[gtk-cffi-cvs] CVS gtk-cffi/g-object

CVS User rklochkov rklochkov at common-lisp.net
Mon Aug 8 15:02:01 UTC 2011

Update of /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/g-object
In directory tiger.common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv32663/g-object

Modified Files:
	g-object-cffi.asd g-object-class.lisp g-object.lisp 
	g-type.lisp package.lisp pobject.lisp subclass.lisp 
Log Message:
Major commit. Now all exerices ex*.lisp work perfectly.
Added lisp-array model for tree-view (see ex9).

--- /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/g-object/g-object-cffi.asd	2011/04/25 19:16:08
+++ /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/g-object/g-object-cffi.asd	2011/08/08 15:02:01	1.2
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
   :author "Roman Klochkov <kalimehtar at mail.ru>"
   :version "0.3"
   :license "LGPL"
-  :depends-on (cffi-object g-lib-cffi)
+  :depends-on (cffi-object g-lib-cffi gtk-cffi-utils)
   ((:file :package)
    (:file :loadlib :depends-on (:package))
--- /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/g-object/g-object-class.lisp	2011/04/25 19:16:08
+++ /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/g-object/g-object-class.lisp	2011/08/08 15:02:01	1.2
@@ -10,6 +10,19 @@
 (defclass g-object-class (object)
+(defcstruct g-object-class
+  (type-class g-type-class)
+  (construct-properties :pointer)
+  (constructor :pointer)
+  (set-property :pointer)
+  (get-property :pointer)
+  (dispose :pointer)
+  (finalize :pointer)
+  (dispatch-properties-changed :pointer)
+  (notify :pointer)
+  (constructed :pointer)
+  (pdummy :pointer :count 7))
 (defmethod gconstructor ((g-object-class g-object-class)
                                 &key object)
   (mem-ref (pointer object) :pointer))
@@ -17,7 +30,7 @@
 (defcfun "g_object_class_list_properties"
   :pointer (obj-class pobject) (n-props :pointer))
-(defclass gparam-spec (object)
+(defclass g-param-spec (object)
 (defmethod list-properties ((g-object-class g-object-class))
@@ -26,7 +39,7 @@
    (let ((res (g-object-class-list-properties g-object-class n-props)))
          (loop :for i :below (mem-ref n-props :int)
-               :collect (make-instance 'gparam-spec
+               :collect (make-instance 'g-param-spec
                                        :pointer (mem-aref res :pointer i)))
        (foreign-free res)))))
@@ -36,41 +49,41 @@
 (defmethod find-property ((g-object-class g-object-class) key)
   (let ((ptr (g-object-class-find-property g-object-class key)))
     (unless (null-pointer-p ptr)
-      (make-instance 'gparam-spec :pointer ptr))))
+      (make-instance 'g-param-spec :pointer ptr))))
 (defcfun "g_param_spec_get_name" :string (param pobject))
-(defmethod name ((gparam-spec gparam-spec))
-  (g-param-spec-get-name gparam-spec))
+(defmethod name ((g-param-spec g-param-spec))
+  (g-param-spec-get-name g-param-spec))
 (defcfun "g_param_spec_get_nick" gtk-string (param pobject))
-(defmethod nick ((gparam-spec gparam-spec))
-  (g-param-spec-get-nick gparam-spec))
+(defmethod nick ((g-param-spec g-param-spec))
+  (g-param-spec-get-nick g-param-spec))
 (defcfun "g_param_spec_get_blurb" gtk-string (param pobject))
-(defmethod blurb ((gparam-spec gparam-spec))
-  (g-param-spec-get-blurb gparam-spec))
+(defmethod blurb ((g-param-spec g-param-spec))
+  (g-param-spec-get-blurb g-param-spec))
-(defbitfield gparam-flags
+(defbitfield g-param-flags
     :readable :writable :construct :construct-only :lax-validation
     :static-name :static-nick :static-blurb)
-(defcstruct gparam-spec
-    "GParamSpec"
+(defcstruct g-param-spec
+  "GParamSpec"
   (g-type-instance :pointer)
   (name :string)
-  (flags gparam-flags)
+  (flags g-param-flags)
   (type :ulong)
   (owner-type :ulong))
-(defmethod flags ((gparam-spec gparam-spec))
-  (foreign-slot-value (pointer gparam-spec) 'gparam-spec 'flags))
+(defmethod flags ((g-param-spec g-param-spec))
+  (foreign-slot-value (pointer g-param-spec) 'g-param-spec 'flags))
-(defmethod g-type ((gparam-spec gparam-spec) &key owner)
-  (foreign-slot-value (pointer gparam-spec) 'gparam-spec (if owner 'owner-type
-                                                     'type)))
+(defmethod g-type ((g-param-spec g-param-spec) &key owner)
+  (foreign-slot-value (pointer g-param-spec) 
+                      'g-param-spec (if owner 'owner-type 'type)))
 (defun show-properties (g-object)
   (let ((gclass (make-instance 'g-object-class :object g-object)))
--- /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/g-object/g-object.lisp	2011/04/25 19:16:08
+++ /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/g-object/g-object.lisp	2011/08/08 15:02:01	1.2
@@ -299,4 +299,11 @@
 (defcfun ("g_object_ref" ref) :pointer (obj pobject))
 (defcfun ("g_object_unref" unref) :void (obj pobject))
-(defcfun g-object-new :pointer (class-type g-type))
\ No newline at end of file
+(defcfun g-object-new :pointer (class-type g-type) (null :pointer))
+(defun new (id)
+  (g-object-new id (null-pointer)))
+(defcfun g-object-newv :pointer (class-type g-type)
+                                (n-params :uint) (params :pointer))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/g-object/g-type.lisp	2011/04/25 19:16:08
+++ /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/g-object/g-type.lisp	2011/08/08 15:02:01	1.2
@@ -20,7 +20,30 @@
 (defctype g-type :ulong "GType")
+(defcstruct g-type-interface
+  "GTypeInterface"
+  (g-type g-type)
+  (g-instance-type g-type))
+(defcstruct g-type-class
+  "GTypeClass"
+  (g-type g-type))
+(defcstruct g-type-instance
+  "GTypeInstance"
+  (g-class (:pointer g-type-class)))
 (defcfun g-type-fundamental g-type (id g-type))
+(defcfun g-type-from-name g-type (name :string))
+(defcstruct g-type-query
+  "GTypeQuery"
+  (type g-type)
+  (name :string)
+  (class-size :uint)
+  (instance-size :uint))
+(defcfun g-type-query :void (type g-type) (query g-type-query))
 (defun g-type->name (num)
   "Integer (GType) -> keyword from +fundamental-gtypes+"
@@ -29,11 +52,11 @@
 (defvar *types* (make-hash-table)
   "Hash table: GType num -> lisp object")
-(defvar *typenames* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
-  "Hash table: GTK type name (string) -> lisp object")
+(defvar *typenames* nil
+  "Assoc: GTK type name (string) -> lisp object")
 (defun register-type (lisp-class gtk-typename)
-  (setf (gethash gtk-typename *typenames*) lisp-class))
+  (setq *typenames* (acons gtk-typename lisp-class *typenames*)))
 (defvar *gtk-packages* nil
   ;; (mapcar
@@ -48,13 +71,6 @@
 (defcfun "g_type_name" :string (id :ulong))
-(defmacro with-hash (hash key &body body)
-  (let ((try (gensym)))
-    `(or (gethash ,key ,hash)
-         (let ((,try (progn , at body)))
-           (when ,try
-             (setf (gethash ,key ,hash) ,try))))))
 (defun g-type->lisp (g-type)
   "Returns lisp class for the gtype and caches result
 Ex.: GType of GtkWindow -> 'gtk-cffi:window"
@@ -74,8 +90,7 @@
     (with-hash *types* g-type
                (let ((typename (g-type-name g-type)))
                  (when typename
-                   (with-hash 
-                       *typenames* typename
+                   (or (cdr (assoc typename *typenames* :test 'string=))
                        (let* ((pr-pos 
                                   :for c :across (subseq typename 1)
--- /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/g-object/package.lisp	2011/04/25 19:16:08
+++ /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/g-object/package.lisp	2011/08/08 15:02:01	1.2
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 (in-package #:cl-user)
 (defpackage #:g-object-cffi
-  (:use #:common-lisp #:cffi #:cffi-object #:g-lib-cffi)
+  (:use #:common-lisp #:cffi #:cffi-object #:g-lib-cffi #:gtk-cffi-utils)
   (:import-from #:cffi-object *objects*)
@@ -58,5 +58,16 @@
-   #:g-object-new))
+   #:g-object-newv
+   #:new
+   #:g-type-info
+   #:g-type-flags
+   #:g-type-register-static
+   #:g-type-register-static-simple
+   #:g-interface-info
+   #:g-type-add-interface-static
+   #:g-type-interface
+   #:g-type-class
+   #:g-type-instance))
--- /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/g-object/pobject.lisp	2011/04/25 19:16:08
+++ /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/g-object/pobject.lisp	2011/08/08 15:02:01	1.2
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 (defmethod translate-from-foreign :around (ptr (name g-list-object))
   (declare (ignorable ptr name))
   (mapcar (lambda (x) (convert-from-foreign x 'pobject)) 
-          (call-next-method)))
+         (call-next-method)))
 (defcfun g-type-interface-peek-parent pobject (iface pobject))
--- /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/g-object/subclass.lisp	2011/04/25 19:16:08
+++ /project/gtk-cffi/cvsroot/gtk-cffi/g-object/subclass.lisp	2011/08/08 15:02:01	1.2
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
-(in-package :g-object-cffi)
+;;;; -*- Mode: lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+;;; gtype.lisp --- GType functions
+;;; Copyright (C) 2007, Roman Klochkov <kalimehtar at mail.ru>
+(in-package #:g-object-cffi)
 (defcstruct g-type-info 
@@ -37,17 +44,5 @@
 (defcfun g-type-add-interface-static :void
   (instance-type g-type) (interface-type g-type) (info g-interface-info))
-(defcstruct g-type-interface
-    "GTypeInterface"
-  (g-type g-type)
-  (g-instance-type g-type))
-(defcstruct g-type-class
-    "GTypeClass"
-  (g-type g-type))
-(defcstruct g-type-instance
-    "GTypeInstance"
-  (g-class (:pointer g-type-class)))
\ No newline at end of file

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