[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Backends/gtkairo

dlichteblau dlichteblau at common-lisp.net
Sun Nov 19 17:31:20 UTC 2006

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/gtkairo
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv15525

Modified Files:
	ffi.lisp frame-manager.lisp gadgets.lisp port.lisp 
Log Message:

Make demodemo ugly.

	* gtk-ffi.lisp (gtk_frame_new): New.
	NATIVE-WIDGET-MIXIN)): New hack to by-pass GTK+ layouting.
	(COMPOSE-SPACE GTK-LABEL-PANE): Let the frontend decide.
	* port.lisp (CONTAINER-PUT, CONTAINER-MOVE): New generic function
	and default methods.  (REALIZE-MIRROR,

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/gtkairo/ffi.lisp	2006/11/19 17:21:47	1.2
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/gtkairo/ffi.lisp	2006/11/19 17:31:20	1.3
@@ -966,6 +966,11 @@
   (has_window :int)                     ;gboolean
+(defcfun "gtk_frame_new"
+    :pointer
+  (label :string)                       ;const gchar *
+  )
 (defcfun "gtk_get_current_event_time" :uint32)
 (defcfun "gtk_hscale_new_with_range"
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/gtkairo/frame-manager.lisp	2006/11/12 20:37:14	1.7
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/gtkairo/frame-manager.lisp	2006/11/19 17:31:20	1.8
@@ -96,6 +96,9 @@
 (defmethod make-pane-2 ((type (eql 'clim:generic-list-pane)) &rest initargs)
   (apply #'make-instance 'gtk-list initargs))
+(defmethod make-pane-2 ((type (eql 'clim:label-pane)) &rest initargs)
+  (apply #'make-instance 'gtk-label-pane initargs))
 (defmethod adopt-frame :after
     ((fm gtkairo-frame-manager) (frame application-frame))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/gtkairo/gadgets.lisp	2006/11/19 15:55:10	1.10
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/gtkairo/gadgets.lisp	2006/11/19 17:31:20	1.11
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@
 (defclass gtk-vscrollbar (native-scrollbar) ())
 (defclass gtk-hscrollbar (native-scrollbar) ())
+(defclass gtk-label-pane (native-widget-mixin label-pane)
+    ((label-pane-fixed :accessor label-pane-fixed)))
 ;;;; Constructors
@@ -86,6 +88,21 @@
     (gtk_toggle_button_set_active widget (if (gadget-value sheet) 1 0))
+(defmethod realize-native-widget ((sheet gtk-label-pane))
+  (let ((frame (gtk_frame_new (climi::label-pane-label sheet)))
+	(fixed (gtk_fixed_new)))
+    (setf (label-pane-fixed sheet) fixed)
+    (gtk_container_add frame fixed)
+    frame))
+(defmethod container-put ((parent gtk-label-pane) parent-widget child x y)
+  (declare (ignore parent-widget))
+  (gtk_fixed_put (label-pane-fixed parent) child x y))
+(defmethod container-move ((parent gtk-label-pane) parent-widget child x y)
+  (declare (ignore parent-widget))
+  (gtk_fixed_move (label-pane-fixed parent) child x y))
 (defconstant +g-type-string+ (ash 16 2))
 (defun uninstall-scroller-pane (pane)
@@ -343,6 +360,10 @@
   ;; no signals
+(defmethod connect-native-signals ((sheet gtk-label-pane) widget)
+  ;; no signals
+  )
 ;;;; Event handling
@@ -433,20 +454,25 @@
+(defvar *use-frontend-compose-space* nil)
 ;; KLUDGE: this is getting called before the sheet has been realized.
 (defmethod compose-space ((gadget native-widget-mixin) &key width height)
   (declare (ignore width height))
-  (let* ((widget (native-widget gadget))
-	 (widgetp widget))
-    (unless widgetp
-      (setf widget (realize-native-widget gadget)))
-    (prog1
-	(cffi:with-foreign-object (r 'gtkrequisition)
-	  (gtk_widget_size_request widget r)
-	  (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((width height) r gtkrequisition)
-	    (make-space-requirement :width width :height height)))
-      (unless widgetp
-	(gtk_widget_destroy widget)))))
+  (if *use-frontend-compose-space*
+      (let ((*use-frontend-compose-space* nil))
+	(call-next-method))
+      (let* ((widget (native-widget gadget))
+	     (widgetp widget))
+	(unless widgetp
+	  (setf widget (realize-native-widget gadget)))
+	(prog1
+	    (cffi:with-foreign-object (r 'gtkrequisition)
+	      (gtk_widget_size_request widget r)
+	      (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((width height) r gtkrequisition)
+		(make-space-requirement :width width :height height)))
+	  (unless widgetp
+	    (gtk_widget_destroy widget))))))
 (defmethod compose-space ((gadget gtk-menu-bar) &key width height)
   (declare (ignore width height))
@@ -468,6 +494,11 @@
       (unless widgetp
 	(gtk_widget_destroy widget)))))
+(defmethod compose-space ((gadget gtk-label-pane) &key width height)
+  (declare (ignore width height))
+  (let ((*use-frontend-compose-space* t))
+    (call-next-method)))
 ;;; Vermischtes
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/gtkairo/port.lisp	2006/11/19 15:55:11	1.10
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/gtkairo/port.lisp	2006/11/19 17:31:20	1.11
@@ -250,6 +250,12 @@
+(defmethod container-put ((parent sheet) parent-widget child x y)
+  (gtk_fixed_put parent-widget child x y))
+(defmethod container-move ((parent sheet) parent-widget child x y)
+  (gtk_fixed_move parent-widget child x y))
 (defmethod realize-mirror ((port gtkairo-port) (sheet mirrored-sheet-mixin))
   (with-gtk ()
     (let* ((parent (sheet-mirror (sheet-parent sheet)))
@@ -271,7 +277,7 @@
 	  (transform-position (climi::%sheet-mirror-transformation sheet) 0 0)
 	(setf x (round-coordinate x))
 	(setf y (round-coordinate y))
-	(gtk_fixed_put (mirror-widget parent) widget x y))
+	(container-put (sheet-parent sheet) (mirror-widget parent) widget x y))
       (climi::port-register-mirror (port sheet) sheet mirror)
       (gtk-widget-modify-bg widget (sheet-desired-color sheet))
       (when (sheet-enabled-p sheet)
@@ -321,7 +327,7 @@
 	  (transform-position (climi::%sheet-mirror-transformation sheet) 0 0)
 	(setf x (round-coordinate x))
 	(setf y (round-coordinate y))
-	(gtk_fixed_put (mirror-widget parent) fixed x y))
+	(container-put (sheet-parent sheet) (mirror-widget parent) fixed x y))
       (gtk_fixed_put fixed widget 0 0)
       (climi::port-register-mirror (port sheet) sheet mirror)
       (when (sheet-enabled-p sheet)
@@ -523,19 +529,21 @@
     ((port gtkairo-port) (mirror mirror) mirror-transformation)
   (with-gtk ()
     (let* ((w (mirror-widget mirror))
+	   (parent-sheet (sheet-parent (climi::port-lookup-sheet port mirror)))
 	   (parent (cffi:foreign-slot-value w 'gtkwidget 'parent)))
       (multiple-value-bind (x y)
 	  (transform-position mirror-transformation 0 0)
-	(gtk_fixed_move parent w (floor x) (floor y))))))
+	(container-move parent-sheet parent w (floor x) (floor y))))))
 (defmethod port-set-mirror-transformation
     ((port gtkairo-port) (mirror native-widget-mirror) mirror-transformation)
   (with-gtk ()
     (let* ((w (mirror-fixed mirror))
+	   (parent-sheet (sheet-parent (climi::port-lookup-sheet port mirror)))
 	   (parent (cffi:foreign-slot-value w 'gtkwidget 'parent)))
       (multiple-value-bind (x y)
 	  (transform-position mirror-transformation 0 0)
-	(gtk_fixed_move parent w (floor x) (floor y))))))
+	(container-move parent-sheet parent w (floor x) (floor y))))))
 ;;;; An und aus

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