[lisplab-cvs] r127 - src/matlisp

Jørn Inge Vestgården jivestgarden at common-lisp.net
Thu Jan 14 14:14:32 UTC 2010

Author: jivestgarden
Date: Thu Jan 14 09:14:30 2010
New Revision: 127

contribution with potrf and potrs. Callable but not verified


Modified: src/matlisp/lapack.lisp
--- src/matlisp/lapack.lisp	(original)
+++ src/matlisp/lapack.lisp	Thu Jan 14 09:14:30 2010
@@ -1866,5 +1866,281 @@
   (LDB :integer :input)  
   (INFO :integer :output))  
+(def-fortran-routine dpotrf :void
+  "
+  -- LAPACK routine (version 3.1) --
+     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd..
+     November 2006
+     .. Scalar Arguments ..
+     CHARACTER          UPLO
+     INTEGER            INFO, LDA, N
+     ..
+     .. Array Arguments ..
+     ..
+  Purpose
+  =======
+  DPOTRF computes the Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric
+  positive definite matrix A.
+  The factorization has the form
+     A = U**T * U,  if UPLO = 'U', or
+     A = L  * L**T,  if UPLO = 'L',
+  where U is an upper triangular matrix and L is lower triangular.
+  This is the block version of the algorithm, calling Level 3 BLAS.
+  Arguments
+  =========
+  UPLO    (input) CHARACTER*1
+          = 'U':  Upper triangle of A is stored;
+          = 'L':  Lower triangle of A is stored.
+  N       (input) INTEGER
+          The order of the matrix A.  N >= 0.
+  A       (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N)
+          On entry, the symmetric matrix A.  If UPLO = 'U', the leading
+          N-by-N upper triangular part of A contains the upper
+          triangular part of the matrix A, and the strictly lower
+          triangular part of A is not referenced.  If UPLO = 'L', the
+          leading N-by-N lower triangular part of A contains the lower
+          triangular part of the matrix A, and the strictly upper
+          triangular part of A is not referenced.
+          On exit, if INFO = 0, the factor U or L from the Cholesky
+          factorization A = U**T*U or A = L*L**T.
+  LDA     (input) INTEGER
+          The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,N).
+  INFO    (output) INTEGER
+          = 0:  successful exit
+          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
+          > 0:  if INFO = i, the leading minor of order i is not
+                positive definite, and the factorization could not be
+                completed.
+  =====================================================================
+  (uplo :string :input)
+  (n :integer :input)
+  (a (* :double-float) :input-output)
+  (lda :integer :input)
+  (info :integer :output))
+(def-fortran-routine dpotrs :void
+  "
+  -- LAPACK routine (version 3.1) --
+     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd..
+     November 2006
+     .. Scalar Arguments ..
+     CHARACTER          UPLO
+     INTEGER            INFO, LDA, LDB, N, NRHS
+     ..
+     .. Array Arguments ..
+     DOUBLE PRECISION   A( LDA, * ), B( LDB, * )
+     ..
+  Purpose
+  =======
+  DPOTRS solves a system of linear equations A*X = B with a symmetric
+  positive definite matrix A using the Cholesky factorization
+  A = U**T*U or A = L*L**T computed by DPOTRF.
+  Arguments
+  =========
+  UPLO    (input) CHARACTER*1
+          = 'U':  Upper triangle of A is stored;
+          = 'L':  Lower triangle of A is stored.
+  N       (input) INTEGER
+          The order of the matrix A.  N >= 0.
+  NRHS    (input) INTEGER
+          The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns
+          of the matrix B.  NRHS >= 0.
+  A       (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N)
+          The triangular factor U or L from the Cholesky factorization
+          A = U**T*U or A = L*L**T, as computed by DPOTRF.
+  LDA     (input) INTEGER
+          The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,N).
+  B       (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDB,NRHS)
+          On entry, the right hand side matrix B.
+          On exit, the solution matrix X.
+  LDB     (input) INTEGER
+          The leading dimension of the array B.  LDB >= max(1,N).
+  INFO    (output) INTEGER
+          = 0:  successful exit
+          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
+  =====================================================================
+  (uplo :string :input)
+  (n :integer :input)
+  (nrhs :integer :input)
+  (a (* :double-float) :input)
+  (lda :integer :input)
+  (b (* :double-float) :input-output)
+  (ldb :integer :input)
+  (info :integer :output))
+(def-fortran-routine zpotrf :void
+  "
+  -- LAPACK routine (version 3.1) --
+     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd..
+     November 2006
+     .. Scalar Arguments ..
+     CHARACTER          UPLO
+     INTEGER            INFO, LDA, N
+     ..
+     .. Array Arguments ..
+     COMPLEX*16         A( LDA, * )
+     ..
+  Purpose
+  =======
+  ZPOTRF computes the Cholesky factorization of a complex Hermitian
+  positive definite matrix A.
+  The factorization has the form
+     A = U**H * U,  if UPLO = 'U', or
+     A = L  * L**H,  if UPLO = 'L',
+  where U is an upper triangular matrix and L is lower triangular.
+  This is the block version of the algorithm, calling Level 3 BLAS.
+  Arguments
+  =========
+  UPLO    (input) CHARACTER*1
+          = 'U':  Upper triangle of A is stored;
+          = 'L':  Lower triangle of A is stored.
+  N       (input) INTEGER
+          The order of the matrix A.  N >= 0.
+  A       (input/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDA,N)
+          On entry, the Hermitian matrix A.  If UPLO = 'U', the leading
+          N-by-N upper triangular part of A contains the upper
+          triangular part of the matrix A, and the strictly lower
+          triangular part of A is not referenced.  If UPLO = 'L', the
+          leading N-by-N lower triangular part of A contains the lower
+          triangular part of the matrix A, and the strictly upper
+          triangular part of A is not referenced.
+          On exit, if INFO = 0, the factor U or L from the Cholesky
+          factorization A = U**H*U or A = L*L**H.
+  LDA     (input) INTEGER
+          The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,N).
+  INFO    (output) INTEGER
+          = 0:  successful exit
+          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
+          > 0:  if INFO = i, the leading minor of order i is not
+                positive definite, and the factorization could not be
+                completed.
+  =====================================================================
+  (uplo :string :input)
+  (n :integer :input)
+  (a (* :complex-double-float) :input-output)
+  (lda :integer :input)
+  (info :integer :output))
+(def-fortran-routine zpotrs :void
+  "
+  -- LAPACK routine (version 3.1) --
+     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd..
+     November 2006
+     .. Scalar Arguments ..
+     CHARACTER          UPLO
+     INTEGER            INFO, LDA, LDB, N, NRHS
+     ..
+     .. Array Arguments ..
+     COMPLEX*16         A( LDA, * ), B( LDB, * )
+     ..
+  Purpose
+  =======
+  ZPOTRS solves a system of linear equations A*X = B with a Hermitian
+  positive definite matrix A using the Cholesky factorization
+  A = U**H*U or A = L*L**H computed by ZPOTRF.
+  Arguments
+  =========
+  UPLO    (input) CHARACTER*1
+          = 'U':  Upper triangle of A is stored;
+          = 'L':  Lower triangle of A is stored.
+  N       (input) INTEGER
+          The order of the matrix A.  N >= 0.
+  NRHS    (input) INTEGER
+          The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns
+          of the matrix B.  NRHS >= 0.
+  A       (input) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDA,N)
+          The triangular factor U or L from the Cholesky factorization
+          A = U**H*U or A = L*L**H, as computed by ZPOTRF.
+  LDA     (input) INTEGER
+          The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,N).
+  B       (input/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDB,NRHS)
+          On entry, the right hand side matrix B.
+          On exit, the solution matrix X.
+  LDB     (input) INTEGER
+          The leading dimension of the array B.  LDB >= max(1,N).
+  INFO    (output) INTEGER
+          = 0:  successful exit
+          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
+  =====================================================================
+  (uplo :string :input)
+  (n :integer :input)
+  (nrhs :integer :input)
+  (a (* :complex-double-float) :input)
+  (lda :integer :input)
+  (b (* :complex-double-float) :input-output)
+  (ldb :integer :input)
+  (info :integer :output))

Added: src/matlisp/potrf.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ src/matlisp/potrf.lisp	Thu Jan 14 09:14:30 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: lisp; Syntax: ansi-common-lisp; Package: :lisplab; Base: 10 -*-
+;;; Copyright (C) 2009 Knut S. Gjerden
+;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+;;; $Log: potrf.lisp,v $
+;;; Revision 1.2   14.01.2010 13:28:40 knutgj
+;;; Revision 1.1   06.08.2009 12:40:40 knutgj
+;;; o Initial revision.
+(in-package :lisplab)
+(defgeneric potrf! (a &key uplo)
+  (:documentation
+  Syntax
+  ======
+  (POTRF a [:u :L])
+  Purpose
+  =======
+  DPOTRF computes the Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric
+  positive definite matrix A.
+  The factorization has the form
+     A = U**T * U,  if UPLO = 'U', or
+     A = L  * L**T,  if UPLO = 'L',
+  where U is an upper triangular matrix and L is lower triangular.
+  This is the block version of the algorithm, calling Level 3 BLAS.
+  Return Values
+  =============
+  [1] The factor U or L from the Cholesky
+          factorization A = U**T*U or A = L*L**T.
+  [2] INFO = T: successful
+             i:  U(i,i) is exactly zero. 
+(defmethod potrf! ((a matrix-blas-dge) &key uplo)
+  (let* ((n (rows a))
+	 (m (cols a)))
+    (declare (type fixnum n m))
+    (multiple-value-bind (new-a info)
+	(f77::dpotrf (case uplo
+                  (:L "L")
+                  (:U "U")
+                  (t "U")) ;; UPLO
+		m          ;; N
+		(matrix-store a)  ;; A
+		n          ;; LDA
+		0)         ;; INFO
+      (declare (ignore new-a))
+      (values a (if (zerop info)
+			 t
+		       info)))))
+(defmethod potrf! ((a matrix-blas-zge) &key uplo)
+  (let* ((n (rows a))
+	 (m (cols a)))
+    (declare (type fixnum n m))
+    (multiple-value-bind (new-a info)
+	(f77::zpotrf  (case uplo
+                  (:L "L")
+                  (:U "U")
+                  (t "U")) ;; UPLO
+		m          ;; N
+		(matrix-store a)  ;; A
+		n          ;; LDA
+		0)         ;; INFO
+      (declare (ignore new-a))
+      (values a (if (zerop info)
+			 t
+		       info)))))

Added: src/matlisp/potrs.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ src/matlisp/potrs.lisp	Thu Jan 14 09:14:30 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: lisp; Syntax: ansi-common-lisp; Package: :lisplab; Base: 10 -*-
+;;; Copyright (C) 2009 Knut S. Gjerden 
+;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+;;; $Log: potrs.lisp,v $ 
+;;; Revision 1.2   14.01.2010 13:29:27 knutgj
+;;; Revision 1.1   06.08.2009 12:19:27 knutgj
+;;; o Initial revision.
+(in-package :lisplab)
+(defgeneric potrs! (a b &key uplo)
+  (:documentation
+   "
+  Syntax
+  ======
+  (POTRS! a b [:U :L])
+  Purpose
+  =======
+  Solves a system of linear equations
+      A * X = B  or  A' * X = B
+  with a general N-by-N matrix A using the Cholesky LU factorization computed
+  by POTRF.  A and are the results from POTRF, UPLO specifies
+  the form of the system of equations: 
+           = 'U':   A = U**T*U 
+           = 'L':   A = L*L**T
+  Return Values
+  =============
+  [1] The NxM matrix X. (overwriting B)
+  [4] INFO = T: successful
+             i:  U(i,i) is exactly zero.  The LU factorization
+                 used in the computation has been completed, 
+                 but the factor U is exactly singular.
+                 Solution could not be computed.
+(defgeneric potrs (a b &key uplo)
+  (:documentation
+ "
+  Syntax
+  ======
+  (POTRS a b [:U :L])
+  Purpose
+  =======
+  Same as POTRS! except that B is not overwritten.
+(defmethod potrs! :before ((a matrix-blas-dge) (b matrix-blas-dge) &key uplo)
+  (declare (ignore uplo))
+  (let ((n-a (rows a))
+        (m-a (cols a))
+        (n-b (rows b)))
+    (if (not (= n-a m-a n-b))
+        (error "Dimensions of A,B given to POTRS! do not match"))))
+(defmethod potrs! ((a matrix-blas-dge) (b matrix-blas-dge) &key uplo)
+  (let* ((n (rows a))
+         (m (cols b)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (x info)
+        (f77::dpotrs (case uplo
+                  (:L "L")
+                  (:U "U")
+                  (t "U"))  ;;UPLO
+                n           ;;N
+                m           ;;NRHS
+                (matrix-store a)   ;;A
+                n           ;;LDA
+                (matrix-store b)   ;;B
+                n           ;;LDB
+                0)          ;;INFO
+        (values 
+         (make-instance 'matrix-dge :dim  (list n m) :store x)
+         (if (zerop info)
+             t
+           info)))))
+(defmethod potrs! ((a matrix-blas-zge) (b matrix-blas-zge) &key uplo)
+  (let* ((n (rows a))
+         (m (cols b)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (x info)
+        (f77::zpotrs (case uplo
+                  (:L "L")
+                  (:U "U")
+                  (t "U"))
+                n
+                m
+                (matrix-store a)
+                n
+                (matrix-store b)
+                n
+                0)        
+        (values 
+         (make-instance 'matrix-zge :dim (list n m) :store x) 
+         (if (zerop info)
+             t
+           info)))))
+(defmethod potrs ((a matrix-blas-dge) (b matrix-blas-dge) &key uplo)
+  (potrs! a (copy b) :uplo uplo))
+(defmethod potrs ((a matrix-blas-zge) (b matrix-blas-zge) &key uplo)
+  (potrs! a (copy b) :uplo uplo))

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