[elephant-devel] Having trouble getting started with postmodern

Joubert Nel joubert at joubster.com
Wed Jan 16 06:20:14 UTC 2008


I just got the latest Elephant from darcs as specified at the top of

I'm trying to use postmodern and am using the code in /tests as guidance
since I can't find any documentation on using postmodern. Unless I'm
mistaken, the ele-postmodern.asd file's defsystem appears wrong to me.

The part ":depends-on (:postmodern" --> is this right? I get an error
when ele-postmodern is loaded by ASDF, complaining about :POSTMODERN.

(defsystem ele-postmodern
  :name "ele-postmodern"
  :author "Henrik Hjelte <hhjelte at common-lisp.net>"
  :version "0.6.0"
  :licence "LLGPL"
  :description "Elephant postmodern postgresql backend"
  ((:module :src
            ((:module :db-postmodern
		      ((:file "package")
                       (:file "pm-sql")
                       (:file "pm-controller")
	                   (:file "pm-cache")
	           	       (:file "pm-transaction")
   	                   (:file "pm-btree")
                       (:file "pm-cursor")
                       (:file "pm-btree-index")
                       (:file "pm-indexed-btree")
                       (:file "pm-secondary"))
		      :serial t))))
  :depends-on (:postmodern


component :POSTMODERN not found, required by
#<SYSTEM "ele-postmodern" {1003E80AD1}>
   [Condition of type ASDF:MISSING-DEPENDENCY]


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