[fiveam-devel] patch to RESULTS-STATUS

Robert Goldman rpgoldman at sift.info
Sun Nov 25 00:52:06 UTC 2012

On 11/17/12 Nov 17 -10:45 PM, Stelian Ionescu wrote:
> On Mon, 2012-09-10 at 13:53 -0500, Robert Goldman wrote:
>> RESULTS-STATUS tells you if there are any non-"TEST-PASSED" results.
>> But it doesn't provide any way for you to get your hands on these
>> results.  Originally, I thought that one could simply test for them, but
>> the results categories aren't actually exported from FiveAM, so this is
>> difficult.
>> To make it easier to find "interesting" results, I modified
>> RESULTS-STATUS to return a second value.  The first value is a boolean,
>> as before, telling you if the tests all passed.  If they didn't, the
>> second value is now a list of the non-passing results.
>> I believe this to be a benign change from the standpoint of backward
>> compatibility, since anyone just looking for a single return value will
>> get the same boolean value as before.
>> It's possible that the actual value --- not interpreted as a boolean ---
>> will be different, since the new code uses REMOVE-IF instead of EVERY.
>> But if a caller takes information out of the results list in a function
>> whose documentation proclaims it to be boolean, I submit that the caller
>> is doing so at his/her own risk!
>> Proposed patch is attached.
> Applied with some modifications, thanks :)
Question: should we bump the ASDF version lisp-expr to indicate that
this return variable is available?  I.e., move to version 1.1?

Not a big deal, but it's nice to stick to the convention that a change
in the API merits a .1 version bump....


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