[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Wed Nov 8 01:15:32 UTC 2006

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv24994/Drei/cl-automaton

Added Files:
	state-and-transition.lisp state-and-transition-test.lisp 
	regexp.lisp regexp-test.lisp eqv-hash.txt eqv-hash.lisp 
	eqv-hash-test.lisp automaton.lisp automaton.asd 
	automaton-test.lisp automaton-test.asd 
	automaton-test-package.lisp automaton-package.lisp 
Log Message:
Committed Drei.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/state-and-transition.lisp	2006/11/08 01:15:32	NONE
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/state-and-transition.lisp	2006/11/08 01:15:32	1.1
;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
;;; (c) copyright 2005 by Aleksandar Bakic (a_bakic at yahoo.com)

;;; Derived from dk.brics.automaton v1.8.1, (c) 2001-2005 by Anders Møller

(in-package :automaton)

(defconstant +min-char-code+ 0)
(defconstant +max-char-code+ (1- char-code-limit))
;;; In Allegro (for one), defconstants aren't available as values at compile
;;; time. 
(deftype char-code-type () `(integer 0 ,(1- char-code-limit)))

(defclass state ()
  ((accept :initform nil :accessor accept :type boolean)
   (transitions :accessor transitions :type generalized-hash-table)
   (num :initform 0 :accessor num :type fixnum)
   (id :accessor id :type fixnum)
   (next-id :allocation :class :initform -1 :accessor next-id :type fixnum)))

(declaim (special *state-ht*))
(defun state-equal (s1 s2) ; for testing, assuming minimization
  (multiple-value-bind (se se-p)
      (gethash (cons s1 s2) *state-ht*) ; TODO: consider (cons s2 s1), too
    (if se-p
	(setf (gethash (cons s1 s2) *state-ht*) t ; bound recursion temporarily
	      (gethash (cons s1 s2) *state-ht*)
	      (and (eq (accept s1) (accept s2))
		   (transitions-equal (transitions s1) (transitions s2)))))))

(declaim (special *to-first*))
(defun transitions-equal (ts1 ts2) ; for testing, assuming minimization
  (let* ((*to-first* nil)
	 (tss1 (sort (with-ht-collect (t1 nil) ts1 t1) #'transition<))
	 (tss2 (sort (with-ht-collect (t2 nil) ts2 t2) #'transition<)))
    (flet ((%transition-equal (t1 t2)
	     (with-slots ((minc1 minc) (maxc1 maxc) (to1 to)) t1
	       (with-slots ((minc2 minc) (maxc2 maxc) (to2 to)) t2
		  (= minc1 minc2) (= maxc1 maxc2) (state-equal to1 to2))))))
      (and (= (length tss1) (length tss2))
	   (loop for t1 in tss1 and t2 in tss2
	      always (%transition-equal t1 t2))))))

(defclass state-pair ()
  ((s :initarg :s :accessor s :type (or null state))
   (s1 :initarg :s1 :accessor s1 :type state)
   (s2 :initarg :s2 :accessor s2 :type state)))

(defclass transition ()
  ((minc :initarg :minc :accessor minc :type char-code-type)
   (maxc :initarg :maxc :accessor maxc :type char-code-type)
   (to :initarg :to :accessor to :type state)))

(defclass state-set ()
  ((ht :initform (make-hash-table) :initarg :ht :accessor ht :type hash-table)))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((s state) &rest initargs)
  (declare (ignorable initargs))
  (with-slots (transitions id next-id) s
    (setf transitions (make-generalized-hash-table +equalp-key-situation+)
	  id (incf next-id))))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((tr transition) &rest initargs)
  (declare (ignorable initargs))
  (with-slots (minc maxc to) tr
      ((not minc)
       (assert maxc nil "MINC or MAXC required")
       (setf minc maxc))
      ((not maxc)
       (assert minc nil "MINC or MAXC required")
       (setf maxc minc))
      ((> minc maxc)
       (rotatef minc maxc)))
    (assert to nil "TO required")))

(defmethod eqv ((sp1 state-pair) (sp2 state-pair)
		(s (eql +equalp-key-situation+)))
  (and (eq (s1 sp1) (s1 sp2)) (eq (s2 sp1) (s2 sp2))))

(defmethod hash ((sp state-pair) (s (eql +equalp-key-situation+)))
  "Returns the hash code for state-pair SP."
  (the fixnum
    (mod (+ (sxhash (s1 sp)) (sxhash (s2 sp))) most-positive-fixnum)))

(defmethod eqv ((tr1 transition) (tr2 transition)
		(s (eql +equalp-key-situation+)))
  "Returns true if transitions TR1 and TR2 have equal interval and
same (eq) destination state."
  (with-slots ((minc1 minc) (maxc1 maxc) (to1 to)) tr1
    (with-slots ((minc2 minc) (maxc2 maxc) (to2 to)) tr2
      (and (= minc1 minc2) (= maxc1 maxc2) (eq to1 to2)))))

(defmethod hash ((tr transition) (s (eql +equalp-key-situation+)))
  "Returns the hash code for transition TR."
  (with-slots (minc maxc) tr
    (the fixnum (mod (+ (* 2 minc) (* 3 maxc)) most-positive-fixnum))))

(defmethod clone ((tr transition))
  "Returns a clone of TR."
  (with-slots (minc maxc to) tr
    (make-instance 'transition :minc minc :maxc maxc :to to)))

(defmethod eqv ((ss1 state-set) (ss2 state-set)
		(s (eql +equalp-key-situation+)))
  "Returns true if state-set objects SS1 and SS2 contain the same (eql)
state objects."
  (and (= (hash-table-count (ht ss1)) (hash-table-count (ht ss2)))
       (loop for st being the hash-key of (ht ss1)
	  always (gethash st (ht ss2)))))

(defmethod hash ((ss state-set) (s (eql +equalp-key-situation+)))
  "Returns the hash code for state-set SS."
  (the fixnum
    (mod (loop for st being the hash-key of (ht ss)
	    sum (sxhash st))

(defvar *escape-unicode-chars* nil) ; true may be useful in Slime

(defun escaped-char (c)
  (if (or (not *escape-unicode-chars*)
	  (and (<= #x21 c #x7e) (/= c (char-code #\\))))
      (code-char c)
      (format nil "\\u~4,'0O" c)))

(defmethod print-object ((st state) s)
  (with-slots (accept transitions num) st
    (format s "~@<state ~A [~A]: ~2I~_~@<~{~W~^ ~_~}~:>~:>"
	    (if accept "accept" "reject")
	    (with-ht-collect (tr nil) transitions tr)))

(defmethod print-object ((tr transition) s)
  (with-slots (minc maxc to) tr
    (format s "~@<~A~:[~*~;-~A~] -> ~A~:>"
	    (escaped-char minc)
	    (/= minc maxc)
	    (escaped-char maxc)
	    (num to))

(defun transition< (tr1 tr2)
  "Returns true if TR1 is strictly less than TR2. If *TO-FIRST*
special variable is bound to true, the values of the destination
states' NUM slots are compared first, followed by the intervals
comparison. The intervals comparison is done as follows: the lower
interval bounds are compared first, followed by reversed upper
interval bounds comparisons. If *TO-FIRST* is bound to nil, the
interval comparison is done first, followed by the NUM comparisons."
  (with-slots ((minc1 minc) (maxc1 maxc) (to1 to)) tr1
    (with-slots ((minc2 minc) (maxc2 maxc) (to2 to)) tr2
      (let ((to< (< (num to1) (num to2)))
	    (to= (= (num to1) (num to2)))
	    (min-rmax< (or (< minc1 minc2)
			   (and (= minc1 minc2) (> maxc1 maxc2))))
	    (min-rmax= (and (= minc1 minc2) (= maxc1 maxc2))))
	(if *to-first*
	    (or to< (and to= min-rmax<))
	    (or min-rmax< (and min-rmax= to<)))))))

(defun reset-transitions (s)
  (setf (transitions s) (make-generalized-hash-table +equalp-key-situation+)))

(defun sstep (s c)
  "Returns a state reachable from S, given the input character code
  (with-ht (tr nil) (transitions s)
    (when (<= (minc tr) (char-code c) (maxc tr))
      (return-from sstep (to tr)))))

(defun add-epsilon (s to)
  "Adds transitions of state TO to state S. Also, if TO accepts, so
does S."
  (when (accept to)
    (setf (accept s) t))
  (let ((s-table (transitions s)))
    (with-ht (tr nil) (transitions to)
      (htadd s-table tr))))

(defun sorted-transition-vector (s *to-first*)
  "Returns a vector of all transitions of S, sorted using TRANSITION<
and *TO-FIRST*."
  (let ((v (make-array `(,(cnt (transitions s)))
		       :element-type '(or null transition)))
	(i -1))
       (with-ht (tr nil) (transitions s)
	 (setf (aref v (incf i)) tr))

(defun sorted-transition-list (s *to-first*)
  "Returns a list of all transitions of S, sorted using TRANSITION<
and *TO-FIRST*."
   (with-ht-collect (tr nil) (transitions s) tr)
   #'transition<))--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/state-and-transition-test.lisp	2006/11/08 01:15:32	NONE
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/state-and-transition-test.lisp	2006/11/08 01:15:32	1.1
;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
;;; (c) copyright 2005 by Aleksandar Bakic (a_bakic at yahoo.com)

(in-package :automaton-user)

(deftest clone.transition.test-1
  (let* ((t1 (make-instance 'automaton::transition
			    :minc (char-code #\a) :maxc (char-code #\b)
			    :to (make-instance 'automaton::state)))
	 (t2 (automaton::clone t1)))
    (and (eqv t1 t2 +equalp-key-situation+)
	 (eql (hash t1 +equalp-key-situation+)
	      (hash t2 +equalp-key-situation+))))

(deftest transition<.test-1
  (let ((t1 (make-instance 'automaton::transition
			   :minc (char-code #\a) :maxc (char-code #\b)
			   :to (make-instance 'automaton::state)))
	(t2 (make-instance 'automaton::transition
			   :minc (char-code #\c) :maxc (char-code #\d)
			   :to (make-instance 'automaton::state)))
	(automaton::*to-first* nil))
    (automaton::transition< t1 t2))

(deftest transition<.test-2
  (let ((t1 (make-instance 'automaton::transition
			   :minc (char-code #\a) :maxc (char-code #\b)
			   :to (make-instance 'automaton::state)))
	(t2 (make-instance 'automaton::transition
			   :minc (char-code #\c) :maxc (char-code #\d)
			   :to (make-instance 'automaton::state)))
	(automaton::*to-first* t))
    (setf (automaton::num (automaton::to t1)) 1)
    (automaton::transition< t2 t1))

(deftest transition<.test-2a
  (let ((t1 (make-instance 'automaton::transition
			   :minc (char-code #\a) :maxc (char-code #\b)
			   :to (make-instance 'automaton::state)))
	(t2 (make-instance 'automaton::transition
			   :minc (char-code #\a) :maxc (char-code #\d)
			   :to (make-instance 'automaton::state)))
	(automaton::*to-first* t))
    (automaton::transition< t2 t1))

(deftest transition<.test-3
  (let ((t1 (make-instance 'automaton::transition
			   :minc (char-code #\a) :maxc (char-code #\c)
			   :to (make-instance 'automaton::state)))
	(t2 (make-instance 'automaton::transition
			   :minc (char-code #\a) :maxc (char-code #\b)
			   :to (make-instance 'automaton::state)))
	(automaton::*to-first* nil))
    (automaton::transition< t1 t2))

(deftest sstep.test-1
  (let* ((s (make-instance 'automaton::state))
	 (tr (make-instance 'automaton::transition
			    :minc (char-code #\a) :maxc (char-code #\b) :to s)))
    (htadd (automaton::transitions s) tr)
    (eq (automaton::sstep s #\a) s))

(deftest sstep.test-2
  (let* ((s (make-instance 'automaton::state))
	 (tr (make-instance 'automaton::transition
			    :minc (char-code #\a) :maxc (char-code #\b) :to s)))
    (htadd (automaton::transitions s) tr)
    (automaton::sstep s #\c))

(deftest add-epsilon.test-1
  (let* ((s1 (make-instance 'automaton::state))
	 (s2 (make-instance 'automaton::state))
	 (tr (make-instance 'automaton::transition
			    :minc (char-code #\a) :maxc (char-code #\b) :to s2)))
    (htadd (automaton::transitions s2) tr)
    (automaton::add-epsilon s1 s2)
    (htpresent (automaton::transitions s1) tr))

(deftest sorted-transition-vector.test-1
  (let* ((t1 (make-instance 'automaton::transition
			    :minc (char-code #\a) :maxc (char-code #\c)
			    :to (make-instance 'automaton::state)))
	 (t2 (make-instance 'automaton::transition
			    :minc (char-code #\a) :maxc (char-code #\b)
			    :to (make-instance 'automaton::state)))
	 (s (make-instance 'automaton::state)))
    (htadd (automaton::transitions s) t1)
    (htadd (automaton::transitions s) t2)
    (equalp (automaton::sorted-transition-vector s nil)
	    (vector t1 t2)))

(deftest sorted-transition-list.test-1
  (let* ((t1 (make-instance 'automaton::transition
			    :minc (char-code #\a) :maxc (char-code #\c)
			    :to (make-instance 'automaton::state)))
	 (t2 (make-instance 'automaton::transition
			    :minc (char-code #\a) :maxc (char-code #\b)
			    :to (make-instance 'automaton::state)))
	 (s (make-instance 'automaton::state)))
    (htadd (automaton::transitions s) t1)
    (htadd (automaton::transitions s) t2)
    (equal (automaton::sorted-transition-list s nil)
	   (list t1 t2)))
  t)--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/regexp.lisp	2006/11/08 01:15:32	NONE
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/regexp.lisp	2006/11/08 01:15:32	1.1
;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
;;; (c) copyright 2005 by Aleksandar Bakic (a_bakic at yahoo.com)

;;; Derived from dk.brics.automaton v1.8.1, (c) 2001-2005 by Anders Møller
;;; - Some comments have been copied verbatim from the original code.

;;; Regular expressions are built from the following abstract syntax:

;;; regexp	::=	unionexp
;;; unionexp	::=	interexp | unionexp	(union)
;;;                   |	interexp
;;; interexp	::=	concatexp & interexp	(intersection)	[OPTIONAL]
;;;                   |	concatexp
;;; concatexp	::=	repeatexp concatexp	(concatenation)
;;;                   |	repeatexp
;;; repeatexp	::=	repeatexp ?	(zero or one occurrence)
;;;                   |	repeatexp *	(zero or more occurrences)
;;;                   |	repeatexp +	(one or more occurrences)
;;;                   |	repeatexp {n}	(n occurrences)
;;;                   |	repeatexp {n,}	(n or more occurrences)
;;;                   |	repeatexp {n,m}	(n to m occurrences, including both)
;;;                   |	complexp
;;; complexp	::=	~ complexp	(complement)	[OPTIONAL]
;;;                   |	charclassexp
;;; charclassexp	::=	[ charclasses ]	(character class)
;;;                   |	[^ charclasses ]	(negated character class)
;;;                   |	simpleexp
;;; charclasses	::=	charclass charclasses
;;;                   |	charclass
;;; charclass	::=	charexp - charexp	(character range, including end-points)
;;;                   |	charexp
;;; simpleexp	::=	charexp
;;;                   |	.	(any single character)
;;;                   |	#	(the empty language)	[OPTIONAL]
;;;                   |	@	(any string)	[OPTIONAL]
;;;                   |	" <Unicode string without double-quotes> "	(a string)
;;;                   |	( )	(the empty string)
;;;                   |	( unionexp )	(precedence override)
;;;                   |	< <identifier> >	(named automaton)	[OPTIONAL]
;;;                   |	<n-m>	(numerical interval)	[OPTIONAL]
;;; charexp	::=	<Unicode character>	(a single non-reserved character)
;;;                   |	\ <Unicode character> 	(a single character)

;;; The productions marked [OPTIONAL] are only allowed if specified by
;;; the syntax flags passed to the string-regexp constructor. The
;;; reserved characters used in the (enabled) syntax must be escaped
;;; with backslash (\) or double-quotes ("..."). (In contrast to other
;;; regexp syntaxes, this is required also in character classes.) Be
;;; aware that dash (-) has a special meaning in charclass
;;; expressions. An identifier is a string not containing right angle
;;; bracket (>) or dash (-). Numerical intervals are specified by
;;; non-negative decimal integers and include both end points, and if
;;; n and m have the same number of digits, then the conforming
;;; strings must have that length (i.e. prefixed by 0's).

(in-package :automaton)

(deftype kind ()
  '(member nil :union :concatenation :intersection :optional :repeat
    :repeat-min :repeat-minmax :complement :char :char-range :anychar :empty
    :string :anystring :automaton :interval))

(defconstant +intersection+ #x0001) ; enables intersection (&)
(defconstant +complement+   #x0002) ; enables complement (~)
(defconstant +empty+        #x0004) ; enables empty language (#)
(defconstant +anystring+    #x0008) ; enables anystring (@)
(defconstant +automaton+    #x0010) ; enables named automaton (<id>)
(defconstant +interval+     #x0020) ; enables numerical intervals (n-m)
(defconstant +all+          #xffff) ; enables all optional syntax
(defconstant +none+         #x0000) ; enables no optional syntax

(deftype flags-type () `(integer ,+none+ ,+all+))

(defclass regexp ()
  ((kind :initform nil :initarg :kind :reader kind :type kind)
   (exp1 :initform nil :initarg :exp1 :reader exp1 :type (or null regexp))
   (exp2 :initform nil :initarg :exp2 :reader exp2 :type (or null regexp))
   (text :initform nil :initarg :text :reader text :type (or null string))
   (s :initform nil :initarg :s :reader s :type (or null string))

[342 lines skipped]
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/regexp-test.lisp	2006/11/08 01:15:32	NONE
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/regexp-test.lisp	2006/11/08 01:15:32	1.1

[592 lines skipped]
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/eqv-hash.txt	2006/11/08 01:15:32	NONE
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/eqv-hash.txt	2006/11/08 01:15:32	1.1

[790 lines skipped]
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/eqv-hash.lisp	2006/11/08 01:15:32	NONE
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/eqv-hash.lisp	2006/11/08 01:15:32	1.1

[911 lines skipped]
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/eqv-hash-test.lisp	2006/11/08 01:15:32	NONE
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[1087 lines skipped]
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/automaton.lisp	2006/11/08 01:15:32	NONE
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[2300 lines skipped]
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/automaton.asd	2006/11/08 01:15:32	NONE
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/automaton.asd	2006/11/08 01:15:32	1.1

[2315 lines skipped]
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/automaton-test.lisp	2006/11/08 01:15:32	NONE
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[2642 lines skipped]
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/automaton-test.asd	2006/11/08 01:15:32	NONE
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/automaton-test.asd	2006/11/08 01:15:32	1.1

[2657 lines skipped]
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/automaton-test-package.lisp	2006/11/08 01:15:32	NONE
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/cl-automaton/automaton-test-package.lisp	2006/11/08 01:15:32	1.1

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