward m2r syntax))
-                         (is (= ,backward-end-offset (offset m2r))))))))))))
+       ,@(loop for test in test-specs
+            nconc
+            (destructuring-bind (forward-begin-offset
+                                 backward-end-offset
+                                 (offset goal-forward-offset goal-backward-offset)
+                                 initial-contents
+                                 &key (syntax 'drei-fundamental-syntax::fundamental-syntax))
+                test
+              (check-type forward-begin-offset (or integer null))
+              (check-type backward-end-offset (or integer null))
+              (check-type offset integer)
+              (check-type goal-forward-offset integer)
+              (check-type goal-backward-offset integer)
+              (list
+               `(test ,(intern (format nil "~A-~A" syntax forward) #.*package*)
+                  (with-buffer (buffer :initial-contents ,initial-contents)
+                    (with-view (view :buffer buffer :syntax ',syntax)
+                      (let ((syntax (syntax view))
+                            (m0l (make-buffer-mark buffer 0 :left))
+                            (m0r (make-buffer-mark buffer 0 :right))
+                            (m1l (make-buffer-mark buffer ,offset :left))
+                            (m1r (make-buffer-mark buffer ,offset :right))
+                            (m2l (make-buffer-mark buffer (size buffer) :left))
+                            (m2r (make-buffer-mark buffer (size buffer) :right)))
+                        (declare (ignore ,@(unless forward-begin-offset '(m0l))
+                                         ,@(unless backward-end-offset '(m0r))))
+                        ,(when forward-begin-offset
+                               `(progn
+                                  (is-true (,forward m0l syntax))
+                                  (is (= ,forward-begin-offset (offset m0l)))))
+                        ,(when backward-end-offset
+                               `(progn
+                                  (is-true (,forward m0r syntax))
+                                  (is (= ,forward-begin-offset (offset m0r)))))
+                        (is-true (,forward m1l syntax))
+                        (is (= ,goal-forward-offset (offset m1l)))
+                        (is-true (,forward m1r syntax))
+                        (is (= ,goal-forward-offset (offset m1r)))
+                        (is-false (,forward m2l syntax))
+                        (is (= (size buffer) (offset m2l)))
+                        (is-false (,forward m2r syntax))
+                        (is (= (size buffer) (offset m2r)))))))
+               `(test ,(intern (format nil "~A-~A" syntax backward) #.*package*)
+                  (with-buffer (buffer :initial-contents ,initial-contents)
+                    (with-view (view :buffer buffer :syntax ',syntax)
+                      (let ((syntax (syntax view))
+                            (m0l (make-buffer-mark buffer 0 :left))
+                            (m0r (make-buffer-mark buffer 0 :right))
+                            (m1l (make-buffer-mark buffer ,offset :left))
+                            (m1r (make-buffer-mark buffer ,offset :right))
+                            (m2l (make-buffer-mark buffer (size buffer) :left))
+                            (m2r (make-buffer-mark buffer (size buffer) :right)))
+                        (declare (ignore ,@(unless backward-end-offset '(m2l m2r))))
+                        (is-false (,backward m0l syntax))
+                        (is (= 0 (offset m0l)))
+                        (is-false (,backward m0r syntax))
+                        (is (= 0 (offset m0r)))
+                        (is-true (,backward m1l syntax))
+                        (is (= ,goal-backward-offset (offset m1l)))
+                        (is-true (,backward m1r syntax))
+                        (is (= ,goal-backward-offset (offset m1r)))
+                        ,(when backward-end-offset
+                               `(progn
+                                  (is-true (,backward m2l syntax))
+                                  (is (= ,backward-end-offset (offset m2l)))))
+                        ,(when backward-end-offset
+                               `(progn
+                                  (is-true (,backward m2r syntax))
+                                  (is (= ,backward-end-offset (offset m2r)))))))))))))))
 (motion-fun-one-test word (9 10 (5 9 2)
                              "  climacs

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