[GSLL-devel] try to install package with not results

ilencaco at yahoo.com ilencaco at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 25 16:21:37 UTC 2011

Could you give the name of the packages needed for the installation?
Many thanks

From: Mirko Vukovic <mirko.vukovic at gmail.com>
To: ilencaco at yahoo.com
Cc: "gsll-devel at common-lisp.net" <gsll-devel at common-lisp.net>
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2011 8:40 AM
Subject: Re: [GSLL-devel] try to install package with not results

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 10:35 PM, <ilencaco at yahoo.com> wrote:

>I try to install the package in xp windows - allegro. However i have difficulties to do so
>Could you help me with this?
>Best regards, 

 From your previous email it was not clear what the failure was  (you were loading trivial-features twice, for example)

Now, since GSLL depends on many packages, the following would help:

Start a new session, and manually load the systems on which gsll depends, one-by-one.  Do all of them load without errors?

If all of them load without errors, load gsll, and post the transcript of that.

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