[gsharp-devel] 8va treble clef

Christophe Rhodes csr21 at cam.ac.uk
Tue Feb 28 17:11:38 UTC 2006


Attached is a patch implementing a treble8 clef (which is a treble
clef with implicit octaviation).  I'm not really proposing this for
direct inclusion; I haven't designed a glyph for it, for a start.
However, the patch indicates quite well where things could afford to
be abstracted a little, and I also needed it so that I could get midi
output for les Cris de Paris in the right octave.
  * MIDI output
  * Gsharp score (requires patches)
  * pretty screenshot

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Other things that I've noticed but haven't fixed while playing around
today include that making a note be tied (or presumably untied)
doesn't mark the buffer as having changed, and that the ties are drawn
after the bar lines (causing some damage to the barlines where they
intersect with the bounding rectangle of the tie glyphs.)



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