[lisplab-cvs] r12 - src

Jørn Inge Vestgården jivestgarden at common-lisp.net
Tue Apr 14 17:59:23 UTC 2009

Author: jivestgarden
Date: Tue Apr 14 13:59:23 2009
New Revision: 12

Some kind of finished but seems to be not usefull


Modified: src/template.lisp
--- src/template.lisp	(original)
+++ src/template.lisp	Tue Apr 14 13:59:23 2009
@@ -1,30 +1,254 @@
-(in-package :lisplab)
+(in-package :lisplab) ;; should not be part of lisplab package
+(defun 0elm (m)
+  (if (matrix? m)
+      (coerce 0 (element-type m))
+      (coerce 0 (type-of m))))
 (defclass template ()
     :initarg :symbol 
     :accessor template-symbol
     :documentation "The variable")
-   ;; TODO some gensym symbol for dynamic symbol
-   #+nil (type 
+   (dynamic-symbol ;;; TODO use this rather than a dynamic variant of the other
+    :initarg :dynamic-symbol 
+    :accessor template-dynamic-symbol
+    :documentation "The dynamic variable")
+   (type 
     :initarg :type 
     :accessor template-type
     :documentation "The actual run-time type")
+(defmethod print-object ((tl template) stream)
+  (print-unreadable-object (tl stream :type t :identity t)
+    (prin1 (template-symbol tl) stream)))
+(defgeneric create-template (type symbol &rest rest))
+(defgeneric handle (what template code)) 
+(defgeneric extra-let*s (template))
+(defgeneric extra-declares (template))
+;;; Defaults
+(defmethod handle (what template code) code)
+(defmethod extra-let*s (template) nil)
+(defmethod extra-declares (template) nil)
+;;; Blas real templates
 (defclass template-blas-real (template)
-    :initform  (gensym)
+    :initform  (gensym "store")
     :accessor template-store-symbol
-    :documentation "Temp  variable store")
+    :documentation "Temp variable for store")
-    :initform  (gensym)
+    :initform  (gensym "rows")
     :accessor template-rows-symbol
-    :documentation "Temp  variable store")
+    :documentation "Temp variable for rows")
+   (cols-symbol 
+    :initform  (gensym "cols")
+    :accessor template-cols-symbol
+    :documentation "Temp variable for columns")
+(defmethod create-template ((type (eql 'blas-real)) 
+			    symbol &rest rest)
+  (make-instance 'template-blas-real :symbol symbol))
+(defmethod handle ((what (eql 'mref)) (tl template-blas-real) code )
+  (destructuring-bind (ref a i j) code
+    (if (eql a (template-symbol tl))
+	(list 'ref-blas-real-store (template-store-symbol tl) i j (template-rows-symbol tl))
+	code)))
+(defmethod handle ((what (eql 'rows)) (tl template-blas-real) code )
+  (destructuring-bind (rows a) code
+    (if (eql a (template-symbol tl))
+	(template-rows-symbol tl)
+	code)))
+(defmethod handle ((what (eql 'cols)) (tl template-blas-real) code)
+  (destructuring-bind (cols a) code
+    (if (eql a (template-symbol tl))
+	(template-cols-symbol tl)
+	code)))
+(defmethod extra-let*s ((tl template-blas-real))
+  (list `(,(template-store-symbol tl) (store ,(template-symbol tl)))
+	`(,(template-rows-symbol tl) (rows ,(template-symbol tl)))
+	`(,(template-cols-symbol tl) (cols ,(template-symbol tl)))))
+(defmethod extra-declares ((tl template-blas-real))
+  (list `(blas-real ,(template-symbol tl))
+	`((simple-array double-float (*)) ,(template-store-symbol tl))	
+	`(type-blas-idx ,(template-rows-symbol tl))
+	`(type-blas-idx ,(template-cols-symbol tl))))
+;;; Double floats
+(defclass template-double-float (template)())
+(defmethod create-template ((type (eql 'double-float)) 
+			    symbol &rest rest)
+  (make-instance 'template-double-float :symbol symbol))
+(defmethod extra-declares ((tl template-double-float))
+  (list `(double-float ,(template-symbol tl))))
+;;;; The actual optimizations
+(defun handle-tree (tl code)
+  (if (consp code)
+      (let ((code2 (mapcar (lambda (code) (handle-tree tl code)) code)))
+	(handle (car code2) tl code2))
+      code))
+(defun handle-all (templates code)
+  (if templates 
+      (handle-all (cdr templates)
+		  (handle-tree (car templates) code))
+      code))
+(defun generate-code (syms vals code)
+  (let* ((templates (mapcar #'create-template 
+			   (mapcar #'type-of vals)
+			   syms ))
+	 (let*s (mapcan #'extra-let*s templates))
+	 (declares (mapcan #' extra-declares templates))
+	 (code2 (handle-all templates code)))
+    `(let* ,let*s
+       (declare , at declares)
+       , at code2)))
+(defmacro w/dynamic (args &body body)
+  "Optimized code, but without any structure information and anything 
+that should be otimized must be an argument"
+  (let ((run (gensym "run")))
+    `(progv ',args (list , at args)
+       (let ((,run  (generate-code
+		     ',args
+		     (list , at args)
+		     ',body)))
+	 (eval ,run)))))
+(defun test-m* (A B)
+  (let* ((M (rows a))
+	 (N (cols b))
+	 (S (cols a))
+	 (c (create a 0 (list M N)))
+	 (tmp 0.0))
+    (w/dynamic (a b c tmp)
+      (dotimes (i (rows A))
+	(dotimes (j (cols B))
+	  (setf tmp 0.0)
+	  (dotimes (k (cols A))
+	    (incf tmp (* (mref a i k) (mref b k j))))
+	  (setf (mref c i j) tmp)))
+      c)))
+#+nil (defun test-m* (a b)
+  (let* ((M (rows a))
+	 (N (cols b))
+	 (S (cols a))
+	 (c (create a 0 (list M N)))
+	 (tmp 0))
+    (w/dynamic (a b c M N S)
+      (dotimes (i M)
+	(dotimes (j N)
+	  #+nil (setf tmp 0)
+	  (dotimes (k S)
+	    (incf (mref C i j) (* (mref a i k) (mref b k j))))))
+      c)))
+;; The parsing context
+(defclass context ()
+  ((templates
+    :initarg :templates
+    :initform nil
+    :accessor context-templates
+    :documentation "The context")
+   #+nil (code
+    :initarg :code
+    :initform nil
+    :accessor context-code
+    :documentation "The code")))
+(defmethod print-object ((c context) stream)
+  (print-unreadable-object (c stream :type t :identity t)
+    (dolist (tl (context-templates c))
+      (format stream "~&~A" tl))))
+(defgeneric push-template (context template))
+(defmethod push-template ((c context) tl)
+  (setf (context-templates c)
+	(cons tl (context-templates c)))
+  tl) 
+(defgeneric pop-template (context))
+(defmethod pop-template ((c context))
+  (let ((x (car (context-templates c))))
+    (setf (context-templates c)
+	  (cdr (context-templates c)))
+    x)) 
+#+nil (defgeneric optimize-context (template context))
+;;; defaults
+(defmethod handle (what template code) nil)
+(defmethod handle-all (context code)
+  (if (consp code)
+      (progn 
+	;; TODO let a new kind of declare to update context
+	(let ((code2 (mapcar (lambda (c) 
+			       (handle-all context c)) 
+			     code)))
+	  (dolist (tl (context-templates context))
+	    (let ((x (handle (car code2) tl code2)))
+	      (if x (return-from handle-all x))))
+	  code2))
+      code))
+(defgeneric extra-declares (template))
-(defgeneric create-template (type symbol &rest rest ))
 (defgeneric apply-template (template code))
@@ -34,10 +258,6 @@
 ;;;; Blas real templates
-(defmethod create-template ((type (eql 'blas-real)) 
-			    symbol &rest rest)
-  (make-instance 'template-blas-real :symbol symbol))
 (defmethod make-template-declare-forms ((tl template-blas-real))
   `((type type-blas-store ,(template-store-symbol tl) )
     (type type-blas-idx ,(template-rows-symbol tl) )))
@@ -405,16 +625,12 @@
     `(type ,store-type ,store-sym)))  
 #+nil (defmacro defmat (name return-type args defs &body body)
   (let ((body2 (gensym)))
     `(defmethod ,name ,(defmat-parse-args args)
        (let ,defs
 	 (let ((body ',body))
 	   (macrolet ((,body2 () `(progn , at body)))
-	     (,body2)))))) )
\ No newline at end of file
+	     (,body2)))))) )
\ No newline at end of file

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