[gamelib-cvs] demo-stick.lisp

Ingvar Mattsson imattsson at common-lisp.net
Wed Dec 27 21:27:12 UTC 2006

Update of /project/gamelib/cvsroot/source/doc
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv13888/doc

Added Files:
Log Message:
  Initial check-in.

--- NEW FILE: demo-stick.lisp ---
(in-package :net.hexapodia.games-stick)

(defvar *display* (xlib:open-default-display))
(defvar *screen* (car (xlib:display-roots *display*)))
(defvar *win* (xlib:create-window :parent (xlib:screen-root *screen*)
				  :width 200 :x 10 :y 10
				  :height 150))
(defvar *black* (xlib:screen-black-pixel *screen*))
(defvar *white* (xlib:screen-white-pixel *screen*))

(defvar *js* (net.hexapodia.games-stick:make-stick "/dev/input/js0"))

(defun update ()
  (update-stick *js*)
  (xlib:draw-rectangle *win* *white* 0 0 200 150 t)
  (xlib:display-force-output *display*)
  (xlib:draw-rectangle *win* *black* 10 10 100 100)
  (let ((x-offset (round (+ 60 (* 50 (aref (axes *js*) 0)))))
	(y-offset (round (+ 60 (* 50 (aref (axes *js*) 1)))))
	(twist (+ 60 (round (* 50 (aref (axes *js*) 3)))))
	(throttle (+ 60 (round (* 50 (aref (axes *js*) 2))))))
    (xlib:draw-line *win* *black* x-offset (- y-offset 5) x-offset (+ y-offset 5))
    (xlib:draw-line *win* *black* (- x-offset 5) y-offset (+ x-offset 5) y-offset)
    (xlib:draw-line *win* *black* twist 120 twist 130)
    (xlib:draw-line *win* *black* 120 throttle 130 throttle)
    (loop for n from 0
	  for bitt across (buttons *js*)
	  do (multiple-value-bind (y x)
		 ( truncate n 4)
	       (let ((x (+ 135 (* 10 x)))
		     (y (+ 10 (* 10 y))))
		 (xlib:draw-arc *win* *black* x y 6 6 0 (* 2 pi) (not (zerop bitt))))))
  (xlib:display-force-output *display*))

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