[gtk-cffi-cvs] CVS gtk-cffi/gdk

CVS User rklochkov rklochkov at common-lisp.net
Fri Jan 27 18:41:31 UTC 2012

Update of /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gdk
In directory tiger.common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv29565/gdk

Modified Files:
	loadlib.lisp pango.lisp 
Log Message:
Added pango-attr-list

--- /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gdk/loadlib.lisp	2012/01/25 19:15:08	1.3
+++ /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gdk/loadlib.lisp	2012/01/27 18:41:31	1.4
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 (in-package :gdk-cffi)
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
-  (define-foreign-library :gdk
-    (:unix "libgdk-3.so.0")
-    (:windows "libgdk-win32-3xs-0.dll"))
+;(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+(define-foreign-library :gdk
+  (:unix "libgdk-3.so.0")
+  (:windows "libgdk-win32-3xs-0.dll"))
-  (load-foreign-library :gdk))
+(use-foreign-library :gdk)
--- /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gdk/pango.lisp	2012/01/25 19:15:08	1.5
+++ /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/gdk/pango.lisp	2012/01/27 18:41:31	1.6
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 (defpackage #:pango-cffi
-  (:use #:common-lisp #:cffi-object #:cffi #:iterate)
+  (:use #:common-lisp #:cffi-object #:cffi #:iterate #:g-object-cffi
+        #:alexandria #:gtk-cffi-utils)
@@ -11,11 +12,13 @@
-   #:direction))
+   #:direction
+   #:attr-list))
 (in-package #:pango-cffi)
-(g-object-cffi:register-package "Pango" *package*)
+(register-package "Pango" *package*)
+(register-prefix *package* 'pango)
 (defcfun ("pango_font_description_from_string" string->pango-font)
@@ -73,6 +76,25 @@
 (defcenum direction
   :ltr :rtl :ttb-ltr :ttb-rtl :weak-ltr :weak-rtl :neutral)
+(defcenum gravity
+  :south :east :north :west :auto)
+(defcenum gravity-hint
+  :natural :strong :line)
+(defcenum weight
+  (:thin 100)
+  (:ultralight 200)
+  (:light 300)
+  (:book 380)
+  (:normal 400)
+  (:medium 500)
+  (:semibold 600)
+  (:bold 700)
+  (:ultrabold 800)
+  (:heavy 900)
+  (:ultraheavy 1000))
 (define-foreign-type tab-array (freeable)
   (:actual-type :pointer))
@@ -141,3 +163,209 @@
 (defcfun (language->string "pango_language_to_string") gtk-string 
   (language language))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
+  (defcenum attr-type
+    :invalid :language :family :style :weight :variant :stretch :size
+    :font-desc :foreground :background :underline :strikethrough
+    :rise :shape :scale :fallback :letter-spacing :underline-color
+    :strikethrough-color :absolute-size :gravity :gravity-hint))
+(defcstruct attribute
+  (klass (:pointer attr-type))
+  (start-index :uint)
+  (end-index :uint))
+(defcstruct attr-string
+  (attr attribute)
+  (value :string))
+(defcstruct attr-language
+  (attr attribute)
+  (value language))
+(defcstruct color
+  (red :uint16)
+  (green :uint16)
+  (blue :uint16))
+(defcstruct attr-color
+  (attr attribute)
+  (value color))
+(defcstruct attr-int
+  (attr attribute)
+  (value :int))
+(defcstruct attr-float
+  (attr attribute)
+  (value :float))
+(defcstruct attr-font-desc
+  (attr attribute)
+  (value font))
+(defcstruct rectangle
+  (x :int) (y :int)
+  (width :int) (height :int))
+(defcstruct attr-shape
+  (attr attribute)
+  (ink rectangle)
+  (logical rectangle)
+  (data :pointer)
+  (copy-func :pointer)
+  (destroy-func :pointer))
+(defcstruct attr-size
+  (attr attribute)
+  (size :int)
+  (absolute :uint))
+(defun rect->list (rect)
+  (with-foreign-slots ((x y width height) rect rectangle)
+    (list x y width height)))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
+  (defun attr->type (ktype)
+    (ecase ktype
+      (:language 'attr-language)
+      (:family 'attr-string)
+      ((:style :weight :variant :stretch
+               :underline :strikethrough
+               :rise :fallback :letter-spacing
+               :gravity :gravity-hint) 'attr-int)
+      ((:size :absolute-size) 'attr-size)
+      (:font-desc 'attr-font-desc)
+      (:shape 'attr-shape)
+      (:scale 'attr-float)
+      ((:foreground :background 
+                    :underline-color 
+                    :strikethrough-color) 'attr-color))))
+(defun translate-to-enum (type value)
+  (case type
+    ((:style :weight :variant :stretch :underline :gravity :gravity-hint)
+     (convert-from-foreign value (intern (symbol-name type) #.*package*)))
+    ((:strikethrough :fallback) (convert-from-foreign value :boolean))
+    (t value)))
+(defun attr->list (attr)
+  (let* ((type (mem-ref (foreign-slot-value attr 'attribute 'klass) 
+                        'attr-type))
+         (tail-type (attr->type type)))
+    (with-foreign-slots ((start-index end-index) attr attribute)
+      (list* type start-index end-index
+             (ecase tail-type
+               ((attr-language attr-string attr-font-desc attr-float)
+                (list (foreign-slot-value attr tail-type 'value)))
+               (attr-int (list (translate-to-enum
+                                type
+                                (foreign-slot-value attr tail-type 'value))))
+               (attr-color (with-foreign-slots 
+                               ((red green blue) 
+                                (foreign-slot-value attr 'attr-color 'value)
+                                color)
+                             (list red green blue)))
+               (attr-size (list (foreign-slot-value attr tail-type 'size)))
+               (attr-shape
+                (with-foreign-slots ((ink logical) attr attr-shape)
+                  (list (rect->list ink) (rect->list logical)))))))))
+(template (:language :family :style :variant :stretch :weight :size
+                     :font-desc :strikethrough :underline :scale
+                     :rise :letter-spacing :fallback :gravity
+                     :gravity-hint)
+  (flet ((in-type (type)
+           (case type
+             (:family :string)
+             ((:size :rise :letter-spacing) :int)
+             (:font-desc 'font)
+             ((:strikethrough :fallback) :boolean)
+             (:scale :double)
+             (t (intern (symbol-name type) #.*package*)))))
+    `(defcfun ,(symbolicate 'pango-attr- param '-new) ,(attr->type param)
+       (value ,(in-type param)))))
+(template (:foreground :background :strikethrough-color :underline-color)
+  `(defcfun ,(symbolicate 'pango-attr- param '-new) attr-color
+     (red :uint16) (green :uint16) (blue :uint16)))
+(defcfun ("pango_attr_size_new_absolute" pango-attr-absolute-size-new) 
+    attr-size (size :int))
+(define-foreign-type rect-list (freeable)
+  ()
+  (:simple-parser rect-list)
+  (:actual-type :pointer))
+(defmethod translate-to-foreign (value (type rect-list))
+  (let ((ptr (foreign-alloc 'rectangle)))
+    (with-foreign-slots ((x y width height) ptr rectangle)
+      (destructuring-bind (new-x new-y new-width new-height) value
+        (setf x new-x
+              y new-y
+              width new-width
+              height new-height)))
+    ptr))
+(defcfun pango-attr-shape-new attr-shape (ink rect-list) (logical rect-list))
+(define-foreign-type attr-list (freeable)
+  ((free :initform t))
+  (:simple-parser attr-list)
+  (:actual-type :pointer))
+;; (deffuns attr-list
+;;   (ref :pointer)
+;;   (unref :void)
+;;   (filter :pointer (func :pointer) (data :pointer)))
+(defcfun pango-attr-list-unref :void (ptr :pointer))
+(defcfun pango-attr-list-filter :pointer 
+  (ptr :pointer) (func :pointer) (data :pointer))
+(defmethod free-ptr ((type attr-list) ptr)
+  (pango-attr-list-unref ptr))
+(defvar *attr-list* nil)
+(defcallback cb-attr-list :boolean ((pattr :pointer) (data :pointer))
+  (declare (ignore data))
+  (push (attr->list pattr) *attr-list*)
+  t)
+(defmethod translate-from-foreign (ptr (type attr-list))
+  (let (*attr-list*)
+    (pango-attr-list-filter ptr (callback cb-attr-list) (null-pointer))
+    *attr-list*))
+(defcfun pango-attr-list-new :pointer)
+(defcfun pango-attr-list-insert :void (list :pointer) (attr :pointer))
+(template (t)
+  (declare (ignore param))
+  `(defun list->attr (l)
+     (destructuring-bind (type start-index end-index &rest params) l
+       (let ((ptr
+              (apply
+               (case type
+                 ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(,x 
+                                         (function ,(symbolicate 
+                                                     'pango-attr- x '-new))))
+                           (cdr (foreign-enum-keyword-list 'attr-type))))
+               params)))
+         (setf (foreign-slot-value ptr 'attribute 'start-index) start-index
+               (foreign-slot-value ptr 'attribute 'end-index) end-index)
+         ptr))))
+(defmethod translate-to-foreign (value (type attr-list))
+  (let ((ptr (pango-attr-list-new)))
+    (mapc (lambda (x) (pango-attr-list-insert ptr (list->attr x)))
+          value)
+    ptr))
\ No newline at end of file

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