[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim

afuchs afuchs at common-lisp.net
Fri Mar 3 21:10:21 UTC 2006

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv2565

Modified Files:
	recording.lisp mcclim.asd INSTALL.ASDF 
Log Message:
Implement standard-tree-output-records using spatial trees.

Also, document the updated installation process in INSTALL.ASDF.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/recording.lisp	2006/01/13 12:17:55	1.121
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/recording.lisp	2006/03/03 21:10:21	1.122
@@ -934,7 +934,6 @@
 (defmethod map-over-output-records-1
     (function (record standard-sequence-output-record) function-args)
   "Applies FUNCTION to all children in the order they were added."
-  (declare (ignore x-offset y-offset))
   (if function-args
       (loop with children = (output-record-children record)
 	 for child across children
@@ -972,10 +971,115 @@
      when (region-intersects-region-p region child)
      do (apply function child function-args)))
-;;; XXX bogus for now.
-(defclass standard-tree-output-record (standard-sequence-output-record)
-  (
-   ))
+;;; tree output recording
+(defclass tree-output-record-entry ()
+     ((record :initarg :record :reader tree-output-record-entry-record)
+      (cached-rectangle :initform nil :accessor tree-output-record-entry-cached-rectangle)
+      (inserted-nr :initarg :inserted-nr :accessor tree-output-record-entry-inserted-nr)))
+(defun make-tree-output-record-entry (record inserted-nr)
+  (make-instance 'tree-output-record-entry :record record :inserted-nr inserted-nr))
+(defun %record-to-spatial-tree-rectangle (r)
+  (rectangles:make-rectangle
+   :lows `(,(bounding-rectangle-min-x r)
+            ,(bounding-rectangle-min-y r))
+   :highs `(,(bounding-rectangle-max-x r)
+             ,(bounding-rectangle-max-y r))))
+(defun %output-record-entry-to-spatial-tree-rectangle (r)
+  (when (null (tree-output-record-entry-cached-rectangle r))
+    (let* ((record (tree-output-record-entry-record r)))
+      (setf (tree-output-record-entry-cached-rectangle r) (%record-to-spatial-tree-rectangle record))))
+  (tree-output-record-entry-cached-rectangle r))
+(defun %make-tree-output-record-tree ()
+  (spatial-trees:make-spatial-tree :r
+                        :rectfun #'%output-record-entry-to-spatial-tree-rectangle))
+(defclass standard-tree-output-record (compound-output-record)
+  ((children :initform (%make-tree-output-record-tree)
+             :accessor %tree-record-children)
+   (children-hash :initform (make-hash-table :test #'eql) :reader %tree-record-children-cache)
+   (last-insertion-nr :initform 0 :accessor last-insertion-nr)))
+(defun %entry-in-children-cache (record entry)
+  (gethash entry (%tree-record-children-cache record)))
+(defun (setf %entry-in-children-cache) (new-val record entry)
+  (setf (gethash entry (%tree-record-children-cache record)) new-val))
+(defmethod output-record-children ((record standard-tree-output-record))
+  (map 'list
+       #'tree-output-record-entry-record
+       (spatial-trees:search (%record-to-spatial-tree-rectangle record)
+                             (%tree-record-children record))))
+(defmethod add-output-record (child (record standard-tree-output-record))
+  (let ((entry (make-tree-output-record-entry child (incf (last-insertion-nr record)))))
+    (spatial-trees:insert entry (%tree-record-children record))
+    (setf (output-record-parent child) record)
+    (setf (%entry-in-children-cache record child) entry)))
+(defmethod delete-output-record (child (record standard-tree-output-record) &optional (errorp t))
+  (let ((entry (find child (spatial-trees:search (%entry-in-children-cache record child)
+                                                 (%tree-record-children record))
+                     :key #'tree-output-record-entry-record)))
+   (cond
+     ((not (null entry))
+      (spatial-trees:delete entry (%tree-record-children record))
+      (setf (%entry-in-children-cache record child) nil)
+      (setf (output-record-parent child) nil))
+     (errorp (error "~S is not a child of ~S" child record)))))
+(defmethod clear-output-record ((record standard-tree-output-record))
+  (dolist (child (output-record-children record))
+    (setf (output-record-parent child) nil)
+    (setf (%entry-in-children-cache record child) nil))
+  (setf (%tree-record-children record) (%make-tree-output-record-tree)))
+(defun map-over-tree-output-records (function record rectangle sort-order function-args)
+  (dolist (child (sort (spatial-trees:search rectangle
+                                             (%tree-record-children record))
+                       (ecase sort-order
+                         (:most-recent-first #'>)
+                         (:most-recent-last #'<))
+                       :key #'tree-output-record-entry-inserted-nr))
+    (apply function (tree-output-record-entry-record child) function-args)))
+(defmethod map-over-output-records-1 (function (record standard-tree-output-record) function-args)
+  (map-over-tree-output-records function record (%record-to-spatial-tree-rectangle record) :most-recent-last
+                                function-args))
+(defmethod map-over-output-records-containing-position (function (record standard-tree-output-record) x y &optional x-offset y-offset &rest function-args)
+  (declare (ignore x-offset y-offset))
+  (map-over-tree-output-records function record (rectangles:make-rectangle :lows `(,x ,y) :highs `(,x ,y)) :most-recent-first
+                                function-args)) 
+(defmethod map-over-output-records-overlapping-region (function (record standard-tree-output-record) region &optional x-offset y-offset &rest function-args)
+  (declare (ignore x-offset y-offset))
+  (typecase region
+    (everywhere-region (map-over-output-records-1 function record function-args))
+    (nowhere-region nil)
+    (otherwise (map-over-tree-output-records
+                (lambda (child)
+                  (if (region-intersects-region-p (multiple-value-call 'make-rectangle* (bounding-rectangle* child))
+                                                     region)
+                       (apply function child function-args)))
+                record (%record-to-spatial-tree-rectangle (bounding-rectangle region)) :most-recent-last
+                nil))))
+(defmethod recompute-extent-for-changed-child :around ((record standard-tree-output-record) child old-min-x old-min-y old-max-x old-max-y)
+  (when (eql record (output-record-parent child))
+    (let ((entry (%entry-in-children-cache record child)))
+     (spatial-trees:delete entry (%tree-record-children record))
+     (setf (tree-output-record-entry-cached-rectangle entry) nil)
+     (spatial-trees:insert entry (%tree-record-children record))))
+  (call-next-method))
 (defmethod match-output-records ((record t) &rest args)
   (apply #'match-output-records-1 record args))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/mcclim.asd	2005/08/19 21:34:41	1.6
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/mcclim.asd	2006/03/03 21:10:21	1.7
@@ -63,9 +63,6 @@
     :class requireable-system))
-(pushnew :clim *features*)
-(pushnew :mcclim *features*)
 (defmacro clim-defsystem ((module &key depends-on) &rest components)
      (asdf:defsystem ,module
@@ -96,7 +93,7 @@
    (:file "package" :depends-on ("Lisp-Dep"))))
 (defsystem :clim-core
-    :depends-on (:clim-lisp)
+    :depends-on (:clim-lisp :spatial-trees)
     :components ((:file "decls")
                  (:module "Lisp-Dep"
                           :depends-on ("decls")
@@ -392,3 +389,7 @@
 ;;; package dependency lists.
 (defsystem :mcclim
     :depends-on (:clim-looks))
+(defmethod perform :after ((op load-op) (c (eql (find-system :mcclim))))
+  (pushnew :clim *features*)
+  (pushnew :mcclim *features*))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/INSTALL.ASDF	2005/03/06 19:57:12	1.2
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/INSTALL.ASDF	2006/03/03 21:10:21	1.3
@@ -16,15 +16,20 @@
     have to load CLX via (require :clx) or a similar mechanism
- 3. On your Lisp's REPL (with ASDF loaded), type
+ 3. You need to install the spatial-trees library (available at
+    http://cliki.net/spatial-trees). The preferred method for that is
+    via asdf-install. see http://cliki.net/asdf-install for an
+    introduction to that method.
+ 4. On your Lisp's REPL (with ASDF loaded), type
      (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :mcclim)
      ; compilation messages should zip past
-After step 3, McCLIM and a suitable backend should be loaded and
+After step 4, McCLIM and a suitable backend should be loaded and
 you are good to go.
-When you restart your lisp image, you will need to perform step 3 to
+When you restart your lisp image, you will need to perform step 4 to
 load McCLIM again.
 Installing mcclim.asd if you were using ASDF & system.lisp before

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