[linedit-devel] OSICAT no longer has *osicat-version*

Patrick Stein pat at nklein.com
Fri Apr 9 21:15:31 UTC 2010

I just upgraded a bunch of packages on my machine and Linedit had trouble because OSICAT no longer has the symbol *osicat-version*.

I tweaked the beginning of linedit's packages.lisp to look like this:

#.(let ((version (find-symbol "*OSICAT-VERSION*" (find-package "OSICAT"))))
      ((null version) t)
      ((stringp version) 
       (error "This version of Linedit requires Osicat version 0.4.0 or later, 
but current Osicat version is ~A." version))
      ((consp version)
       (unless (<= 4 (second version))
         (error "This version of Linedit requires Osicat version 0.4.0 or later, 
but current Osicat version is ~{~A~^.~}." version)))
      (t (error "No Osicat version found."))))

rather than the old way which had osicat:*osicat-version* liberally sprinkled throughout.


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