[graphic-forms-cvs] r229 - in trunk/src: . uitoolkit/graphics uitoolkit/graphics/plugins/default uitoolkit/graphics/plugins/imagemagick

junrue at common-lisp.net junrue at common-lisp.net
Mon Aug 21 21:23:24 UTC 2006

Author: junrue
Date: Mon Aug 21 17:23:22 2006
New Revision: 229

refactored graphics plugins slightly for common code

Modified: trunk/src/packages.lisp
--- trunk/src/packages.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/packages.lisp	Mon Aug 21 17:23:22 2006
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
-    #:data->image
+    #:copy-pixels

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-generics.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-generics.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-generics.lisp	Mon Aug 21 17:23:22 2006
@@ -39,9 +39,6 @@
 (defgeneric (setf background-color) (color self)
   (:documentation "Sets the current background color."))
-(defgeneric data->image (self)
-  (:documentation "Plugins implement this to translate from a data structure to an HGDIOBJ."))
 (defgeneric data-object (self &optional gc)
   (:documentation "Returns the data structure representing the raw form of self."))
@@ -132,6 +129,9 @@
 (defgeneric metrics (self font)
   (:documentation "Returns a font-metrics object describing key attributes of the specified font."))
+(defgeneric obtain-pixels (self pixels-pointer)
+  (:documentation "Plugins implement this to populate pixels-pointer with image pixel data."))
 (defgeneric size (self)
   (:documentation "Returns a size object describing the dimensions of self."))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/icon-bundle.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/icon-bundle.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/icon-bundle.lisp	Mon Aug 21 17:23:22 2006
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
       ((typep file 'pathname)
          (let ((data (load-image-data file)))
            (setf image-list (loop for entry in data
-                                  collect (make-instance 'gfg:image :handle (data->image entry))))))
+                                  collect (make-instance 'gfg:image :handle (plugin->image entry))))))
       ((listp images)
          (setf image-list images)))
     (when image-list

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/image-data.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/image-data.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/image-data.lisp	Mon Aug 21 17:23:22 2006
@@ -78,12 +78,47 @@
 ;;; helper functions
+(defun make-initial-bitmapinfo (plugin)
+  (let ((bi-ptr (cffi:foreign-alloc 'gfs::bitmapinfo)))
+    (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::bisize gfs::biwidth gfs::biheight gfs::biplanes gfs::bibitcount
+                               gfs::bicompression gfs::bmicolors)
+                              bi-ptr gfs::bitmapinfo)
+      (gfs::zero-mem bi-ptr gfs::bitmapinfo)
+      (setf gfs::bisize        (cffi:foreign-type-size 'gfs::bitmapinfoheader)
+            gfs::biplanes      1
+            gfs::bibitcount    (depth plugin)
+            gfs::bicompression gfs::+bi-rgb+)
+      (let ((im-size (size plugin)))
+        (setf gfs::biwidth  (gfs:size-width im-size)
+              gfs::biheight (- (gfs:size-height im-size)))))
+    bi-ptr))
 (defun load-image-data (path)
   (loop for loader in *image-plugins*
         for data = (funcall loader path)
         until data
         finally (return data)))
+(defun plugin->image (plugin)
+  (let ((screen-dc (gfs::get-dc (cffi:null-pointer)))
+        (hbmp (cffi:null-pointer)))
+    (unwind-protect
+        (cffi:with-foreign-object (pix-bits-ptr :pointer)
+          (setf hbmp (gfs::create-dib-section screen-dc
+                                              plugin
+                                              gfs::+dib-rgb-colors+
+                                              pix-bits-ptr
+                                              (cffi:null-pointer)
+                                              0))
+          (if (gfs:null-handle-p hbmp)
+            (error 'gfs:win32-error :detail "create-dib-section failed"))
+          (copy-pixels plugin (cffi:mem-ref pix-bits-ptr :pointer)))
+      (gfs::release-dc (cffi:null-pointer) screen-dc))
+    hbmp))
+(defun data->image (self)
+  (plugin->image (data-plugin-of self)))
 (defun image->data (hbmp) (declare (ignore hbmp)))
 (defun image->data (hbmp)
@@ -175,9 +210,6 @@
 ;;; methods
-(defmethod data->image ((self image-data))
-  (data->image (data-plugin-of self)))
 (defmethod depth ((self image-data))
   (depth (data-plugin-of self)))
@@ -208,7 +240,7 @@
   (size (data-plugin-of self)))
 (defmethod (setf size) (size (self image-data))
-  (setf (gfg:size (data-plugin-of self)) size))
+  (setf (size (data-plugin-of self)) size))
 (defmethod print-object ((self image-data) stream)
   (if (or (null (gfs:handle self)) (cffi:null-pointer-p (gfs:handle self)))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/plugins/default/default-data-plugin.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/plugins/default/default-data-plugin.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/plugins/default/default-data-plugin.lisp	Mon Aug 21 17:23:22 2006
@@ -114,26 +114,6 @@
 (push #'loader gfg::*image-plugins*)
-(defmethod gfg:data->image ((self default-data-plugin))
-  (let ((screen-dc (gfs::get-dc (cffi:null-pointer)))
-        (hbmp (cffi:null-pointer)))
-    (unwind-protect
-        (cffi:with-foreign-object (pix-bits-ptr :pointer)
-          (setf hbmp (gfs::create-dib-section screen-dc
-                                              self
-                                              gfs::+dib-rgb-colors+
-                                              pix-bits-ptr
-                                              (cffi:null-pointer)
-                                              0))
-          (if (gfs:null-handle-p hbmp)
-            (error 'gfs:win32-error :detail "create-dib-section failed"))
-          (let ((plugin-pixels (pixels-of self))
-                (ptr (cffi:mem-ref pix-bits-ptr :pointer)))
-            (dotimes (i (length plugin-pixels))
-              (setf (cffi:mem-aref ptr :uint8 i) (aref plugin-pixels i)))))
-      (gfs::release-dc (cffi:null-pointer) screen-dc))
-    hbmp))
 (defmethod gfg:depth ((self default-data-plugin))
   (let ((info (gfs:handle self)))
     (unless info
@@ -143,59 +123,42 @@
 (defmethod gfs:dispose ((self default-data-plugin))
   (setf (slot-value self 'gfs:handle) nil))
-(defmethod cffi:free-translated-object (pixels-ptr (name (eql 'gfs::bitmap-pixels-pointer)) param)
-  (declare (ignore param))
-  (cffi:foreign-free pixels-ptr))
 (defmethod cffi:free-translated-object (bi-ptr (name (eql 'gfs::bitmap-info-pointer)) param)
   (declare (ignore param))
   (cffi:foreign-free bi-ptr))
+(defmethod gfg:copy-pixels ((self default-data-plugin) pixels-pointer)
+  (let ((plugin-pixels (pixels-of self)))
+    (dotimes (i (length plugin-pixels))
+      (setf (cffi:mem-aref pixels-pointer :uint8 i) (aref plugin-pixels i))))
+  pixels-pointer)
 (defmethod gfg:size ((self default-data-plugin))
   (let ((info (gfs:handle self)))
     (unless info
       (error 'gfs:disposed-error))
-    (gfs:make-size :width (biWidth info) :height (biHeight info))))
+    (gfs:make-size :width (biWidth info) :height (- (biHeight info)))))
 (defmethod (setf gfg:size) (size (self default-data-plugin))
   (let ((info (gfs:handle self)))
     (unless info
       (error 'gfs:disposed-error))
     (setf (biWidth info)  (gfs:size-width size)
-          (biHeight info) (gfs:size-height size)))
+          (biHeight info) (- (gfs:size-height size))))
 (defmethod cffi:translate-to-foreign ((lisp-obj default-data-plugin)
-                                      (name (eql 'gfs::bitmap-pixels-pointer)))
-  (let* ((plugin-pixels (pixels-of lisp-obj))
-         (pixels-ptr (cffi:foreign-alloc :uint8 :count (length plugin-pixels))))
-    (dotimes (i (length plugin-pixels))
-      (setf (cffi:mem-aref pixels-ptr :uint8 i) (aref plugin-pixels i)))
-    pixels-ptr))
-(defmethod cffi:translate-to-foreign ((lisp-obj default-data-plugin)
                                       (name (eql 'gfs::bitmapinfo-pointer)))
-  (let ((bi-ptr (cffi:foreign-alloc 'gfs::bitmapinfo)))
-    (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::bisize gfs::biwidth gfs::biheight gfs::biplanes gfs::bibitcount
-                               gfs::bicompression gfs::bmicolors)
-                              bi-ptr gfs::bitmapinfo)
-      (gfs::zero-mem bi-ptr gfs::bitmapinfo)
-      (setf gfs::bisize        (cffi:foreign-type-size 'gfs::bitmapinfoheader)
-            gfs::biplanes      1
-            gfs::bibitcount    (gfg:depth lisp-obj)
-            gfs::bicompression gfs::+bi-rgb+)
-      (let ((im-size (gfg:size lisp-obj)))
-        (setf gfs::biwidth  (gfs:size-width im-size)
-              gfs::biheight (gfs:size-height im-size)))
-      (let ((colors (gfg:color-table (palette-of lisp-obj)))
-            (ptr (cffi:foreign-slot-pointer bi-ptr 'gfs::bitmapinfo 'gfs::bmicolors)))
-        (dotimes (i (length colors))
-          (let ((clr (aref colors i)))
-            (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::rgbblue gfs::rgbgreen
-                                       gfs::rgbred gfs::rgbreserved)
-                                      (cffi:mem-aref ptr 'gfs::rgbquad i) gfs::rgbquad)
-              (setf gfs::rgbblue     (gfg:color-blue clr)
-                    gfs::rgbgreen    (gfg:color-green clr)
-                    gfs::rgbred      (gfg:color-red clr)
-                    gfs::rgbreserved 0))))))
+  (let ((bi-ptr (gfg::make-initial-bitmapinfo lisp-obj))
+        (colors (gfg:color-table (palette-of lisp-obj))))
+    (let ((ptr (cffi:foreign-slot-pointer bi-ptr 'gfs::bitmapinfo 'gfs::bmicolors)))
+      (dotimes (i (length colors))
+        (let ((clr (aref colors i)))
+          (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::rgbblue gfs::rgbgreen
+                                     gfs::rgbred gfs::rgbreserved)
+                                    (cffi:mem-aref ptr 'gfs::rgbquad i) gfs::rgbquad)
+            (setf gfs::rgbreserved 0
+                  gfs::rgbblue     (gfg:color-blue clr)
+                  gfs::rgbgreen    (gfg:color-green clr)
+                  gfs::rgbred      (gfg:color-red clr))))))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/plugins/imagemagick/magick-core-api.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/plugins/imagemagick/magick-core-api.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/plugins/imagemagick/magick-core-api.lisp	Mon Aug 21 17:23:22 2006
@@ -136,6 +136,11 @@
   (width      :unsigned-long)
   (height     :unsigned-long))
+  ("GetIndexes" get-indexes)
+  :pointer                    ;; IndexPacket*
+  (image      :pointer))      ;; Image*
 (defun scale-quantum-to-byte (quant)
   (floor quant 257))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/plugins/imagemagick/magick-core-types.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/plugins/imagemagick/magick-core-types.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/plugins/imagemagick/magick-core-types.lisp	Mon Aug 21 17:23:22 2006
@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@
 (defctype quantum :unsigned-short)
+(defctype index-packet quantum)
 (defcenum boolean-type
   (:false 0)
   (:true 1))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/plugins/imagemagick/magick-data-plugin.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/plugins/imagemagick/magick-data-plugin.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/plugins/imagemagick/magick-data-plugin.lisp	Mon Aug 21 17:23:22 2006
@@ -54,73 +54,16 @@
 (push #'loader gfg::*image-plugins*)
-(defmethod gfg:data->image ((self magick-data-plugin))
-  (cffi:with-foreign-object (bi-ptr 'gfs::bitmapinfo)
-    (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::bisize
-                               gfs::biwidth
-                               gfs::biheight
-                               gfs::biplanes
-                               gfs::bibitcount
-                               gfs::bicompression
-                               gfs::bisizeimage
-                               gfs::bixpels
-                               gfs::biypels
-                               gfs::biclrused
-                               gfs::biclrimp
-                               gfs::bmicolors)
-                              bi-ptr gfs::bitmapinfo)
-      (let* ((handle (gfs:handle self))
-             (sz (gfg:size self))
-             (pix-count (* (gfs:size-width sz) (gfs:size-height sz)))
-             (hbmp (cffi:null-pointer))
-             (screen-dc (gfs::get-dc (cffi:null-pointer))))
-        (setf gfs::bisize (cffi:foreign-type-size 'gfs::bitmapinfoheader)
-              gfs::biwidth (gfs:size-width sz)
-              gfs::biheight (- 0 (gfs:size-height sz))
-              gfs::biplanes 1
-              gfs::bibitcount 32   ;; 32bpp even if original image file is not
-              gfs::bicompression gfs::+bi-rgb+
-              gfs::bisizeimage 0
-              gfs::bixpels 0
-              gfs::biypels 0
-              gfs::biclrused 0
-              gfs::biclrimp 0)
-        ;; create the bitmap
-        ;;
-        (cffi:with-foreign-object (pix-bits-ptr :pointer)
-          (setf hbmp (gfs::create-dib-section screen-dc
-                                              bi-ptr
-                                              gfs::+dib-rgb-colors+
-                                              pix-bits-ptr
-                                              (cffi:null-pointer)
-                                              0))
-          (if (gfs:null-handle-p hbmp)
-            (error 'gfs:win32-error :detail "create-dib-section failed"))
-          ;; update the RGBQUADs
-          ;;
-          (let ((tmp (get-image-pixels handle 0 0 (gfs:size-width sz) (gfs:size-height sz)))
-                (ptr (cffi:mem-ref pix-bits-ptr :pointer)))
-            (dotimes (i pix-count)
-              (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((blue green red reserved)
-                                        (cffi:mem-aref tmp 'pixel-packet i)
-                                        pixel-packet)
-                (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::rgbred gfs::rgbgreen gfs::rgbblue gfs::rgbreserved)
-                                          (cffi:mem-aref ptr 'gfs::rgbquad i) gfs::rgbquad)
-                  (setf gfs::rgbreserved 0)
-                  (setf gfs::rgbred (scale-quantum-to-byte red))
-                  (setf gfs::rgbgreen (scale-quantum-to-byte green))
-                  (setf gfs::rgbblue (scale-quantum-to-byte blue)))))))
-        (unless (gfs:null-handle-p screen-dc)
-          (gfs::release-dc (cffi:null-pointer) screen-dc))
-        hbmp))))
 (defmethod gfg:depth ((self magick-data-plugin))
+  ;; FIXME: further debugging of non-true-color format required throughout
+  ;; this plugin, reverting back to assumption of 32bpp for now.
   (let ((handle (gfs:handle self)))
     (if (null handle)
       (error 'gfs:disposed-error))
     (cffi:foreign-slot-value handle 'magick-image 'depth)))
+  32)
 (defmethod gfs:dispose ((self magick-data-plugin))
   (let ((victim (gfs:handle self)))
@@ -128,6 +71,22 @@
       (destroy-image victim)))
   (setf (slot-value self 'gfs:handle) nil))
+(defmethod gfg:copy-pixels ((self magick-data-plugin) pixels-pointer)
+  (let* ((handle (gfs:handle self))
+         (im-size (gfg:size self))
+         (pixel-count (* (gfs:size-width im-size) (gfs:size-height im-size)))
+         (pix-tmp (get-image-pixels handle 0 0 (gfs:size-width im-size) (gfs:size-height im-size))))
+    (dotimes (i pixel-count)
+      (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((blue green red reserved)
+                                (cffi:mem-aref pix-tmp 'pixel-packet i) pixel-packet)
+        (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::rgbred gfs::rgbgreen gfs::rgbblue gfs::rgbreserved)
+                                  (cffi:mem-aref pixels-pointer 'gfs::rgbquad i) gfs::rgbquad)
+          (setf gfs::rgbreserved 0
+                gfs::rgbred      (scale-quantum-to-byte red)
+                gfs::rgbgreen    (scale-quantum-to-byte green)
+                gfs::rgbblue     (scale-quantum-to-byte blue))))))
+  pixels-pointer)
 (defmethod gfg:size ((self magick-data-plugin))
   (let ((handle (gfs:handle self))
         (size (gfs:make-size)))
@@ -161,3 +120,9 @@
           (destroy-image handle))
       (destroy-exception-info ex)))
+(defmethod cffi:translate-to-foreign ((lisp-obj magick-data-plugin)
+                                      (name (eql 'gfs::bitmapinfo-pointer)))
+  ;; FIXME: assume true-color for now
+  ;;
+  (gfg::make-initial-bitmapinfo lisp-obj))

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